ATTACKED (at last)
My experience in presenting to the NSW Highlands Branch of the Royal Society 16 February 2023
I was honoured by the invitation to present COVID information to the NSW Highlands Branch of the Royal Society – a historical society dedicated to scientific thought and debate with notable past speakers including Issac Newton, Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking…….and now, little old me at the Moss Vale RSL.
As expected, a handful of people in the audience were so shocked by the facts I presented that they left before my talk ended. I fully understand that the realisation what is really going on with COVID can be quite confronting in light of the government and media censorship. However, almost all others asked me to stay on and do a Q&A. As always, it was an emotional experience for me as the warmth and gratitude was palpable with many people thanking me and wanting to shake my hand. It is truly humbling. This is the sort of thing that keeps me going and often brings a tear to my eyes.
However, one Member of the Royal Society (who interrupted my talk frequently to argue various points presented) lodged a COMPLAINT TO THE ROYAL SOCIETY. I present below that complaint from Dr. B [name withheld] and my response………..
To: Royal Society of NSW
Dear [Member of Royal Society – Members name withheld],
I've been attending Royal Society presentations for the past 3 years and have thoroughly enjoyed most of those I attended.
I’m writing this email with a heavy heart as I’m sure you will be disappointed with this feedback.
Dr Phillip Altman’s presentation was a travesty! I was tempted on several occasions to walk out which I have never done in my scientific career! In the end I did as I couldn’t listen to his diatribe any longer.
He didn’t deliver information which was fair balanced during his presentation and misrepresented significant information about Covid. I appreciate we need to hear different sides to what is occurring in the world however he failed to give appropriate balance to his data. This presentation is standard in the scientific world as I’m sure you would know.
Although I am retired now, I have worked in the Big Pharma industry for over 45 years as a Pharmacist, and PhD pharmacologist in many different roles in marketing and clinical research and had many colleagues interact significantly with the FDA and the TGA. I worked in the US in Big Pharma for 30 years so have considerable expense with the integrity of the FDA. Dr. Altman has significantly derided these prestigious organisations (and world leaders) which is so inappropriate as they fully evaluate the safety and efficacy of all pharmaceutical products.
I was sitting with a well credentialed doctor and she felt the same way as I did. More importantly he caused great anxiety amongst many attendees and gave totally incorrect information about mask wearing, established safety in all populations and the impact of Covid on countries around the world.
After this disgusting presentation I searched for his credentials on the Internet to find that his voice is found on conspiracy websites only and he isn’t an authority on Covid as he presented himself to be.
If this is going to be the standard of speakers at the Royal Society - Southern Highlands Branch in the future I won’t be attending.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. B [name withheld]
Dear Members of the Royal Society,
Re: Complaint about Dr. Altman - Dr. B [name withheld]
It has come to my attention that Dr. B [name withheld], who attended my Royal Society presentation in Moss Vale on 16 February 2023, has lodged a complaint against me.
I attach the email correspondence which was devoid of any factual basis for the complaint. Dr. B [name withheld] email contained only person opinions and several derogatory remarks in relation to my character. This is regrettable. Dr. B [name withheld] opinions appear to be based in part on her trust in on-line conspiracy websites.
In addition, the Royal Society should note Dr. James Rowe’s comments in reply and should understand that Dr. Rowe is a well-known pharmaceutical industry expert of unsurpassed experience. I am particularly concerned that Dr. B [name withheld] irresponsible and unfounded comments may reflect upon Dr. Rowe.
On the night the audio-visual system completely failed and Dr. [name withheld] did not have the benefit of seeing detailed official data and evidence in full support of my presentation. I attach copy of my presentation slides for the benefit of Dr. B [name withheld] and the copy list.
Had Dr. B [name withheld] been acquainted with my work over the last 3 years on this topic, she would have observed that I take particular care to document and reference all my many public presentations and published papers.
Had Dr. B [name withheld] done just a little research she would have discovered that my views are held completely by such distinguished and notable Australian figures as Prof. Wendy Hoy AO FAA FRACP (Professor of Medicine of the University of Queensland) and Australia’s most eminent immunologist and vaccine expert Emeritus Prof. Robert Clancy AM MB BS BSc(Med) PhD DSc FRACP FRCP(A) FRS(N) – both of whom fully support my work and I am proud to say I continue to work closely with both of these highly dedicated individuals as well as many others internationally.
Contrary to Dr.B [name withheld], I do not issue personal attacks on those that have divergent views to myself. Rather, I prefer to point those people to factual information so they can use their own intellect and reveal the truth for themselves. I encourage dignified debate but in my experience those with opposing views avoid this. Many opposing voices simply refuse to investigate or critically appraise the existing data as it is too emotionally confronting - this well-known phenomena is called “cognitive dissonance” – Galileo would have recognised it. This phenomena is explainable and understandable in light of the obvious government censorship of important Covid information.
The issue of Covid “vaccine” safety (or lack thereof) is too important to be dismissed out of hand without investigation.
I made a special point at the beginning of my presentation to refer to attendees to my Substack website which is very well referenced. Readers of this email may go to
It is worthy to note that I have been highly visible in the Covid space in terms of publications, podcasts and international live interviews for about 2 years. Since that time, I have never experienced an attack like that issued by Dr.B [name withheld]. She should do her homework and then apologise.
It is gratifying that so many people stayed on after my formal presentation for a Q&A session and afterwards offered their heartfelt appreciation for delivering important Covid information. Everywhere I go, the expression of gratitude and personal warmth is similar. It has given me hope that, in doing the work that I do, as an individual I can make a real difference and offer help in these challenging times.
I am not an “anti-vaxer”……I have never made any public statements about conventional vaccines. I have restricted my comments on the experimental gene-based “vaccines” which the US Center for Disease Control have reportedly caused more death and serious adverse events than any drug in history even though they have only been used for 2 years.
In closing, you will recall I pleaded for people to “do their homework”. I hope that anyone reading this reply will do so.
Given the remarkable pedigree and philosophical basis of the Royal Society, I would be prepared to speak in Sydney to a wider audience and participate in a Q&A session for the benefit of attendees. There is no other topic more worthy of critical analysis.
Finally, I congratulate the Royal Society for its choice of motto which rings in my ears [“Nullius in verba” or “take nobody’s word for it”] and I thank the Royal Society Highlands Branch for the opportunity to speak.
Dr. Phillip Altman
Clinical Trial & Drug Regulatory Affairs Consultant
Great response! What a pity the technical glitch prevented this doctor from seeing the evidence on your slide presentation. But it may be that even that would not have been sufficient to entice this person to question the Official Narrative - I had the same experience with two doctor friends when I tried to get them to look at the evidence on ivermectin - they refused, merely referring me to a Facebook guru-doctor who was "debunking" ivermectin research showing benefits. Two evolutionary biologists I graduated with similarly have never responded to my appeals to read the research of Gert Vanden Bossche's warnings. Easier to attack the messenger of such inconvenient information.
Keep going Phillip this is just a sign confirming that YOU ARE RIGHT OVER THE TARGET