After all the errors of judgement…..after all the deaths and serious injuries from the Covid injections…..after all the denial of freedoms…….after all the ruthless police crackdowns…….after all the damage to businesses…….after all the unnecessary bullying and demonisation of those who did not wish to get injected with dangerous experimental genetic material…..after all the disastrous vaccine mandates and other bad advice from so-called “health experts” - we were promised a Royal Commission into the COVID mess by our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese.
You would think of all Royal Commissions, this would be the most important. If there can be a Royal Commission in to pink batts…..surely, surely, this was more important.
Listen to United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet ask for a Royal Commission on the management of the COVID “pandemic” policies to the Australian Senate:
CLICK HERE to view (9 minutes).
But this appeal was denied by the Australian Senators listed below (with their Twitter address).
These Australian Senators do not care if you live or die. They do not care if you have been injured by the Covid injections. They do not care to admit they have made mistakes. They do not care to change course for the next pandemic which is coming.
All they care about is their job and themselves.
Our job is to make sure they do not get re-elected. Another broken promise from Albanese.
Here is the LIST OF SHAME (thanks to Meryl Dorey Substack 8 August):
Tim Ayers Labor NSW
Nita Green Labor NSW
Tony Sheldon Labor NSW
David Shoebridge Greens NSW
Mehreen Faruqi Greens NSW
Helen Polly Labor TAS
Anne Urquhart Labor TAS
Carol Brown Labor TAS
Peter Whish-Wilson Greens TAS
Nick McKim Greens TAS
Karen Grogan Labor SA
Louise Pratt Labor SA
Sarah Hanson-Young Greens SA
Don Farrell Labor SA (No Twitter) Marielle Smith Labor SA
Barbara Pocock Greens SA
Jess Walsh Labor VIC
Janet Rice Labor VIC
Raff Ciccone Labor VIC
Linda White Labor VIC
Jana Stewart Labor VIC
Anthony Chisholm Labor QLD
Larissa Waters Greens QLD
Sue Lines Labor WA
Dorinda Cox Greens WA
Fatima Payman Labor WA
Glenn Steele Labor WA
Malarndirri McCarthy Labor NT
Katy Gallagher Labor ACT
Shame on those 29 Senators. I can only believe that they are serving self interest and not the Australian people. We deserve better as a nation. For those who voted in favour of the Royal Commission- congratulations on your desire to bring some accountability to the government. Keep fighting for justice for all those whose lives will never be the same as a result of the wrong decisions made regarding Covid. I cannot believe how any senator who cares for our nation could vote NO to this Royal Commission.
To “ not care “ implies a passive something, an absence perhaps ? I’m inclined to think these senator’s are actively anti human and on the payroll of Gates n his mates.
Thank you Phillip.