If our drug regulator, the TGA, does not investigate immediately, they should be disbanded.
The case for the immediate suspension of the experimental gene-based so-called COVID “vaccines” has been building for almost 2 years. Enough is enough. If our drug regulator, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) does not act NOW to consider the suspension these dangerous injections, in my view, they are jeopardising the health of tens of thousands of Australians and they should be disbanded.
To view the latest alarming evidence reviewed by Dr. John Campbell CLICK HERE.
The Campbell episode recorded 16 April in the UK presented evidence generated by the highly regarded expert German pathologist Prof. Arne Burkardt. It showed the appearance of huge rubbery blood vessel casts post-mortem in people who died post-vaccination. These people did not die of COVID-19 – it looks probable that they died following the COVID injections and the rubbery casts developed when the blood of injected individuals was let to stand and cooled. The casts were not likely to be present in living individuals as this would be incompatible to life. It is a serious mystery which must be solved urgently.
The presence of large rubbery casts in the blood vessels of deceased post-injected individuals is not new. A shocking video was streamed on 21 Nov. 2022 (Died Suddenly) and Big Pharma moved quickly to try and debunk the evidence using collaborators in Big Tech and connected “fact checkers”. But you can decide for yourself if what you see is real. CLICK HERE to see the controversial video. It is useful to note the observations in the video and those of Prof. Burkardt coincide.
Additional commentary on autopsy related histopathology by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi can be found HERE.
At the very minimum, information of this type should prompt an emergency safety review by the TGA to determine if the observations can be verified, what is the nature of the mysterious rubbery casts and what is the risk of serious adverse effects and/or death. DO YOUR JOB TGA!
Let’s be clear….there has been a massive amount of censorship of the dangers of the COVID “vaccines” in both the main stream news media and the medical literature. But the case for the suspension or total withdrawal of these so-called “vaccines” could not be stronger. There is an impressive array of evidence in relation to these “vaccines” which, without any doubt, would normally trigger a drug regulator to suspend or withdraw these products. In fact, only a small fraction of this evidence would normally be required for the drug regulator to act.
We have never seen the “expert health advice” regarding the use of these experimental gene-based COVID “vaccines” often touted by our Chief Health Officers. We do not know who gave the advice or the commercial relationship between the “experts” giving the advice and Big Pharma. More often than not, there are major conflicts of interest operating but we are never told of these conflicts of interest. This is unacceptable.
Until further notice, it would seem prudent to treat any COVID “vaccine” safety statements coming from our TGA with a high degree of suspicion. So far, in my opinion, they have failed to tell the truth and it does appear they are covering up the true incidence of serious adverse events and deaths associated with the experimental injections.
The TGA, Skerritt, Murphy, Hazzard and Chant all have blood on their hands. Pfizer’s non clinical report showed reg flags that should have halted the roll out. No one should have been mandated into the clinical trial. These parasites need to face justice and quickly🙏
AND, still they are pushing the jab! What universe are they living in?