My question for the 'honest cardiologist'. If you knew what was in the jabs, why did you recommend them? If you didn't know what was in the jabs, why did you recommend them? And still recommending Novavax.....

A lot of us worked this out pretty early on in this planned democide, thanks to those who were willing to have their careers destroyed in order to tell us the truth.

TPTB are trying to rewrite history.

I'll never forget or forgive.

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But this isn't like say Nazi Germany. I think too many people are complicit for people to be called out. Who's going to do it? Too many doctors, scientists, bureaucrats, media ... just too many. It will be very interesting to see if it's ever called out, if any heads roll. I honestly don't think they will even though thousands of people are dying and being injured. It's simply incredible. It's not the first time. HIV and AIDS is another scandal ... and it's still going. I mean doesn't Fauci fear going to hell because if anyone deserves to it's him.

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Dr Ross Walker is a regular contributor to 6PR in Perth. I recall him repeatedly urging people to have the vaccines. He seems to have changed his tune a little.

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He was a regular on Liam Bartletts morning show on 6PR

Bartlett was quite frankly a jab pushing nut case, gaslighting people who rang up with alternative views as weirdo anti vaxxers and belittling people who rang up to tell them of their jab symptoms.

I sent Bartlett loads of information from genuine sources like Peter McCullogh, John Ioannidis, Mike Yeadon and many others.

He never responded once.

He is obviously a cowardly bought and sold big pharma operative.

And to think he missed out on the biggest story ever in the world because he is gutless. So many Australians being completely UnAustralian.

He has left 6 PR but it doesn’t matter to me as I don’t listen to any MSM - it’s basically all lies, false flags or ‘news’ to take heat of what really is going on.

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There was also this large real world study of 700,000 people from Israel showing that the incidence of Myocarditis/Pericarditis was not elevated post Covid infection (positive PCR) in the unvaccinated.


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We have all learned that there are vested interests in medical research. One must be very careful when assessing information and from whom it came and how they are funded, directly or indirectly. Big Pharma instigates many papers to counter what we are all seeing in the real world. More than a thousand professional athletes have dropped dead for no apparent reason. Insurance companies are reporting a 40%+ increase in sudden deaths in the apparently healthy insured workforce. This cannot be ignored. The overwhelming body of evidence points to an unexplained sudden cardiac death following the introduction of the COVID injections. Our once proud medical research institutes have proven themselves to be a disappointment in the COVID debate. They have not reflected on the bad covid advice given by themselves or the government.

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"It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled"

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I wondered about Simon Crean and Kimberley Kitching. It way past time these injections were taken off market. So much evidence of heart problems, inflammation, immune diseases,reduced birth rates, excess deaths.

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Australian Govt still pushing 6 monthly vaccinations

Half the world has stopped bothering with them

Liked oz better when people thought a bit for themslelves

Too many seem to like boasting about being righteous

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So far I have not seen any write-up on Simon CREAN death and connection to vaccine??

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And you won’t!!

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A family member recently sent me this link. Would anyone here be able to fully dissect this research and then to comment on this report so I can understand it better. Thanks


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Is this the same Ross Walker who's been recommending the VAX for the past two years on 2GB?

2GB, where the morning radio host, Ray Hadley. has been calling anyone against the VAX as a conspiracy theorist. Hadley. who took the VAX, has had heart trouble ever since and who said "it's notting to do with the VAX".

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 Covid-19 Hoax Cover-up: 300+ Medical Journals are being Deleted

With so many people dead and injured from the covid mandates and injections, medical journals that published BS science to support the genocidal agenda, are scrubbing the record to hide their guilt.


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 Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine produces the toxic Spike protein in Human Body Even after 2 Years

With an explosive study, a microbiologist confirms the tremendous alteration of the DNA in the blood of a former Swiss banker injured by the jabs of the mRNA genic serum.


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 The Canaries in the Human DNA Mine

The claims by Pfizer and Moderna repeated by regulators and complicit politicians that modRNAs do not enter the cell nucleus, and reverse transcribe into the Human Genome, were lies, made knowingly. Over four decades of scientific knowledge that started with a Nobel Prize only pointed to modRNAs integrating into the Human Genome, the knowledge of Retroposition. The WHO and regulatory experts everywhere did not want to inform the global population about these facts.


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Jun 27, 2023Edited
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