'This is not incompetence.....something much more sinister is going on.'

Yes, intentional depopulation is going on.

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I feel some ambivalence about the “ like “ option these days 😳.

I am in agreement ....sinister it is.

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How else can you explain it...other than what you say? You can't.

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It is astonishingly blind and dare I say it corrupt that these statistics are not on the front page of every newspaper, social media outlet and television news cycle. Thank you Dr Altman for your honesty and hard work.

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The same group of ‘people’ who fund and own the TGA, own big pharma also own the media and also the banking industry, in fact every industry you can think of - it is all layed out here.

Blackrock, Vanguard, State St have a majority shareholding in everything worth owning.

Think Bunnings for EX, Wesfarmers own Bunnings, Vanguard is majority shareholder in Wesfarmers, Vanguard is majority shareholder in Pfizer.

Bunnings employees mandated for jab, jabs in Bunnings car park backed by Politicians who Pfizer sponsor/donate liberal and Labour.

And so it goes ….. on and on

Fascinating video


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I agree but do they own us ?

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Pretty well yes.

Most people have zero zip zilch idea of what they are attempting to unfold on humanity.

These are the ‘people’ who own the Federal reserve in the US and BIS which controls all the banks.

Whether the world population is 7 billion or 1 billion they will still own everything.

They own the money and the printing presses.

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I understand. But do they own you ? Do they own me ?

If we focus on “ most people “ we are at risk of yelling “ give us Barabbus”. Because that is what crowds do, it is something which happens to them. They develop….are drawn into a ( group/crowd mind ).

Jesus knew that and all of His , wrote to us, about it. Now we must each choose….in my humble opinion.

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Don’t think there is a difference between manage….and control on this context. But, never ever ever give up I reckon.

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Virus isolation has never happened. It's fraud from top to bottom.

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It's all NANOTECH i have all the patents on my substack

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You can see the nanotech on Dr Young's websit

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Really glad you elected to explain Phillip. It is very helpful and few do so these days. Almost as cognitive dissonance is now a default .

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Murphy and those of their ilk who basked in the glow of their elevated positions and failed to discharge their duty of protecting Australians must now face the music. They were in charge and no amount of weasel words and I’ll take it on notice will do. They are sock puppets for the puppeteers but they are still accountable as they could not have failed to know the truth but in any case it’s a dereliction of duty and now a desperate attempt at obfuscation. Keep up the pressure Phillip.

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Don't forget the politicians....the 'health experts' are just puppets of the politicians - appointed and paid for. All the politicians in charge of the madness should be held as accountable as their appointed 'experts'. Frankly they all deserve the gallows.

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I’m inclined to think that the politicians are mere pawns in this whole game that is being adjudicated by global elitists whose public face is on display at Davos and intentions in the UN’s various pronouncements.

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These parasites wear their corruption as a badge of honour. We need a strong, ethical and moral justice system that can shut down this criminal cartel 🙏

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roughly half a million with some sort of heart damage.

Notwithstanding the other known side effects.

And then there is the Turbo Cancers.

I strongly suspect it is in the best Interests of the TGA to obfuscate and delay for as long as possible.

For their own health (vigilantism) and monetary safety (getting their rear ends sued).

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Dr Altman has saved my life. After I saw his videos, I wrote to AMPS asking for a G.P. who had seen them. And the doctor I got treated me for my injuries. I firmly believe that if Dr Altman had not had the courage and integrity to make those presentations I would have died of my body attacking itself, attacking spike protein in brain or heart.

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I have all the spike preteen PATENTS in my substack

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With all this criminal intent from our TGA, Medical Profession and government politicians who now have had time to "fess"up and say "sorry, we got it wrong", how on earth are we going to trust that they will say "NO" to the looming WHO Pandemic Treaty/IHR amendments which will enforce mandatory vaccines for every man, woman and child? This decision should be by REFERENDUM only. DO NOT COMPLY!

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Shocking stuff Phil. Not surprised that our meeting with that MP last week had the (lack of) result. He took copious notes...to pretend he was going to look into it. Then he tried to say "oh but at the time we did not have this information" I of course chimed in saying "we had plenty of sceptics but they were all censored". LOL turns out this particular Lib senator (Paul Fletcher) was the *author* of the monstrosity censorship bill making its way through

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The government censored social media right from the start.

They knew!.


With the Government tax breaks he also controlled the MSM which ultimately is owned by the cabal anyway.

Channel 9 is an example - the 3rd biggest shareholder is Vanguard who are the biggest Pfizer shareholder.

Macquarie group is the 2nd biggest shareholder of 9 and Macquarie groups biggest and 2nd biggest shareholders are Vanguard and Vanguard investment.

And so on and so forth ……….

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You're driving them into a dead end Phillip, of which there is no escape. The language they use in the link below, imo, confirms their obligations to ALL Australian's is not fairdinkum & they are poking deadly fun at us. Maybe you could consider a hall of shame by naming names every week, their profile & professional obligations that they have abused. Plenty of material there. ownhttps://www.tga.gov.au/safety/product-recalls/recall-natural-instinct-kids-spf50-clean-sunscreen

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Their language makes my throw up.."The TGA cannot give advice about an individual's medical condition. You are strongly encouraged to talk with a health professional if you are concerned about a possible adverse event associated with a medicine or vaccine." Is this obviscation

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Dr Altman, I just saw your video with Hoody’s Heroes.

Thank you for bringing up the Israeli study of over 700,000 people that showed the incidence of Myocarditis in the unvaccinated after a positive Covid test was no higher than the normal background rate. Unfortunately this was not the case in the vaccinated arm.

Covid 19 - a positive test or the disease, whichever camp your in, does not cause Myocarditis/Pericarditis, it is the vaccine and they know it. Someone made a lot of money rolling out defibrillators in shopping centres/parks/street corners and now bus stops in NSW. They Know.

Can you please get this study to Senator Roberts/Rennick … in a number of the Senate estimates they are told Covid gives you Myo/Pericarditis and their peers in the room all nod in agreement.

They need this data/study. Thank you again.

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TGA is a rubber stamp for the FDA/CDC.

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Go check out all the PATENTS on my substack

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The world as we all knew it in 2019 is OVER and it NEVER EVER coming back. Those like us who endured and survived are all tasked with the enormous task of rebuilding and creating the post-war world. Whether we like it or not, we were all born for this. It is our collective destiny.


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To acknowledge what they have done would be an admission of crimes against humanity. This includes the TGA which knew about the 1223 deaths in the Pfizer trial and still went ahead and didn’t cease the vaccine.

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If they all die then it's going according to OPERATION COVIDIUS Plans, if they don't die they will only create more financial burden to the Island's Health sector.

So it seems that another round of m[iracle]RNA toxic spew is in order!

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