Best news in this hemisphere New Zealand has rejected these amendments! Go Kiwis! Come on Aussies - tell Albo & Health Minister Mark Butler, who responded to 55,697 Aussies signing a petition on this with lies, that we REJECT the WHO attempt to speed up their power grab. Just say NO.

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That's great news! Is there a link you can share about this please?

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Not on MSN so far! Dr Aseem Malhotra has tweeted about it and that is what our info is.

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I saw this somewhere else, but I’ve been reading a million emails today, and now can’t find it.😕

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Great to hear NZ has started to realise how they have been conned since 2019. Mick.

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I think the Māori may be influencing gov’t. Just a theory.

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I sent an email as follows:

1. Went to https://australiaexitsthewho.com/jscot

2. Clicked where it says You can send an email today

3. Clicked Step 1 Click here to copy the letter (Step 2 didn't work)

4. Pasted into an email

5. In addressees pasted emails below:


















6. Entered my own subject

7. Addressed email to Dear Joint Standing Committee on Treaties members

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Thank you!

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Thanks, I found it quite easy to use, just have to make sure you confirm it when the email comes into your email box and possibly into your junk mail.

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Thankyou!!!! :)))))

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The Estonian Parliament does not sell its citizens:

From Estonian Parliament: "Hereby the Republic of Estonia, on the basis of Article 22 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, declares that it rejects and does not consent to the international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, as well as complementary amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) and improving the sustainability of financing of WHO." Document creation date: 22.11.2023


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Dr Altman - Can you add this link to this post - It makes it easier for people to find the people pictured in your post. https://australiaexitsthewho.com/jscot/


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I have emailed those WA lot previously on a couple of occasions now. Apart from the auto-responders, I have never had a single follow-up reply from any of them! Crickets are louder than that bunch.

I will certainly remember when the next election comes and those pratts start bleating for attention.

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Give your own MP's office plus any locals in your area - JSCOT Chair is Josh Wilson in WA. Politely ask if they have your email and insist that you want a reply. They ignore emails otherwise. The reason we want them sent from www.mysaymatters.com.au is because we can see how many have been sent to hold them accountable. Thanks for your help.

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Can't get the website to work

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You will need to send the email manually and copy all the addresses over - their website never works for me either.

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Contact them it is supposed to. I have used it.

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I sent them an email, it’s still not working

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I wrote a whole letter, then clicked the next stage, and the whole thing disappeared! This was about 2 weeks ago, I think. I can’t keep track of days. But the email worked. Just now, I couldn’t get it to work again.

I’ve sent that many emails to my local member, he replied once, with a weak email, so I kept at him. All he did was say that he’d already answered my question, re WHO.

But I had emailed JSCOT before this tool came out, so I’ve emailed them twice, and will try again.

We can never give up!!!

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They do that in the hope that we will go away and they can then say they don’t understand don’t ch reckon ?

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Yep!! They must know that we know!

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I emailed Mark Butler, also-no reply. I mentioned about the survey he ignored.😡

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I had to refresh the page.

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Phillip, I find the links on the Take Action panel don't go anywhere. When I right-click and copy address I get "Void(0);".

For Americans especially this is very interesting information which follows the historical path to where we are now. From Conspiracy Sarah: https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/p/happy-holidayslets-talk

Following up on potential holiday conversations….

This is based on the extensive work of Katherine Watt, who provides her invaluable work at Bailiwick News.

I’ve spend some time initiating conversation with “normies”.

These conversations are more “have-able” these days, and I’ve found that wording is important, and should be succinct. It’s also helpful to have supportive evidence (see HERE).

Have a conversation.

I’ve found that most people are interested to know….

--- Are you aware that you took a vaccine under emergency conditions and your informed consent was waived?

--- Are you aware that, absent of informed consent (see [42 USC 247d-6d(b)(9)][42 USC 247d-6d(b)(7)]), you received a “medical countermeasure”, not a medical product?

--- Did you know that the EUA Program authorized the HHS Secretary, at his or her sole discretion, to knowingly, deliberately, suspend federal drug safety regulation for the duration of any "public health emergency" as determined and extended by the HHS Secretary at his or her sole discretion, including but not limited to:

1. non-clinical, pre-clinical and clinical trial standards

2. data collection

3. regulatory review procedures

4. raw material, manufacturing process and product testing standards

5. product labeling and serialization

6. product distribution and storage standards

7. advertising and marketing standards

8. physician prescription requirements

9. product dispensing • informed consent obligations on investigators and rights for individual human recipients;

10. adverse effect monitoring and reporting

11. product safety enforcement and recall provisions

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Can you name the MP's in th pictures? I only recognise Matt Canavan and surely hes not voting in favour of the WHO?

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Don’t expect any politician to do what the public wants.☹️

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Go direct to the website.

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Thanks. Seems like lots of folks were having issues - which they fixed a couple of hours after my comment. Sent emails to all. 👍

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We, the people of the UK, decline the World Health Organisation Treaty and have concluded that the WHO is now CORRUPT and no longer fit for it's original intended purpose.

Furthermore, we now declare the WHO obsolete and defunct, since it was 'bought' by Bill Gates's massive financial contributions making him the controlling INFLUENCER of the WHO!

NO to the divisive WHO TREATY - we now terminate the existence of the WHO! End of story!

I speak on behalf of all UK residents that realise the WHO has been CORRUPTED and the supposed Treaty's sinister intentions.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots since 2020.

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Hello Australia, NZ pushed back against the WHO Amendments to the IHR with a People's Letter. As our government is not listening we started one for Australia today, that will be delivered to the WHO by the deadline for rejection on Friday. Takes 5 seconds & a few clicks to do: https://www.standupnowaustralia.com.au/the-peoples-letter

Please share!

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Hello Australia, NZ pushed back against the WHO Amendments to the IHR with a People's Letter. As our government is not listening we started one for Australia today, that will be delivered to the WHO by the deadline for rejection on Friday. Takes 5 seconds & a few clicks to do: https://www.standupnowaustralia.com.au/the-peoples-letter

Please share!

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Is that Maori as in indigenous tribes of Polynesia (New Zeeland)? Have they even got 'influence' in governmental issues in such a 'white' dominated country? Mick.

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Please tell the people who manage http://www.mysaymatters.com.au/ that the website functions are not working (Buttons JavaScript void?).

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Isn’t it that just Australia(and other countries), if they keep silent on this, that it’s the same as voting for it? Doesn’t Aus. have to send correspondence refuting this amendment, to have a say in stopping it? Or am I getting mixed up with the other stuff WHO have been/are doing to us all?

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This is very complicated, I’ve read your substack, and quite frankly don’t know how to do what you are asking

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