I neglected to insert the link to view John Campbell's podcast on the report just published and also the Adam Creighton piece in The Australian - my apologies. Also, it is important to distinguish the scientific data (troponin levels) with the author's opinions of the data. No doubt, this paper will stimulate much debate and discussion. Watch who says what and what are their connections with the Pharma industry.

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Eloquent as usual Sir, unfortunately the health authorities you mention continue to push these most lethal injections in history on the Australian people- having dug themselves such a deep hole I will be very surprised if any of them even suggests they might have been wrong, let alone admit to their role in culpable homicide on a scale never before witnessed 🤔I’m disgusted at their complete disregard for human life & lust for power. I’d expect a vote of no confidence or even the Gov General to step in and dissolve this fiasco of a government.... but.... doubt we’ll see that

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"... having dug themselves such a deep hole I will be very surprised if any of them even suggests they might have been wrong, let alone admit to their role in culpable homicide ..."

They will feel no need to do so, as they will feel absolutely no pressure (and almost certainly no guilt, either) - where/how could or would pressure be applied?

The courts and judges are directly answerable to government, and the police and the military are on the government payroll, which are arrangements that have all been readied in place as a result of the long-anticipated, well-funded, and decisively-provoked contingency.

The people? Well, let's just say that the proverbial chickens are finally coming home to roost.

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Yes I saw that paper - very clear - to all those willing to see - ie not the criminals at TGA . My God those people will burn in hell for what they have done - especially to our children.

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I rather have them feel the heat while still alive. Hell is not reliable enough for me.

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The Australian immunization handbook also states that coercion is a big no NO!

Coercion was the only time we could have fought this but unfortunately 'the majority ' was already brainwashed, poisoned into apathy by flouide and other jabs and potions ( medicine) that it was highly likely that most people couldn't tell you the meaning of the word.

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Lame-stream media have blood in their hands for not telling the truth to the public. Thank you Dr Altman

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It, too, all needs to be dismantled, utterly torn-down, brick-by-brick.

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Excellent work, thank you for.posting the links also

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Excellently presented , quality information... the contents we all knew were taking place , painstakingly documented

Action must be taken ... now

Informed consent was, is and will remain the key to bring about awareness , distribution of facts , and the bringing of the big 3 - BIG Pharma , ( no so big on ethics )

BIG media - (prepared to lie & distort in profit making with Pharma in sync whilst denying mayhem & death )

Puny Political ... they are not big , but poor deniers of fact - went with the ‘ money ‘ in lieu of their own constituents

Many thanks Phillip Altman

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They will not stop until they see some resistance and as yet there has been very little

White man got the blame for slavery , but we didn't start it at all, we ENDED It, white man gets the blame for destroying the indigenous but again whilst there were most certainly whites amongst them, the fact is that the country wasn't founded by whites at all, just made to look like it was , and so now , "apparently" the whites are the Cancer of History..just one more thing "our" government is not ours at all and hasn't been for a very long time , not sure why otherwise smart people can't get it yet ,, even with the covid shots . Rockerfella is behind "Australian Health" and Rothschild's are the Crown, we do not have a lawful government police force or court system , why would anyopne expect justice ?

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The TGA is so captured. Who will they throw under the bus first🤔

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No one. They are untouchable, as are the governments.

And - let's make no bones about this - this situation has been tolerated, if not completely ignored, because it suited us to leave them alone to get done *what we thought they should be doing*, and on the same token, they'd leave us alone to get on with our careers, making money, paying bills, consuming and spending, etc. etc.

Now it's obvious that this was what they wanted all along: that we would be sufficiently distracted and channelised into pursuing careers, making money, paying bills, consuming and spending, etc. etc., all activities and goals that they themselves devised and programmed us to strive for while they exploited our ambition, industry, creativity for their profits and taxes, and all the while preparing the kill box for us when they deemed us no longer necessary to their plans.

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Jul 27, 2023
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If by "they" you mean the TGA, then unlikely. On the contrary, they're living high on the hog with all that filthy lucre they've had showered on them as reward by their masters for a job well done.

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Phillip, thank you for your excellent work

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CD68 macrophages found in mRNA jab induced Myocarditis explained.


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Such a serious situation.

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yep - what we all need to understand is - heat is good - cold is bad

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My Daughter and family have Indigenous heritage. Like Jacinta Price. They want to be identified as humans. Not singled out as a different. Vote NO to Hate and division NO TO anything you don't want them to do to you and your family

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If 4 Billion re river the shots over 100 Million would have compromised hearts. And most of them young people, not average age of 87 with four co-minorities. The excess mortality rates already tell a story. Let's look at the middle and long term trend. And the NSW health website still strongly encourages everyone above 6 months of age to take the Covid one tion AND the flu injection. By now, I lost all concern for those people who still listen to that. There is no cure for stupidity but tremendous suffering. The Buddha knew that: "A smart horse runs on the shadow of the whip" or so it goes.

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