I'd like to see the Federal Police do a criminal investigation as well. Been saying this from the start, now it seems in NZ, a politician is demanding one. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/new-zealand-is-a-crime-scene-in-one?

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I hope I’m but I doubt that they will.

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Yes, I saw this on the Expose, last night or night before. Most interesting! Sad for the victims and families, but we know this is happening everywhere.

The whole world of citizens, us, should be able to force criminal investigations, where we are all judge, jury and executioner.

I am a “Christian-in-learning”, but back in Biblical times, they certainly had the death penalty! An eye for an eye, etc. And God struck down whole armies. I just wish he’d stop all the suffering.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m prepared to fight for our world-I’m not waiting for a rapture, in my opinion, the Bible is not really clear on the rapture, anyway.

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Brilliant. Well done. God Bless :) 💕

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Thank you so very much to Phillip and all the team for your tieless work. The truth must come out.

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Did he do this without a tie? 🤣

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Wow. Most Australians I’ve spoken with were surprised or even shocked that I had elected not to take the experimental jabs. They in general considered the unjabbed as selfish, lacking solidarity. They could not begin to consider that hospitals were awarded premiums for COVID-19 deaths, or for high vax uptake rates. They abhorred Novak Djokovic (and any prominent figure who was not on board with the official edicts from the health bureaucracy).

Perhaps some of those individuals may begin having buyers remorse.

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I respected and admired Djokovic for his no-vax policy-but, I felt ashamed and full of rage for the way Chairman/dictator Dan treated him, and our ridiculous border policy, messing around with him.

I realise there are so many things more important than sport, but I used to love tennis,(still do really, but with all the election rigging, and the gaslighting of the whole universe happening, I just can’t get back into it. Plus I haven’t watched tv for about 6-7 years {except for Richmond winning that string of grand finals}).

And hospitals getting money for all this covid rubbish/Covid protocols with respirators and run-death-is near, for this I have no words, except, satan is in control. People who do satan’s bidding are the biggest losers.

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geeeeeez. From Minnesota, USA.

There really is a worldwide conspiracy.

I had only heard that the kickbacks for hospitals were happening here. . . These bastards are doing it all over the world. Just makes me sick, mate.(my attempt at Aussie-speak).

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Thanks Phillip and the team at AMPS for the driving force behind this. Couldn't get to Canberra last week but am downloading now as i type. Keep up the great work you are doing.

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Thank you for the pdf.

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Amazing work. Thank you all for your unrelenting push back.

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Amazing work by AMPS again. We must share this book widely. Well done to all involved.

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I’ve only one person with whom I can share this wonderful book-luckily they are international, and know what’s behind all this. So I’ll ask this person to share the book also.

All my Australian “friends” and family don’t have a clue, and they wouldn’t even read past the cover of the book. Maybe because they’ve all had multiple jabs. Denial.

Thank you so much AMPS, and Dr Phillip for creating and sharing your wonderful research and making it an easy download for all to read and reference. Blessings to you all!!😀😀👍👍👏👏

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If you feel motivated, print it and hand-deliver it to your MP. Tell them: "this is what you have done."

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Wow, that would be awesome-his office is more than 150km from me though. (Rural). I don’t know how much printer ink it would take, if our printer still works! Like a lot of people, my small family doesn’t have much money-but I really love that idea. Maybe I can save for it-ridiculous, I know. It really is a no brainer, but seriously I’ll have to estimate how much the ink would cost.

It’s made to be expensive on purpose, I know-“they” don’t want us printing stuff. There’s always the library, but that would be more expensive.

Thanks heaps for the idea, I’ll save my pennies, and see if I can do this.👍😃

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When I wrote the article with the many FOIs, people wanted me to print them all out. I took donations on Kofi to do it because it ended up costing me 100$ at Officeworks. Maybe you could ask some like-minded people if they are interested in contributing.

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Thanks for another great idea Excess! I’ll have to look at your article for comparison. We’ve got a cheap version of Officeworks “near” us.

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Try emailing politicians with the link to the book, then contacting them by phone later to ask if they have read it?

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Wow, all these great ideas! I sent an email to jscot about the WHO amendments last night, I like to word such messages in my own way, so that took me ages. Everything is coming at us at once, and my small family is having a few private problems right now (like every one is), so I’ll get onto what I can, when I can think rationally!

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what is it with all the concern about printing. . . confused here in USA?

Are printer supplies THAT expensive. . . not so here.

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How about downloading on to a usb thumb drive and sending it to the MP; MPs get generous printing allowances as well as postal/postage allowances.

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Frances, see my message above-I don’t know if you sent this reply to me or not, sorry- I’ve just got a chunk of days that I haven’t been able to get to emails, timewise. (I think that’s a word!)

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You know my friend, this is a world-wide phenomenon with MOST people not acknowledging what is happening, the truth denial. I really believe the propaganda being pumped out over MSM(Main stream Media in the US) is extremely effective; people are brainwashed except for those who: 1) have above average BS detectors and 2) are not watching MSM instead of alternative news feeds.

Man. I wish we the people, who communicate across continents, oceans could connect directly. Substack REALLY needs a "private messaging" system. Maybe they could partner with Proton Mail and make it happen.

Anyway, cheers and a beer to all you Aussies a half day faster in time than me.

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Great piece. Let's hope the real science lands on target and takes out all of those who conspired against humanity.

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The truth can not be hidden for ever - especially when its inconvenient

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Dr Altman, Have you seen the video clip of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, speaking at Davos last year in which he says that 'at last our dream of halving the world population will have come true by 2025!'. He thought that he was speaking in confidence among like-minded people. I listened twice; I could not believe what I was hearing!

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It is so shocking but not surprising, the Eugenics people are rubbing their hands together. Bill Gates is a big one, I still wonder what he was talking to Albo about in the secret meeting when he came to Australia. It was after that when Albo really started going off the rails (if he had not before then).

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I’m not shocked by this, but I don’t know if it will be true. How can we (& they)know about every place in the whole world?

We’ll have to see what drivel comes out of Davos next year. They really think they are superior to the rest of the world.

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Yep it is amazing how these people sleep at night. Very much evil at play. More here: stopworldcontrol.com

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Yep, I used to get David’s emails/newsletter, but I haven’t for a while-I was worried about him, but I visited the website a month or so ago, and everything seemed ok. I’ll go back there and see if I can get the emails again.

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Yes he had a break because of health reasons but is back on board.

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OK, Thanks for that, I knew he had a major health scare, but if he’s ok now I’ll see about my emails from him.🙂

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Shared, Restacked and down-loaded PDF. Together, Australians will defeat the bastards who think they have the right to control our lives...and bodies.

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i bet if any one of us were to say, i dunno, 'accidently' punch Greg Hunt or Brendan Murphy in the face, there would soon be a Federal Police investigation;

imagine the 'police' response to any of us 'mere plebs' if one of these Two criminals were to accidently fall, hit their miserable head on the ground and die after being accidently punched in the face;

now imagine if any us were to go on a punching rampage and forcibly detain any of the 'punchees' in their homes or offices, deny them any sunlight or exercise, refuse to hear their cries for help and then punish them with more punches to the face if they keep complaining or protesting about their inhumane treatment;

imagine if a small fraction of the detained were to accidently perish from the 'nourishments' we forced them to eat if they ever wanted to be free again; imagine if children were among the group we punched, detained and 'accidently' murdered with the 'nourishment' we provided them;

what do you think the 'police' would do to us once the 'siege' was declared over?

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I like your way of thinking. There are a good many people who deserve such treatment. It would take a lot of us to get this happening. I like to think many “police”would understand why such a siege would be happening, and jump ship to our side.

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um...i think perhaps you have taken my (attempted) metaphor a tad too seriously; i would never cause any harm to any child;

and i definitely wouldn't put any money on 'police' jumping ship to 'correct' any wrongs done to EVERY man, woman and child on this land we call Australia; they have proven time and again over the last 4 years (in particular) to be naught but paid thugs for the ministry of deceit;

they see us people standing up for the Inalienable and Unalienable rights of ALL of us as an enemy without us laying a hand on any of the criminals who have the keys to this country.

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Mark, I get that you meant is as a metaphor-nothing more. I’m a bit of an optimist, I really think there are some decent ‘police’ still at work-but stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I’ve seen the videos of so called police and their thuggery-so many people saying “is this the Australia I used to know and love?”. I’m also aware of much compensation-hush money being paid, and court cases still going through the system, for 3 1/2 years-just toying with people’s lives.

Don’t worry, I never thought you would harm a child. But there are plenty of evil ones who do.

They (and we) all have to face God one day. The evil ones will be punished.

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

i'd love to have your optimism regarding 'police' but they keep on robbing i of any optimism time and time again;

they are paid to be useful idiots for the 'establishment' and happily go out of their way to cause mayhem and harm among us everyday Australians; and they know their corrupted ADMIRALTY/CORPORATE courts will rarely ever find them guilty of anything;

IF, and that's a big IF, there are any decent and moral coppers out there, their silence about what their mates do to people makes them every bit as culpable; their silence and inactions regarding the obvious corruption within EVERY form of 'govern-ment' in this country is noteworthy...and not for any good reason(s);

i have yet to meet any decent, law abiding copper....they must keep an oath of silence or some such thing;

i'm a near 60 y/o hetero Aussie male and i have never shed as many tears as i did during the lockdowns and the forced denial of basic human rights...and every tear was caused by the thuggery and brutality of 'police'.. not because of the harms they caused i, but the way in which they helped AusGovCO ruin the entire fabric of this once beautiful land we call home;

the blatant sheer brutality many of us witnessed during that time should never have to be witnessed by anyone, let alone Our children and Our young people;

the 'police' have caused more harm to the well-being of this land and the people than can ever be forgotten;

yes, God will sort them out at the end of their miserable lives...and i will sort them out with defiance until they get to meet the maker;

it will of no surprise to i if i get another 'special visit' after typing this comment...they love threatening and trying to intimidate i into seeing things their way.

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Yes, I see.

I guess it’s a lot different, me being in a rural area, seeing videos. I never went to rallies/demo’s in my closest city, as I didn’t know they were happening.

It took me a while to wake up to what’s going on, so at first, I didn’t even know what websites to visit.

I do know they (among so many others) are paid to be useful idiots. I get it that waiting for God to sort them out is not much solace. You’ve obviously had first hand experience with the thugs. As I said, I do know people are being dragged very slowly through the courts, and it’s just wrong. For not wearing a stupid face mask, and other dumb charges.

I hope to be defiant like you, if trouble comes knocking for me. But that’s the thing, I guess, I haven’t been in their way, but my small family and I feel pretty sure they’re keeping an eye on us. (And ears too-we often talk to the walls, to make sure they’re listening!) We’ve had trouble in the past.

I feel a bit naive, and out of the way where I am. I don’t want trouble, but it’s going to come eventually, so I hope to be up to the battle. I guess I’ll find out.

I’m sorry you’ve been targeted. I hope you don’t get a visit.

I’ve watched some of Avi Yemini’s videos on police brutality during the lockdowns, mostly taken in Melbourne. But watching must be nothing like the real thing.

My optimism is fading fast-but that’s not a bad thing. And when I mentioned optimism, I wasn’t thinking of a lot of cops, just some, who may come to realise for whatever reason, that they’re in the wrong “career”. But of course, I should have thought of the extra payments they must be getting. Why leave a job like that, with extra money for mob mentality/power perks? Sounds like our gov’t, also, at every level, as you say. (Except for our special cross bench senators).

Don’t worry, I know no-one is coming to save us. That’s why I say, I hope I’m up for the fight. I am trying to be Christian, but that doesn’t mean I wimp out. Jesus Christ certainly didn’t. He let them kill him, as I’m sure you know, but after that, he spent 3 days fighting satan and won. These coppers and the rest of the useful idiots, don’t even realise they are on satan’s side. Some must know, ‘cos many of them ARE satanists. They just can’t get it that satan is always the loser.

Hang in there-I get it. And I’m only about 1 1/2 years older than you. I hope you’ve got a lot of good friends and family.👍👍👍

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i'm in a rural area so don't be lulled into a false sense of security; i've had 6 coppers show up here to give me a bit of 'attitude adjustment'...i've committed no crimes; nor have i been accused of committing any;

i just wont stay silent...nor will i submit to consent; the coppers hate me for knowing our rights even though i stand up for their rights, their families rights as well as those of every Australian; i should "follow ze orders and stay silent...or ve vill teach you to"...

apparently i am a 'belligerent' 'sovereign citizen' according to the 'police'.... even though i have NEVER made such a claim; i would never make such a ridiculous claim as together, it is an oxymoronic statement; problem is i have shared as much on many different platforms and forums and do what i can to help people comprehend the word traps being played out by the Ministry Of Deceit and its Incorporated thugs in uniforms;

look up the word Sovereign and then look up the word CITIZEN in Blacks Law dictionaries and you will discover why it is an oxymoronic statement to make; how any right-minded individual made such a claim is beyond my reasoning....me thinks it was a claim made up by our dear friends of the media in an attempt to belittle those of us who defy and deny the implied 'authority' of those those claiming to have such OVER us; and we are proving our case in many 'court rooms' across Australia, much to the chagrin of the thugs and the media who have no doubt been told to 'shut it down';

i could say much here about what i know of Australian Parliament you mention and the 'special cross bench senators' but this isn't the place for it...out of resect for the good Dr. Altman;

suffice to say, there are no political solutions.. it's all a bread and circus show;

thanks for the kind thoughts.....right back at ya!

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Looking forward to reading this.

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Thank you🙏

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Figures, schmigures! When the Complicits are behind these killings in Australia, the numbers of statistic distortions rose precipitously. The murderous forcing of Aussies to get the shots was a directive straight from WEF, UN, and WHO. Let's not kid ourselves, they are out to kill us. Our go-alongs in our various state governments in the USA are clearly part of the move toward complete depopulation and they have been "rewarded" by promises that they won't end up against the wall and this is backed up by the utterly nonsensical fiat currencies they fill their pockets with. Australia has been a test to see if people respond "correctly" to the murderous diktat. Kapos have been chosen to enforce these citizen on citizen murders, much like Canadian police acting out their nasties against Canadian truckdrivers. We have seen the spawning of many Klaus Barbie's, happy and willing to lead citizens to the camps and abbatoirs. It has happened in the US, our media slime are only too happy to gain notorieties for showing their penchants toward their nouveau traitor statuses. We've seen too many Manchurian candidates and those with Stockholm syndrome. How many more can we expect?

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