So many toxins they managed to pack into one jab. Plasmid DNA, SV40 cancer promoter, endotoxins and now prions all transported into our cells with poisonous lipid nanoparticles. It is almost looking like they did it on purpose to sell us more drugs to cure the side effects!

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Or kill most of us..

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It is much more profitable to treat lifelong illnesses and fleece every last penny from the sick together with fleecing the taxpayer along the way so I hope it is not going to kill too many more, fingers crossed.

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Why are you assuming they are profit driven?

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thanks for the link

1 "but I am a human being! I am not defined by my "usefulness", I have an intrinsic value of my own" as an interesting statement. It is programmed into us that we are “worth” our usefulness combined with net sum. What we are to the system more than what we are to ourselves. So in a way we value ourselves through the eyes of psychopaths; as commodities – and trapped in that obedience mold most employed in the system became psychopath serving cullers during covid in the belief that they were improving “worth” according to psychopath standards.

However, the limitation of psychopathic hegemony is the much larger soul of humanity.

2 Re “Well, no, actually, I don't. I have no doubt that if Mr. Whitty and I were subject to IQ testing, he would far outscore me (I'm terrible at maths). The same is probably true for Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, and maybe even Justin Trudeau (well, let's not take this too far...).” Maybe there’s a proportional relationship between being good with money/maths and being good with culling/nudging. Good at maths may mean clever at culling. Corruption and collusion means being good at fraud and being unscrupulously unapologetic.

Douglas Gabriel talks about the material verses the mature mind here: https://tylagabriel.substack.com/p/life-after-death-who-knew?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

3 On "the science" the science control mechanism was written about in 1972. Part of the science control mechanism is not to inform the public. It’s “settled” at the top but never in nature/reality/with the people. Thus the ignorance symptom in statements like "but they would never do that!" because they lack the lack KNOWLEDGE of monumental deception and destruction on such a wide scale. I call it operation obsoletism.

4 yes. Trained to be dispassionate and detached from birth. We are learning that part of the mechanism that ensures this is to cut off 30% of fluid from the baby by cutting the placenta and then injfecting the baby with unwanted substances.

5 The psychological resistance: the solution is to ACCEPT SHAME. Be embarrassed like ROB SHORE jan 28th 2024 https://tntradio.live/shows/joseph-arthur-his-technicolor-dreamcast/ say “I’M EMBARASSED” I got the jab.

6. it is important to establish meaningful ethical coming of age rites of practice again to sever uncritical questioning dependence on external authorities.

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💉Dr John Campbell interviews funeral director, John O’Looney (new): https://youtu.be/wwdRfbPrGIY?si=4fTg1MgOzRFTxxyC

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Yes agreed. And it's actually misleading and (deliberately?) obfuscatory to refer to these amyloidal masses as "blood clots"

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And there's nothing definitive, but I have also read reports that the S2 spike (After cleavage) may be directly involved in both this and neurodegenerative prion diseases.

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What do you mean by S2 spike?

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The spike protein comprises two sections. The S1 protein is the lower part embedded in the cell wall. The S2 protein is the upper part more exposed to blood flow etc and which can be cleaved off. Once cleaved away, the S2 protein is of small enough size that it is able to cross the blood/brain barrier. Hence the reported association with neurodegenerative conditions.

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Oh, thanks for that! I’ve been reading about this ridiculous “covid” forever, at least that’s how it feels. Can you believe I never knew there were two parts to this protein!

Thanks again phil!

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Dr Altman, please watch John Campbell’s interview with funeral director John O’Looney.

O’Looney was embalming/preparing bodies during Covid and realised pretty quickly there was no infectious virus/disease on the loose. Instead they were killing people with end of life drugs for those with a positive pcr result. O’Looney has being fighting this for 3+ years.

Also these clots are not amyloid fibrin as Dr Cole and co have suggested. These clots are not organic - Mike Adams (aka The Health Ranger from the U.S.) has done an elemental based analysis of these clots (2 years ago) and they do not contain organic matter, instead they are comprised of various metals. His findings have now been corroborated by 3 other independent labs - another embalmer Richard Hirschman recently reported in an interview with Dr Ana Milhalcea.

There is no pathogenic virus and there is no spike protein apart from in-silico models, the presence of non specific antibodies/antigens is not proof of a protein. The ‘vaccine’ is ‘Covid’ - a synthetic clotting toxin.

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I’m with you on this Laura. I don’t believe there are pathogenic viruses, and I believe the spike protein is just a computer model. Computer models are causing too many problems for us humans. The whole climate change scam is based on computer modeling, now we’re stuck with it, unless some sort of critical mass of people can come alive and shout it down.

Some talk has been going around “alternative” media, that Dr Ryan Cole is controlled opposition, and has become one of the “celebrity” doctors and scientists.

The clotting toxin you mention seems to get worse with every day!

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No matter how many toxic components that are "accidentally" discovered in the shots, we must not be distracted from the likelihood that the act of transfection itself, ie, inserting foreign nucleic acids into our tissues via injection, is dangerous for all those who wish to live a long life, since it breeches the self-nonself immune surveillance system and precipitates autoimmune attack. They can dress their new pig-shots nicely and put lipstick on them ("all fine now, we've taken out the spike, the DNA contamination, the SV40, the prion sequences, the frame-shifts, and cleaned up the nanos, and NOW they're Safe&Effective!") - the take-home message is that the whole mRNAvaccinebusiness needs to be turfed, period.

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I have to say - graphene or grapheme oxide is starting to look like another conspiracy theory that is coming true or is already true

Transhumanism looks to be a aim

It’s hard to fathom let alone attempt to explain its possibility to people

The lucky country is in complete denial about what is going on here

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Unfortunately we are turning into the (mostly) stupid country!

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An easy start into the topic is this review: Dobson, C. M. (2003). Protein folding and misfolding. Nature, 426(6968), 884–890. doi:10.1038/nature02261 https://sci-hub.ru/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14685248/

Ich wrote some substack articels on protein folding, they are in German though, you'll need google translare (table of contents https://drbine.substack.com/p/ugurs-grenzdebile-schwachsinnsideen-b2b)

But there is an interview version on solari report, where I explain the problem in quite some detail.


Prolines lead to amyloid fibres and then there is the live on the edge theory and protein folding pathways. So, please watch my interview to get a rough overview about protein (mis-)folding reasons and possibilities.

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Thank you for the links!

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Global Prion Disease Treatment Market – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2030


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“ Additionally, we have determined that prion seeding activity is retained for at least fifteen years at a contaminated site following attempted remediation” Plants as vectors, there is no safe level of prions, it’s 100% fatal.

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You should really read Virus Mania by Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Samantha Bailey et al.

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The more elephants in the Potion They are Implanting into the Human Race the greater the illusion. They made the Potion for our own good, to help us, to save us, to CONTROL us. Dictating medication with Advanced Technology onto the Human Race is about CONTROL.

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Everyone in the West should read this speech.


There is a reason China refused to give any of this poison to their own people, while pressuring all their Western business partners to mandate it on their own people.

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Good to know the tactics of one of the puppet countries being used to collect the spoils of this genocide program. However, there are no sovereign countries anymore — including China.

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Everyone in the West very definitely SHOULD read this speech, especially Americans and Australians.

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I read Richard Rhodes book "Deadly Feast's" when the first edition came out and I thought then that we were all doomed, but I understood also that nature always has a backup plan to a backup plan, and that possibly the reason for the insanely crazy ranges in lifespans in the animal an insectoid population was involved in making sure it always had somewhere or something to fall back on.

The very idea that anyone would be so arrogant to presume they understood something like prion is mindboggling and frankly insane. All these people involved should be sitting in prison cells awaiting trial by military tribunals with a summary execution pending just like we did with the Nazi Doctors.

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