
Not really......Try coping with frozen bank accounts, detention, loss of driver's licence, no internet. You won't get off lightly.

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Dr Altman, I’ve just made a post, a lot further down the page, about self amplifying RNA vaccines which may be released next month in Japan, and they may be much worse than nuclear/atomic weapons.

Everyone needs to read it and share it. VERY IMPORTANT!! Please read!

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They’re trying to kill us all anyway. What does the WEF say? By 2030 you will own nothing and be happy!

So we’ll either be alive as slaves, or dead. Those are the options.

WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE!!! The societal system is not going to be the same.

WE have to be the ones who change it!

Everything the WEF and our gov’t has said will happen HAS happened. They are on track. What are we the people doing? Waiting for someone to come and save us? Ain’t gonna happen!

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23









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I’m way over 50, and never had a smallpox vaccine. However, on reading that the smallpox vaccine may leave a permanent scar, which I have, maybe I have had the smallpox vaccine! I don’t know. I always thought it was a TB vaccine scar. I had it when I was in about form 1 or 2 (year 7-8). Anyway, no matter what it was-I am not at all afraid of monkeypox. I’m more afraid of ANY “vaccine”.

Monkeypox to my knowledge is a disease which in the main effects men who have sex with men. And is pretty much limited to Africa, the Republic of Congo mainly.

The rest is their old trick of scare the heck out of everyone so they’ll take the vax which will give them disease.

I don’t even know if monkeypox, or mpox, (same thing) is real or if it is caused by a virus, which I don’t even know if they are real anymore.

Let’s all stay SANE this time!

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How does one get to the 14 minute video?

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There’s a link it’s a long video at 14 mins are the words..

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Oh, ok, thanks Solo! Yes, I misunderstood what you meant. I’m still not sure if I had a smallpox vaccine.

Doesn’t matter though, as I said above, I’m more scared of a “vaccine” than monkeypox. And if they want to “force vaccinate” us, “they can vaccinate my corpse.” That is a quote from an Aussie I really admire, and I agree with them.

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They can do my corpse as well..

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Ha! To the death then!

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Hi Geoff, thanks for your stack! I’m glad to see you here-I have a question, what have you got against DMSO? I have used it topically and orally to relieve crippling lower back (sciatica, stenosis, scoliosis) pain.

I use pharmaceutical grade DMSO 99.9% pure, and it’s brilliant. The only reason I don’t use it all the time is because of the smell! Worse than garlic and onion!

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rrodynmac I would be interested in a link to the product you’ve used, if you would be so kind. TY

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I’ve got a link to detox & cure DMSO, they also have info about it on their site. It took me a while to find it, sorry Hazel. https://www.detoxandcure.com/product/99-9-pure-concentrated-dimethyl-sulfoxide-dmso-pharmaceutical-grade-100ml/

Oh, I just looked now, and it seems they’re out of stock-I remember searching for a while before deciding on this brand, but if you find another brand-I would make sure it’s pharmaceutical grade. 100ml doesn’t seem like much, but you don’t need to use much.

Some DMSO products are as low as 70% pure, I would not use them. I remember seeing some on Amazon, but I have never bought anything from them, and I want to keep it that way if possible. I’m sorry it’s out of stock where I got it. It must be popular!

If you look at GeoffPain’s article about DMSO, be sure to look at the comments!

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I haven’t got a link, but I bought mine from “Detox and Cure” on line-I hope that helps.

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Hello Hazel, have you read my article that rrodymac mentions?


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I didn’t mention this Geoff, I meant the one about monkey pox jab and endotoxins.

The one you’ve mentioned here about DMSO and chick embryos, a couple of people have made comments about that stack, and that you’ve been saying not nice things about an article that A Mid Western Doctor published, and it would be better to have a calm rational discussion with him, and another commenter says they’ve only heard good things about DMSO.

You say you only discuss things with people who aren’t anonymous-well that would be probably at least half of people who write and comment on substack.

Some people make submissions to and sign petitions to government, and they remain anonymous. I don’t think that makes what they have to say less important or “authentic” than people who use their real names. What looks like a real name can be fake as well.

I stand by what I’ve said about DMSO, I’ve been using it on and off for about 2 years now, and for me, the only problem has been the odour, and taste in my mouth. But that only means it’s in the bloodstream.

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There is no replication competent genetic debris!

Here is the updated Virology is a scam playlist!


Millions more are waking up everyday to the crime of Virology!

Wise Traditions Podcast Episode 491

Blowing The Lid Off Virology (Or Bird Flu Part 2)

with Jamie Andrews


Love, Truth, Justice and Freedom!

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Dear Phillip, Going to TRIAL BY JURY must be done. Regards, John Wilson.

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I always knew any Royal Commission would be a sham like all prior. Hang 'em high. Let's get to criminal prosecutions and reinstating the death penalty. Death by Vaccine for the Puppet Masters.

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And the puppets, i.e. gov’ts!

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I don't think that the Vaccine you are talking about will be the cause of death to the unvaccinated. There's something else that's killing the unvaccinated. I think that they are being targetted and harmed through other ways like invisible Radiation and invisible Energy weapons and then the blame is on the vaccinated

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There is a problem with the ACAAM vaccine,( whatever the name is), because it’s a live vaccine-you’d have to read the product info. But I agree with what you say about unvaxxed people being targeted, there’s also v2k, or “voice to skull” where people hear awful things, sometimes 24/7. Some say they’ve been “chipped” somehow. And also “gangstalking”, or just plain stalking.

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That's true. I am one of them experiencing these things

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We, the people, have terminated the corrupt WHO along with their evil partners at the UN!

Neither unelected organisation has any influence on matters of world importance. They are histyory!

The evil 'controllers' will realise how many we are and how strong we can be. It seems a force bigger than any nation is pulling the strings on which wars to start, accelerate or terminate, and when the next disease should be launched, to justify more profitable poisonous depopulating injections.

The new ruling 'Elites' of the world now dominate all important agendas and they constantly adjust all important issues to suit either their long term agenda or their short term opportunistic greed to make an immediate profit from any/all of these event.

Obviously, there are large conglomerates that financially benefit from military conflicts, whether by profits made from armaments or military personnel they control (own).

Big Pharma benefit massively from manufacturing, creating or accelerating illnesses. Motto = "There's no profit in healthy people".

Big Pharma sponsor the creation of new diseases as well as maximise the financial opportunities made available through bad medicines and poor medical advice!

Millions of us have realised this phenomena since Covid was first launched against man to depopulate the planet (to reduce Global Warming) and to make massive profits by pretending they had invented a 'miracle SAFE & EFFECTIVE CURE' (they called as vaccine) within a few weeks of perfecting ("at the speed of science") the Coronavirus by using Gain of Function to maximise it's dangers to mankind!

We're ready for the next false Scamdemic and have already resolved to avoid useless injections that are just the 'Establishment's' way of culling the planet! Once bitten, ....................!

No LIABILITY was/is the biggest clue to the deadly con of 'viruses and vaccines'. Why did 75% of the planet believe the purveyors of doom who intend controlling a vax depleted humanity? They did!!!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Never again! We're ready for you next time!

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Hi Dr Altman-I know we have to get out of UN/WHO-I know what’s been going on today, but I’ve written to my local member about all sorts of nefarious things, but he tries to assure me that Australia will have plenty of debate about the issue, and no new laws can be made without parliamentary approval, or he refers me to the Dep’t of Health and Aged Care, and the minister there, who of course is Mark Butler, and he parrots the same thing.

We are not going to get our gov’t to do what we, who they say they represent, want them to do on this, ever. They are bought/paid for or maybe threatened/blackmailed to do what the UN wants them to do!! Our gov’t is compromised!! They are bought-paid for by the UN! And WEF!!

The only countries who voted against this business this morning our time are Russia, Iran, N.Korea, Syria, and 2 others I’ve forgotten. This has managed to delay one section. I got this info from “Interest of Justice” who have a substack. They work out of Costa Rica, but they seem to work very hard. They got Costa Rica out of the new International Regulations (IR’s) which the WHO got passed last May, with only 10 months for rejection, but this may be going to be lessened further until only this coming December!! Member states have to actively opt out. Mark Butler is not going to do this!

Our government is actively pursuing our deaths! For some reason, our government seem to think they will be spared. With a top down regime, who want to kill 6-7 billion people, what in the world makes our gov’t think they will all be spared?!

I know there are some good people in our fed. Gov’t, but not enough to make a difference! We need the rest of Australia to wake up, but I think this is impossible-after all, the footy grand finals are on this weekend and next! And I am not joking!

I’m not meaning to put others off writing to their members, I’m just explaining what has happened with mine!

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These monkey pox jab designed to sterilise both female and the male population unless the toxic substance does not kill them beforehand. It’s a kill jab just like the covid jab previously. They are getting very desperate to reach their depopulation target by I would say 2030-2050.

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They are getting desperate Erzsebet, please read my comment just above, where I speak about a self amplifying RNA vaccine above, that could be released in Japan next month!

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But they already have a vaccine that kills the vaccinated and unvaccinated. How many types of people are there?

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When they are finally able to isolate, purify, identify and use that purified isolate to infect another person and replicate the exact same disease, I will believe in viruses. Until then: viruses, unicorns, pixies and honest politicians will continue to remain fantasies.

There are NO viruses, there are NO pandemics, and there are NO infectious diseases.

There is, however, toxic environments, injected toxins into children, aerosolised toxins in the skies, and all manner of toxins in the food we eat. This is proven, and any honest doctor will confirm this.

No amount of propaganda and fear-porn by the MSM will change this. It is up to us to get real information. The Disinformation and Misinformation bill is designed to stop the flow of facts, and to usher in the Orwellian world of Deadly Lies and Governmental Deception as the only source of information. In a world of so much information right now, the ignorance of the sheeplike people is an active choice.

Please wake up. They want you either dead, dying, eating bugs and drinking maggot milk, or trans-human without any human rights at all, and zero humanity.

Only we can stop this, merely by saying, en masse: NO!

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Yay Michael-you make so much sense! You’re my hero Michael, for knowing and telling the truth!

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Just say NO. Simple really.

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Hi Phil, are you sure the paragraph regarding "killing the vaccinated" doesn't refer to the disease instead the vaccine? (sorry don't have time to read the pdf). It doesn't make any sense otherwise - how can I get "infected" by a vaccine? Just wondering.

Great work, thanks.

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The MPox vaccine is for men who like having sex with other men and who are at risk of catching it, presumably. Since The Australian Government has "re-enacted" their Disinformation Laws from early 2020 to June 2023, but from September 2024, with the proviso that they can lie and not be held accountable, what they tell Australian's to do, or rather what they must do, presumably, the same Aussie's who fell for the Covid pandemic vaccines, will be lining up for these and any other vaccines shots recommended by their Government - to keep them safe.

I don't think everyone will fall for that one a second time, but it is how it is.

In my opinion, both New Zealand and Australia are in lockstep over their vaccines policies, by infecting their populations with diseases, from the vaccines, they drive funding for Bio Labs to their respective countries and the money generated, to make that happen and the "cures" which will evolve as a result, after all, the majority of the people of both, have been modified by the Covid vaccines already, into Trans Humans, which occurs after 6 hours from Covid vaccine injections, according to a Swedish Research program and all those vaccinated, By US Law 2013, "are now Trans Human with zero Rights of any kind, which makes them ideal subjects in Bio Labs, for whatever malpractice "they" wish to impose or experiment with - and MPox would be another good earner for Australia, those infected with it, after vaccines.

Personally, I don't see non Gays mixing with, or having sex with Gays, so I think it unlikely that the MPox vaccine would kill anyone who was not MPox vaccinated, since they won't have any local or physical contact and it is unlikely, in my opinion, that anything could be passed over, from one to the other, without contact of some sort, by skin to skin, or breath to breath ,because there are only 2 ways to get into the Human body, those being by injection, or bite, or breathing it in.

However, there is and always has been my free salt water cure for any unexpected contact, so it is down to the individual to protect themselves ,as it has always been, this way or any other that I am not aware of.

Australia is up over its head in these infections and its Bio Labs which are springing up like mushrooms around all Campuses in Australia and New Zealand, along this the Cell Towers whose purpose is lost on all of us, so far - but perhaps for the vaccinated, when needed for further experimentation in the Bio Labs, perhaps, the age range appears to be from 6 months old and up - a fine selection of Trans Humans for Bio Lab experimentation, I would have thought - the profits to Australia, The Elite and the Politicians who have chosen sides against you, the Australian willing multitude.

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Thank you Christine. What is your free salt water cure about?

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UPDATED: 2 September 2024 My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and MPox and any other virus.

Refuse all vaccines.

Join me in NEVER being ill with my free salt water cure. It's as yukky for me to do, as it is for you to do, but practice makes it easier with time - when the only option is potentially death by vaccines injections.

It is that simple.

3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, in small lots, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure

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Good stuff, thank you!

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I don’t believe viruses exist. But pretending I do, how does a burning sensation in your salt water cure prove there is a virus present?

When I swim at the beach, if I inhale the water through my nose, it always burns, as do my eyes if the salt water gets into them.

And how can a burning sensation in the lungs come from swallowing salt water? When we swallow something, it goes down the oesophagus, the tube that goes into the lungs is the trachea. Different tubes. And if someone has pneumonia, they are generally going to feel quite sick. I don’t think salt water would be enough to cure something like this. There is viral pneumonia, and bacterial pneumonia.

The tubes to the ears, which connect with nose and throat are spelt Eustachian Tubes.

And what is the brain bulb?

Lastly, why do you equate the brain stem with long covid, which has never been proven to exist?

I’m saying all this, as we don’t want people to get muddled up with regard to their health, I’m sure you’d agree Christine!

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The burning sensation in your head is proof that an infection is present, when no infection is, there is no burning sensation. I can't argue the toss about viruses and whether they exist or not, but something does and the scientists talk about viruses and playing around with them in gain of function research, so my bet is with the scientists and not you. What you believe about the rest is up to you especially if vaccines work or not - I have not been sick from any external illness for over 31 years and I got this cure from a medical journal at least 31 years ago - Steve Kirsch, our leader, well the owner of this substack had my simple cure tested by The Alberta University and they gave it 100% effective and Steve probably has commercialized it and makes money off it, for those of you who want to pay for your cures instead of getting them free. One of the other regulars here has taken the Iodine component and is selling another cure, along the lines of my original one, as listed here, as a cure all for colds and the flu and Covid too. So ultimately, it is up to you. you get a cold or the flu and you get the high temperature and the shivers and shakes - what you gonna do - call Ghost Busters?

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There are people who are bi-sexual, who will have sex with either sex, so it is possible that heterosexual people could have sex with a man (or more) who has sex with other men.

I see you around the place on substack Christine, just wondering where you live, as you have a lot of info about Australia and New Zealand!

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There are people who are bi-sexual, who will have sex with either sex,: wow, I never thought of that!!

I have theorized for years that New Zealand, Australia and Israel, which are the most vaccinated countries, could be the pro format countries being used as an example on how to successfully exterminate their populations or convert them to Bio-Lab animals because the ModRNA DNA vaccines (not natural mRNA DNA vaccines - they lied) change the Human Genome and DNA into Trans Human after 5 hours from injection - a new Trans Human species with zero Rights of any kind (like the black slaves prior to 1865) - the legislation can be found on my past substack posts, but is covered by the US Supreme Court Law of 2013 with World Wide Applications - so long story short, if the extermination policies of New Zealand and Australia, will be the methods tried and tested, to exterminate the rest of we, Human Rubbish - then I sure want a heads up on that to try and stop it from happening anywhere else, don't I?

Of course, my theories could be just that and nothing happens and I really hope like fuck, I am totally wrong in this one, but how the Covid pandemic was administered with Trump, WHO, WEF and AUKUS Military (England, Australia, America) the major players in this, why go to so much trouble to injure and kill so many, for no reason, other than vaccines (which don't work and never have) being deployed as the "new" medical treatment procedures, we are all supposed to follow, like we are blind or something?

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Please know Trump was advised to do this by the Health specialist . He did not know because this was not his expertise . He had no intention of doing harm and we could refuse the shots. Humans wanted the shots because of fear. Trump was not God and many told him he must do this to save people. They lied and were evil. Trump was not!!!!

. He did not mandate it. Biden brought in mandates because Biden is part of the WEF. That is why they had to cheat in the 2020 election. They had to win to continue the evil plan. Trump had no clue at the time, just like most people. We trusted the so called “experts”.

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I’m inclined to go with what you say Susan, but don’t think for a minute that Trump is completely innocent. I do believe he was blindsided at first, and he had the 2020 election stolen from him.

But most people who go so far in business and politics as he has, usually have a bit of help from Illuminati/freemasons, or some other type group. This is only my opinion, I certainly can’t be sure.

And I don’t trust Biden or Harris or even RFK jr. I just pretty much across the board don’t trust politicians.

I’m not a Republican or Democrat btw, I’m not even American.

But the only people who can save ourselves are ourselves. Our governments are trying to kill us for goodness sake. Trust none, and if you’re so inclined, pray a lot !!

Oh, also, is the Health Specialist you refer to Anthony Fauci-or is the Health Specialist someone else?

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Do you have a link or something showing Australia, New Zealand and Israel are the most vaccinated countries in the world?

And also a link or a study showing the modRNA “vaccines” change the human genome and DNA into Trans Human after 5 hours from injection?

And how would you go about stopping this from happening anywhere else?

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As an add on to the above: Trump FINALLY Responds to the COVID Vaccine Question

He answered that studies are on the way, and we’ll find out the truth about the COVID shots, one way or another “over the next 12 months.”

Trump didn’t deny problems with the COVID shots. Instead, he suggested that we’ll find out soon.

What this tells us is that Trump is likely trying to play both sides until AFTER the election. He mentioned that a disaffected Democrat who would surely vote for him continually asks Trump why he doesn’t mention the COVID vaccines more often.

It seems that Trump doesn’t want to alienate these kinds of voters, so don’t expect him to weigh in on whether the COVID vaccines are good or bad this election cycle.

However, what’s promising is that it appears that a resolution to the COVID vaccine question is on the way.

The Viligant Fox

Trump was never televised as being seen having his vaccine shots which he pushed into all American's with his Operation Warp Speed, what's good for the Gander, was not good for this Goose, I'm thinking:

This is the US Army (AUKUS) contract with Pfizer for the supply of the vaccines which Trump signed after giving himself sole responsibility to do that under the Defense Production Act and which the US Army then supplied to all - for Trump's Operation Warp Speed, which you will see referenced third paragraph down.


Why should the vaccine question be off the table, until after the POTUS, with regards to Trump - we all know about Harris, she is 100% in favour of the vaccines and all of her support staff have to be fully vaccinated, which probably means she is too - but not Trump?

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Because Trump says no to many things. He is an individual. We could have said no also!!!!!

We trusted like fools. Trump was made to sign due to the pressure. Don’t blame him. Who made you take the vaccine? Many of my friends said NO

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I don’t trust any politician/president/prime minister.

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I have said I don’t believe in viruses, but this piece may have just made me change my mind. This is a MUST READ: https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=1135171&post_id=148330850&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&action=share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=22lupr&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjUzMTExNjcsInBvc3RfaWQiOjE0ODMzMDg1MCwiaWF0IjoxNzI3MTQ1NjU3LCJleHAiOjE3Mjk3Mzc2NTcsImlzcyI6InB1Yi0xMTM1MTcxIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.Y9i64gPZLi0JtFUhTeVLv9ftpdCzmmQB8uZ2-3Ys8Yk

It’s about a self amplifying RNA vaccine that could be much worse than nuclear/atomic bombs. Please read-this may be being unleashed in Japan next month-and it could be the end of us.


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deletedSep 23·edited Sep 23
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