Long covid? Long lies.

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Conflicted and compromised judges are all that’s left it seems…

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Thank you for this information, Dr Altman. Dr Kerryn Phelps in Facebook yesterday shared a post from Dr Brett Sutton on Long Covid. I commented, and included your myocarditis interview at Balmoral Beach. Hopefully Dr Phelps’ thousands of followers will take an interest: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/jzQEWbJkLTr4jfFP/?

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The long covid lemmings have to decide: the jab was useless and didn’t stop covid or long covid; or, the jab made them weak and sickly.

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Where are the people who have "long Covid" who haven't had any transfection injections? Are there any? What proportion?

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The disgraceful dismissal of Dr My-Le Trinh’s case last Friday is another indictment of our court system. To add insult to injury this remarkable doctor has to pay costs. Her ‘crime’ was saving the life of a woman who was dying of covid, by administering ivermectin. She should be lauded not criminalised.

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Yep, most independent studies find it is long vax at least 70% or the time.

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A miscarriage of justice yet again. Rofe is clearly compromised and should be facing charges herself. What a steaming pile of festering garbage the “justice” system is. Reeking of corruption from the top. If these parasites keep each other’s secrets and protect each other we have no chance in achieving actual justice. Such an abomination.

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Mitochondrial dysfunction

Just like Gulf war illness

Borellia toxins, Lyme

Floxed from Ciprofloxacin

And tired all the time

Post exertion malaise

Clotting, or a rash

Biological functions fail

When cells are turned to mash

By spike protein

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This is criminal to witness the games played with the lives of others. Truely heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹

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Thank you again for this information, Dr Altman - I agree with most of the comments especially what is happening in the judicial system.

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Here is a little known publication of Victorian State Government Chief Health Officer (CHO) Brett Sutton here in Australia, that is important to be aware of. Few if any people know about this research paper that he published. In 2002 he thoroughly analysed the historical research on use of the masks, and based on his own analysis he ought to have known better therefore than to be complicit with or enforce mask wearing in Victoria throughout C19.

Do anaesthetists need to wear surgical masks in the operating theatre? A literature review with evidence-based recommendations


For example, he states that:-

"The numbers of airborne bacteria expelled from the nose and mouth are insignificant when compared with the substantial numbers shed from the skin. As early as 1948, Duguid 8 showed that large numbers of bacteria were liberated into the air from desquamated skin and clothing as a result of normal body activity, and that air in the operating room was contaminated more regularly and to a greater degree by the liberation of dust from clothing than by sneezing. In 1956 Hare 9 confirmed that Staphylococcus aureus was carried in the anterior nares in 50% of the population, but found it was generally only expelled from the nose during sneezing and snorting. He concluded this mode of transfer was far less important than its presence in desquamated skin. In 1959 Shooter10 found that few, if any, nasal bacteria are expelled into the air during quiet breathing, despite heavy nasal colonization. This was confirmed in a study by Mitchell and Hunt11. In 1962 Davis 12 showed that desquamated skin, not expelled particulate matter, was the source of most common bacteria dispersed into the air of hospital wards."

And it goes on..in great detail...thoroughly analysing all historical peer reviewed research into infection control using masks.

Brett Sutton's conclusion is that "The available evidence indicates that, for the

wearer, surgical masks offer incomplete protection from airborne bacteria and viruses." Then he recommends discontinuation of using masks in surgical theatre providing the theatre air conditioning meets Australian standards, except in surgery requiring implant insertion, surgical power tools, and trauma management.

His research highlights the entire lack of scientific basis for mask wearing, particularly in the fresh air outdoors.

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I knew it was vaccine injuries from the outset. It was never "Long COVID" That was ALWAYS A LIE. I couldn't believe it when the media puppets of the snake oil salesmen ALSO started the myth of "Long COVID". I was just even more disgusted every time the media puppets opened their damn mouths with their broken record brainwashing propaganda. That and all the alleged 'variants' are all LIES. The 'variants' were ALSO lies, more damn lies, peddled to keep everyone in a state of fear and compliance wearing masks and lining up for their bioweapon shots and boosters. THAT is what was really going on. THAT is the reality, NOT what the media puppets told you.

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I think we need to exercise a bit of caution when we say that long COVID is a vax injury, because I recall once reading about someone who had long COVID before the "vaccines" came out.

That said, we were told that the "vaccines" prevent post-COVID-19 illness.

Well, if a person gets "vaccinated" and then suffers long COVID, then that means the "vaccine" "failed."

In such a case, I don't know if the "vaccine" contributed to their illness, but it certainly didn't perform it's function of preventing illness.

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It has been quack medicine and junk science since the beginning of covid, with lethal consequences.

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I know I was hit in the heart by a pulse that came through my window I live in an elderly community and first responders are a common visit the day I was hit in the heart the first responders were here. I know the pulse that hit me came from their direction without any doubt but did they do it I cannot prove it.I wonder if some of the heart problems and attacks are from DEW I know my heart does not feel the same since that pulse. I also know the elderly in my community are pre-aged if they are in to good a shape, I have experienced this myself my face was pulsed causing deep washboard wrinkles. Other effects were also caused past documentation laser hits and burns as well as Infrasound.bjg.

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