Thanks for providing the link to Hansard, Phillip. We all need to write to the Nayers and ask them to explain themselves. (It was good to see, however, that the vote was THAT CLOSE - a couple of years ago the "bipartisanship" on pandemonium seemed bleaker.) The exposure of government censorship on digital platforms should also make my "save our ABC" friends think twice about how far these tentacles reach into their trusted national broadcaster.

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Thank-you for sharing. It strikes me as very peculiar that one has to file a freedom of information request on information that should be public. Sounds like a game to me. The tragic part about this is the information that is requested is about health and safety of the public.

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Thanks Philip. Very valuable information and appalling that it wasn’t passed. I noticed there were a number of senators that failed to vote on this matter. I suggest that enquiry be made to them by members of their electorates as to why they abstained and what their views are ?

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Thank you Phillip.

So they voted along party lines -

* all the NO votes belong to Labor and Greens senators,

* all the YES votes are Liberal, Country Liberal, Nationals, One Nation and United Australia.


There are a lot of disgraceful creatures supposedly representing all of us!

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G'day Phillip, the answer(s) as to why we are ALL caught up in this on going scam would be revealed by way of the National Cabinet Documents ( preferably unredacted) which were ORDERED to be released via ANOTHER FOI request by former Senator Rex Patrick in August 2021. The judgement by Justice White makes for very interesting reading & is the main/ common link that ALL Australian's are entitled to see as many, many, bad/evil decisions were & continue to be made from that illegal ( see the judgement) make believe Cabinet. In the following links, Senior Labor members ( Katy Gallagher, Mark Dreyfus) have publicly declared that the judgement is a good thing but have done NOTHING since forming government to follow up on their confected "outrage" re: Morrison's arrogance, blah, blah. It is at this point I respectfully request that you please investigate this important matter further & bring the truth about this dangerous farce into the light. The answers are in those documents, otherwise why are they being withheld by faceless bureaucrats, to this day,contrary to a Federal court judgement? You are doing fantastic work, which quite frankly you shouldn't have to be doing but once in it's all in. Regards Roc




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Great stuff Phillip, do you have the name and number of the motion so I can send a Flame Gram to each and every one of the murderous traitor "senators" who want this covered up?

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One would wonder why anyone, including our brain-dead senators who voted "NO" to this enquiry, wouldn't want to know WHY we have excess death rates reported by ABS and Insurance Companies, both here and around the world. They must be infected with "Monkey-itis" variant- "Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil"!

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Seems like a good idea to print this list. Wouldn’t want to trust it to my memory alone. As well it’s always good to pass on Hard copy...don’t ch reckon.

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Thank you Phillip. God willing this will be shared many times.

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Excellent post, I immediately shared on Twitter. Well done

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Wow so much closer than I expected, yes good idea to email the nays and ask why

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Thank you for all this information.

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3 to 5 years expectancy, it's already dead, and many more dying for the jab kill shot.

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Great Seal of Australia are TREASON

Agenda 21 is NOT a CONSPIRACY THEORY but a FACT. This is even since Gough Whitlam and his legacy still continues today and that this country is upside down with a broken and full of CORRUPTION system. Read the document and listen to Honourable Ann Bressington

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10229657779139403&id=1552033107&mibextid=qC1gEaGreat Seal of Australia are TREASON

My eyes wide open after studying, listening to seniors, etc, and doing research with the history of this land called Australia with its original Constitution (Magna Carta/Common Law 1900 UK), it tells me with FACT that, quote: "Section V - Powers of Parliament ", actually based on fraudulent acts and without the consent of people, and on top of it, no government but the corporation CIK#0000805157 registered to the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Corporations or business purposes can operate legally in Australia but must be bound by the original constitution (Magna Carta/Common Law) instead of their corporate law rules, and Companies are trying to govern the country and a SOVEREIGN PEOPLE. This is a CRIMINAL action, because it violates the country law, namely Magna Carta / Common Law. Period.

Anyone who disputes or opposes that fact will be classified as committing TREASON.


Agenda 21 is NOT a CONSPIRACY THEORY but a FACT. This is even since Gough Whitlam and his legacy still continues today and that this country is upside down with a broken and full of CORRUPTION system. Read the document and listen to Honourable Ann Bressington


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even curiouser, look at their yes/no intentions on the coming referndum.

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