
Regrettably, I must agree with you. Another description might be "psychopaths".

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Distance, deny, discredit, delay, deceive, distort, divide and disarray.

Distance yourself - They over there had the responsibility for that decision.

Deny any wrongdoing - It wasn't me or my party.

Discredit any opposition - He is not a credible expert.

Delay important information - We are working tirelessly to get answers but until we have all the facts, it is inconclusive.

Deceive the audience - 95% effective. Super dangerous virus. Saves Grandma. Safe and effective.

Distort the facts - There was a fault with our computer system the data was compromised. Therefore, we cannot tell whether more people died with the vaccines or without them proportional to the population.

Divide the enemy - Ain't no virus, ain't no mistake, ain't a lab leak, ain't part of an agenda, ain't part of this group.

Disarray / muddy the waters - It's not the vaccines it's: Climate change, microplastics, fossil fuels, Fukushima, UV rays, perfume sprays or that old screw in your femur that caused cancer, cardiac disease or any number of other nasty and novel medical conditions. Promise.

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Respectfully, they are NOT clowns. They are bought and paid for (with OUR money) enemy agents!!

In the era of 5th generation warfare, one has to be extremely careful and precise when using language.

Calling these people "clowns" implies they are simply incompetent fools and that the injuries and death suffered by tens of thousands of our fellow citizens was a result of a mistake or recklessness instead of what it really was:

INTENTIONAL DEMOCIDE in which the perpetrators knew exactly what they were doing. Specifically: WHAT they were trying to achieve and HOW they are going to do that.

You don't execute people for being "clowns". Democide on the other hand...

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The point now becomes: When do we start the prosecutions. But then, if the prosecutors are too busy, I don’t suppose there’s a way to execute them first and prosecute later at a point where they’re not too busy? Just a thought...

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I personally am very much against that. Due process MUST be followed. I also think that the only form of capital punishment to be allowed is via lethal injection. No hangings, no firing squad.

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Lethal injection often does not work because they have to be given in the precise order and timing and the drugs are often deliberately difficult to source.

We do not need pharma to intervene in our method of justice. Firing squad and hanging is fine. People will volunteer and there are an abundance of qualified shooters in Australia. The vaccine-injured and their families can pull the lever. It is very easy to calculate drops and weights.

But as you say, after due process. The people need to see what was done. Then, justice will be served swiftly without undue suffering. Unlike them, we will not make them suffer for years like they have done to us because we are not them. We cannot rebuild on cruelty, but the justice meted out will serve as a warning to others.

Edit: Of extreme concern to me are the people in WA who saw the vaccine injuries roll in during COVID ZERO at 24x the rate of all other vaccines combined. These people are in a lot of trouble, and it is now too late for them to save themselves. They sat there, followed orders, and gave orders while those numbers rolled in month after month. They're toast.

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You articulated my thoughts better than I could. Thank you 🙂🙏

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Michael, this is all that I think about.

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The comment about keeping Pharma out of this is especially pertinent. I didn't think about that aspect at all and it does make sense.

Saying that, there is an element of poetic justice in it which I think is important in crimes of such magnitude. Maybe we can just use the leftover stock of death shots for that purpose given we the people already paid for them anyway.

Maybe 5 shots in quick succession in each arm. That should probably do it...

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Rope is cheaper, why waste $ on these traitors!

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All punishments should fit the crime itself.

If you steal, you repay the losses and then some.

If you beat, you get beat on yourself.

If you detain or coerce and intimidate, prison.

If you molest kids, neutered.

If you inject billions of people with an experimental toxins.

Lethal injection seems suitable but without the sedatives to ensure they suffer as many others have been forced to suffer themselves.

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Nothing will change until the people of Australia will bring back Capital Punishment, start with the Scot Morris.

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The death penalty abolition act of 1973 must be repealed as the first order of business after the Commonwealth of Australia is liberated.

The second order of business should be the dissolution of the Commonwealth and calling a constitutional conference to draft a new constitution which will eventually lead to the establishment of a constitutional republic (and NOT a democracy god forbid!). I suggest its name to be the Federal Constitutional Republic of Australia (FCRA) and this seems like a very good suggestion for the flag of the new nation. Either way, the Union Jack MUST go!


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Yes you are so right the monarch has been molesting children for so long so between our evil goverments and the evil monarch the world is not a good place

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I disagree, hanging.......nice & slow, very slow.

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Each to their own but I think it's important to keep this in mind:

"One must be cautious of becoming a Monster in the process of defeating a monster".

Punishment is a MUST (and for crimes as heinous as these it must be the 'final' punishment) but revenge purely for the sake of revenge destroys all those who practice it. History has proven that definitively.

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So what happened to hitlers men allowed them to go to America and they put them into goverment jobs and there doing the same thing

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A point might be expressed here is that 'they' didn't follow due process when ordering and giving the lethal injections. That being so would 'they' not feel more comfortable 'short cutting' the system so to speak? I certainly did not have the notion of violence through hangings or shootings in mind as I made my original comment. I thought more along the line fo skinning them alive: gives more time for repentance and repentance preserves the soul, as we are all aware. And one other thought; as there will be many abattoir workers out of work in the coming years when animal products are off the table, would justice be better served engaging their services? We might then better understand fully the true nature of of Justice.

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They are ruining the economy into trash until they can ‘Build Back Better’ world economic forum.......the picture in my head is Mad Max movie I’ve seen in the 1980’s.

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Problem is that the justice system is in on it and they are mostly corrupt.


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Smiling out loud. Thank you I needed that.

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Who's being politicallly correct here? .. Killer Clowns then! ..

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How can saying that people should be called "genocidal mass murderers" instead of "clowns" can possibly be 'political correctness'? :)

5th Gen warfare happens predominantly in the MINDS of people and language is an important part of it.

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The corruption is off the scales🥹😢

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The ABS is at democide (stage 2): coverup/obfuscation. Anyone found aiding and abetting this situation, anyone giving or following these orders, should be arrested immediately and tried for crimes against humanity.

According to the ABS, we are the only highly-vaccinated country in the world that 'suddenly' did not experience non-covid excess deaths in 2022 AFTER they reported on excess deaths for 18 months. The ABS cooked the books and even showed us how they did it, rubbing their crimes in our faces, disappearing our dead from history.

The ABS is an organised crime group and should be charged with racketeering, fraud, treason, deception, and mass murder. Charge and jail them all.

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The 3 things, exposed by the Covid production, that were complete revelations to me were;

(1) that doctors and the medical profession were so cowardly, and would not even speak up in the face of glaring lies and absurdities

(2) that the majority of people proved to be so gullible and infantile, with ZERO intellectual curiosity

(3) and that Australia turned out to be one of the most corrupt countries on earth

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I’ve just finished reading 1984 for the first time. It’s uncanny how much of what’s going on in the world lines up with this book.

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That is partially because Orwell was well connected to the elite class of the time, he understood how they thought and operated.

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And you wonder why the Gov is pushing for a "Misinformation Bill".

Surely not to expose their assertions that there is nothing to see here, move along?

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One thing they've learned through this is that allowing people access to a veritable 'Library of Alexandria' for research purposes, is an enormous threat to their lies.

The internet has proven to be a double-edged sword - without it, they can't effectively propagandise the Public, but with it comes unmasking and exposure.

"Houston, we have a conundrum".

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Two older Australians, MILs of 2 of my sisters, both had tacchycardia soon after jabs.. both treated with ablation and cardioversion... one has now recurred... ongoing damage... only coming up on 2 years now... what will the longer term outcome be? Surely much more carnage, after cowr and suffering...

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🇦🇺💉”Before attempting to 'set the record straight' I would suggest reviewing the data on the TGA disclosure log, including the clinical and non clinical evaluation reports for the vaccines, causality assessments following cardiac arrests in young people, and the proportionality reporting ratios for AEFI reports, egga.gov.au/sites/default/... Also, if planning to respond to severely vaccine injured or grieving persons with the 'greater good' argument, take a moment to consider how incredibly disrespectful and offensive that is. I know for example of many health professionals who will never work again after vaccine injury. Would you think it acceptable if a colleague said that to you if you or your family member had a life changing injury or died? Also, where does this socialist idea come into medical ethics? Autonomy, beneficence, non malfaecese are the principles of medical ethics. If we accept harm and death of someone to 'save others' as acceptable with mandatory vaccination policies then we ethically accept enforced lottery style euthanasia for organ donation; kill one to save 8. We are medical professionals not drug reps, our job is not to defend what is now clearly indefensible. The matter of the safety of these products is also currently before the courts so it may be sensible to get legal advice before encouraging their ongoing use. comcourts.gov.au/file/Federal/P...

~ Dr Melissa McCann, Australian GP, 11 June 2023 (Twitter)

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As soon as the link with myo/pericarditis was found they should have set up trials to test those getting vaccinated for troponin levels and investigated potential heart damage. This is what a health bureaucracy that actually cared about health and took a precautionary approach to a delivering a rapidly developed vaccine with limited testing.

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AH, the government is really good at magic tricks, ladies and gentlemen. One wave of the wand and poof, the excess deaths from the jab disappear. Another sweeping it under the rug again. I hope that one day they will all be brought to justice, but I will not hold my breath on that one. Obviously they are oblivious to people suffering as long as they are ok and get their fat pensions or nice shiney new jobs after leaving parliament.


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wonderful Phillip thank you for another excellent piece

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There is no trick to it, it’s just a simple trick...

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Likewise there is no 'conspiracy theory'. It's just a straight up conspiracy - which immoral people have been engaged in since time immemorial (yet somehow they've gaslit the Public into believing those nefarious characteristics in humans just suddenly stopped around 1963 and JFK's assassination, and that evil people no longer conspire with other evil people for personal gain). Lol.

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It is open conspiracy and open corruption nowadays. They them have seen how weak and without purpose the majority has become, and the last several years have proved it beyond their expectations.

It doesn’t have to be this way but a majority allow it even if by willful ignorance.

I still hark back to JFK great speech, unfortunately he overstepped his position.

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Check Meryl Dorneys latest Substack on informed consent - the TGA is going to no longer have package inserts in injectables. And the vaccine info for professional s will only be available on line - I wonder how many will do due diligence. As for numbers if you were/ over 60 no vaccine injury was counted, because heart attacks, stokes , neurological diseases are “ expected “ in this age group. Great manioc of the data

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