
I will try and get the full vote count and names.

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OMG. We are literally in an insane asylum! It's so shocking. Trying to figure out how many of the excess deaths were in the 25-44 age group in the US, I wrote an article and most of them are not related to Covid. https://turningpointnews.org/corona-virus-reports/what-has-been-causing-a-huge-increase-in-the-number-of-deaths And I'm so grateful for Dr Malhotra and the other doctors speaking out!

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USA here. But in all countries, I would bet every dime to my name that they already know the truth. We know. They know we know. But they won’t allow us to know that they know. And our governments can outlive us all. Just like Tuskegee, there will be official apologies 20+ years later. But it will only be lip service, just as it was in the Tuskegee case. If the ends justify the means, they will do it again and again. And we must be ready.

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Phillip can you find and post a list of the "senators" who voted against this measure, also a link to the proposed terms of reference. Thanks>>

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I think this is an undeniable demonstration by the senators of who’s side they are on ‘Big Pharma’ or the people they work for i.e. their constituents the Australian Public - Clearly time for a vote of no confidence & the Gov Gen to do his duty & dissolve parliament & call an election! What is Gov Gen excuse?

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Philip can you update the post with the NAMES of the Senators that voted to turn their eyes away from this catastrophe

Name Names for the record

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Powerful graph. Demands an explanation. Those whose duty is to shed transparency are hiding.

Accountability will only arrive when the people demand it. This one is the job of the citizenry of Australia, but the same problem is evident worldwide.

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This isn't unjustifiably INSANE. It's well beyond insane it's the next level, Its shows how corrupt and evil our government is, paid to look the other way by the likes of Pfizer etc..., Pfizer controls the TGA, ATAGI and APHRA all levels of government, no doubt the courts and the media, Pfizer a company who copped the biggest fine in court history a whopping $4.6 billion for fiddling with adverse reaction data, paying off government officials and medical heiracy to look the other way is up to their same shenanigans here in Australia a evil saga stemming the last three years.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

Well, those causes line up with what Dr. Peter McCullough said - 4 primary categories of serious adverse events:

1. Cardiovascular (acceleration of atherosclerosis (heart, attack, stroke), myocarditis, lethal arrhyythmia (cardiac arrest), heart rate/blood pressure problems (POTS, autonomic dysfunction)

2. Neurological (Hemorrhagic stroke, Neuropsychiatric/neurodegenerative diseases, seizures, peripheral neuropathy)

3. Hematological (blood clots)

4. Immunologic (immune blood disorders, multi-system inflammatory disorders)

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ak8UUD74RKhk/ (from the Abilene (Texas) Wellness Summit)

Go to 4:31.

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We need the entire footage of the senate proceedings

Does this mean they only acknowledge 14 deaths as a result of the vaccines …. And, as per the Daen, the other 972 deaths reported by medical authorities will not be investigated ?

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Mindblowing (not surprising considering the mindset of Public Service and Labour/Liberal effectively one party system)

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This is the clearest confirmation yet, that the injections are responsible and a deliberate cover-up is underway.

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Surely this is an act of kindness. By not investigating they spare the compliant, obedient, gullible masses from having to face up to their own idiocy.

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Buyers remorse

People don’t want to know - they are ashamed of what they did and the carry on of mandates, vaccine passports and how critical thinkers were ostracised from society.

The cowardly politicians which in reality is a one party system don’t want anyone to know what they did and are backed 100% by an equally cowardly duplicitous MSM.

Considering some of these batches of bio weapon countermeasures have different vectors in them that can implant cancer genes or stop anti biotics working on you etc etc I suspect everyone Is going to find out at some stage.

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Some payroll those senators are on - Pfizer and or Moderna. My trust in government has dissipated totally now. Time to take back individual sovereignty.

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