Will the so called Christian Scott Morrison who enabled the despotic state premiers and lied and lied and lied to Australians about mandates and the safe and effective ’vaccine’ really get off scott free?.

His name is mud as are the rest, enough Australians know the truth to make the rest of his life uncomfortable.

He will be constantly looking around, new info is always coming out.

It’s no wonder he has that haunted look in his eyes and face

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He is destined to hell, for impersonating a Christian for one, and scores more reasons, e.g. taking “bribes”- Cairns News reports he became $53 million dollars richer over a few months whilst in office. I wonder how he got that kind of money? Not! Sorry, I don’t have a link, but a search of Cairns News will find this story.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023

Does anyone think it’s a coincidence that Morrison introduced in 2015


and stopped child health benefits if your child was not up to date with what is a sickening huge vaccination schedule.

Every child with autism, ADHD, nuerological issues. Auto immune diseases etc is blood on his hands

There is a control group that does not vaccinate their children and they do not suffer those illnesses- THE AMISH

Just simply a big pharma bought and sold lackey

And then mandated as much as he could for the next poison vaccine for adults - Covid ‘vaccine’ via a unconstitutional national cabinet.

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I'm watching for when the TGA will use the category "sports supplements" to clamp down on the use of NAC. The WHO has already been meeting with representatives from alternate therapies (under the guise of finally recognising them) in order to bring them under their control. It's happening in Canada, NZ and Australia now - changing legislation around supplements, because doctors like FLCCC and our Ian Brighthope were too good at providing people with alternative ideas for treatment. They are steadily trying to close the digital prison doors: relentlessly moving the plan forward with their mRNA manufacturing facilities and their fake "inquiries" with "terms of reference" that make sure nothing untoward will be found by not looking in obvious places (sort of the like the "inquiry" after 9/11?). Thanks for being one of our "conspiracy therapists".

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My friends in high places told me that we should be arresting all politicians health officials and those still injecting our once precious children, holding them in a pit guarded by man eating rats until the shots are stopped, then prosecute them all and jail them for life, Gee God really is smart , shame the people have no conviction and seem happy to be killed off without raising a finger , shame the Anzacs have been backstabbed by both the government and the people.

Now the communist party funded Voice to UN is kicking in 40,000 title claims already made in NSW alone , and as usual the people fall for everything and seemingly stand for nothing ..Australia - Coward County .. Swastika Banned for killing 6 million jews, communist flag not banned after killing 80 million chinese, 66 million russians , 15 million Ukrainains the list goes on , no that flag it seems is government backed and a huge part of the voice.. Albanese an unleclected criminal communist murderer , just my opinion ...Australia Ruled and Divided ..

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..regarding Anzacs, they probably have been backstabbed. which is awful since their 100 odd years of service to our country/governments of the day.

A service of which some were paid, some were conscripted , some were mesmerized by glory of service to country, some on mis-adventure. While many of our sovereign nation never got their hands dirty , let alone maimed, disfigured, or broken.

All were too young , all had mothers and fathers.

.. the Anzac services I attend still utter...

"Freedom is not for Free"

(no matter how it is fought for)

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This is a a big cover up. It will be a ‘nothing to see here’ enquiry. The hope is that we can put written submissions in. Hopefully we can swamp them with submissions large and small.

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Ah, here's a possibility for our input at the bottom: "Public consultation:

Public consultation will be completed during the Inquiry on the substance of the issues outlined in the Terms of Reference. The Independent Panel may invite and publish submissions and seek information from any persons or bodies. Consultation will take place across Australia with:

Key community and other stakeholders reflecting a diversity of backgrounds


Commonwealth Government and state and territory government agencies

Members of the public"

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Submissions will have to be based on the "terms of reference" won't they? Are there any applicable to deaths and injuries from these jabs, or the long-term effects of these transfection jabs whether or not they are based on the spike protein? I wonder...perhaps under: "Key health response measures (for example across COVID-19 vaccinations and treatments, key medical supplies such as personal protective equipment, quarantine facilities, and public health messaging)"?

When I read this one I shudder: what exactly do they mean by the word "target"? "Mechanisms to better target future responses to the needs of particular populations (including across genders, age groups, socio-economic status, geographic location, people with disability, First Nations peoples and communities and people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities)" Is this about how to better prevent "vaccine hesitancy"? Making sure "no one is left out" of their jabfest? I can smell "equity" and "inclusivity", can't you?

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I can-DIE all the way. It will be an enquiry that will work out how they can screw us over in a more targeted way.

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Looking forward to going through this information Dr Altman, thank you.

The Monash-Moderna Quantitative Pharmacology Accelerator (MMQPA): What is wrong with these people? https://www.monash.edu/news/articles/monash-university-and-moderna-form-partnership-to-advance-homegrown-mrna-medicines

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Thanks for the link. Made me feel ill reading it.

They're not going to stop.

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Thank you. Hopefully the internet will work in our favour: https://youtu.be/-y--kZje6Qg?si=OpCH-sMJUESd3Z95

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Yes. I agree.

The truth will never be suppressed.

Tptb are running scared, you can read it in the body language, and censorship is their only answer.

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Yep, we all know the "inquiry" is staged and will produce more propaganda... but what the heck do we do about it, when no-one wants to listen... !! Even the few parliamentarians who are speaking truth are getting nowhere....

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When the details are scattered

And omission is the norm

When ideas are built upon

Information strewn and torn

Through careful paid attention

To psychosocial tricks

From framing the right questions

To the appearance of boxes ticked

In all the right places

On all the dotted lines

And the group consensus beckons

Synchronizing minds

With emotive underlay

And carpets laid with tact

The details go missing

Fraying in the back

And colors of black and dreary

Or stormy stone gray

Surround the mighty mural

Drawing colors

Vibrant as the day

Everything's fast forgotten

Imperceptible, out of view

But those fraying details

Easily misconstrue


Absolutely everything

And I wish I could share them all with you

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The guy Albanese put in charge of the "inquiry" said: "It's not as though we made any major errors or anything".

And the fact it's not a Royal Commission means there will be no prosecutions.

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Farcical and disingenuous enquiry.

The States and Territories not to be included for cross examination? - they were the sole perpetrators of all public health policy and execution (and have sole sovereign jurisdiction over all public health policy in their respective states ,by law )

What sort of inquisition is that...

Are we australian's that dumb.. (lower case deliberate , as we are way less than before)

thank you Phillip Altman, you are on the A team.

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Dr Paul Offit - the penny drops. Clip: less than 3 minutes https://fb.watch/njiaGIYZyR/

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The Sept 2023 report for NSW Covid shows 21 deaths. What treatment is being used in hospitals. Are they still following the Covid Taskforce guidelines in which Doxycycline and Azithromycin could be used only in clinical trials

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Can anyone give me details on time for no rally?

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Where can I get some? 🥂😁

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Most health food shops.

I think it’s a more concentrated form of glutathione

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It is available from vitamin sellers in US

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