My feeling is that the AZ vaccine was withdrawn because they wanted to push the Pfizer and Moderna jabs, because the governments of most western nations had entered into agreement with these companies

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Correct, demonise one & push the others. People forget the stories, Jeanette Young, former QLD CHO, non recommendations of Astrazeneca ,without revealing her husband Professor Graeme Nimmo's links with Phizer. Tick, tock.

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Yep, and they might even throw the Fizzer under the bus to leave Murderna the winner - watch this space.

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Which is 3X more potent than Pfizer

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The biggest problem is that our government isn't working for the people. The Canadian philosopher John Ralston Saul warned more than two decades ago in his book, "The Unconscious Civilization", that the public sector and academia were being corporatised. I believe that's what we are seeing now and hence through the lack of independence we have lost our checks and balances. This must be addressed as a matter of urgency before the WEF have their wet dream of Global Governance!

Don't believe me?

Do a search "World Economic Forum Strategic Intelligence" and see what turns up on their website!

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Yes I do believe you; your Grubberment play smoke n mirrors to suck the general public in.

Majority of Aussies have been hypnotised by the idiot box and Corporate Grubberment since 1973-1974. Thank Witless Coff, Gough Whitlam when he sold All Aussie States and Federal Grubberments on the USA stock exchange in Delaware USA. Wake Up Aussies, you are owned and controlled by Corporate pretend Grubberments throughout Aussie-Land.

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Don’t need to ....but good on you for sharing your knowledge.

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Hmmmmm! Canada, China, North Korea - can anybody spot the difference? Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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All vaccines are poison, do not prevent illness,absolutely no scientific proof! I wish people would stop believing they do, then demand will drop until they stop making them.

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"Join a friendly group of like-minded people this Sunday 19th Nov for a Freedom in the Park get-together at Tunks Park, Cammeray, Sydney at 10am -noon."

Sounds fun, and social connections are SOOO important, especially after the insanity of isolation and lockdowns! . . . And before the Criminal Government tries to pull that sh*t again! Go for it, Sydney-ites!!!! (or whatever you are called. Lol!) Too bad I'm so far away.

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Yes, and Selke will be there - founder of the Forests of the Fallen movement, the most powerful testimony and awakener of sleepers!

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The Tunks Park gathering was very worthwhile and as we say ( sometimes) I’ll be back.

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Completely agree that there needs to be a cultural shift. You could hang, draw and quarter all these bastards (and they do deserve it) but if you have the same society afterwards then it won't be long before you have the same problem again. We need more democracy.

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Something has always smelled off regarding the hurdles placed in front of certain “vaccines” and not others, mainly Pfizer and Moderna. I recall in the middle of the worst of the panic looking into AZ as my mother-in-law had become a hermit and refused to leave the house despite all assurances to the contrary that she would be quite ok. I essentially made a deal with her to get the AZ in lieu of any others and she was completely fine thereafter ... and started “living” again.

4-5 months later and she goes and gets a “booster” without telling me, and the pharmacist gives her Pfizer “because that’s what we’re giving people”. A few months after that her doctor declares her non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which had been entirely manageable and practically gone, had “surprisingly” progressed to a worse phase.

All circumstantial, but I remain convinced that AZ was the Judas jab used to symbolise the efficacy of the regulators, a smokescreen behind which all manner of racketeering could be done.

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Look up Dr Makis substack and you’ll see he talks a lot about recurring cancers and turbo cancers in people who’ve been jabbed.

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AZ is a Chinese invented jab.

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Great article Phillip. I am kind of over the endless reading and talking about what readers here already know by heart.

It’s what comes next that interests me......won’t matter if all believe what only some now do - unless the WHO are blocked and then stopped .....we know the outcome.

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Believe it or not, a lot of people are still subscribing to my substack and I get emails like 'I had no idea this happened.' We have to be patient with the people who are still coming into the light because we will need them when the jackboot of the state comes down on our neck next time.

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Thank you for reming me ......you are correct.

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I understand how you feel. I will be putting out a quick bulletin likely today.

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Hi Excess, I was on your last forum somehow-I can’t afford to pay-but I saw what you’d written about Ernesto Ramirez Sr & Jr. I wanted to comment but couldn’t. I knew about this poor man fairly early in the piece, every time I saw him on internet he couldn’t stop crying. I don’t blame him, and it’s one of the saddest cases I’ve ever heard. He believe(s) he killed his mate-his only son.

I admire his integrity, where he simply would NOT deviate from what the coroner deduced, that his son was killed by “vaccine”. Even though “they”, as you said, offered to pay for the boy’s funeral if Mr Ramirez would change cause of death from vax to something else on death certificate. I saw him at the American “Defeat the Mandates” rally at Lincoln Memorial-Mr Ramirez was s’posed to get up and speak, but he couldn’t-poor man just kept crying.

Steve Kirsch featured him a bit, also. Apparently one of the people trying to talk Mr Ramirez into changing death certificate, just before ending the call, WHISPERED “I’m so sorry Mr Ramirez”.

I hope the same feelings I have for Mr Ramirez are felt by people viewing the “Forests of the Fallen”. An Aussie posted about the Forests on Toby Rogers substack the other day. I can’t remember how many likes, but there were some. Raising awareness ANYWHERE about the non-safety of these injections is good. (Sorry for all involved if I’ve made spelling mistakes).

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Mr Ramirez is wrestling with Satan. He is showing us how to win.

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Have a read of the UK government response to our exit the WHO petition? James Roguski shares it. Deeply troubling as this is written by civil servants and government won't even name them. 🙏

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Are we not suppose to notice the inconsistencies? Will never ever forget what they did!

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Is mRNA today's thalidomide.

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WORSE-miscarriages are up by a huge amount, also stillbirths. And “they” wan’t mRNA for EVERYTHING! MANDATED!

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Some blame the spike, others blame the lipid nanoparticles...both of which were toxic. Some blame the DNA plasmid contamination, some the endotoxin from E.coli. All potentially deadly. But how about the fact that the whole mRNA platform itself is the worst idea ever, except if you are losing the fight with cancer? Getting one's own cells to produce and present a foreign antigen on their surfaces is asking for autoimmune attack in which there will be confusion between self and non-self - a disastrous formula. The whole idea of mass inoculating with gene-jabs needs to be exposed and scrapped, period. Anything less is just keeping the door open for these killer shots to be "reinvented" and once again marketed as "Safe&Effective".

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Have a listen to the many interviews by oncologist Dr William Makis or his X or Substack. mRNA platform not helpful to treat cancer and never will be. Nor anything else either 🙏

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🙏 Meanwhile, organisations such as the Garvan Institute are being praised for their research into mRNA vaccine technology. I commented: https://fb.watch/on-IyLNcPV/

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These “Institutes” are a disgrace, and so are so called epidemiologists.

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Yes indeed. The Victor Chang Institute was the same more than two years ago, where this cardiologist for example had emphasised the importance of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 - in the absence of long term safety data:


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The eugenicists want the gene altering “vaccine “ for the democideal dream of reducing world population tov1.5 billion by 2050. If you could check Deagel ( they’ve stopped publishing) the intent was to reduce Australian population by 30% by 2030/35. But projecting our population to 50million by 2050. The massive migrant influx is our replacement population, just as it is in the US. Deagel is the CIA advisor to the UN.

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Numbers are not my strong point.....however I agree with your conclusion.

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I’m not much good with numbers either, but when I did come across Deagel reports in the past, they are like an excel spreadsheet - you only had to find your country and read across the line, the numbers by year etc were all laid out

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Thanks for taking the time.

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My pleasure, I’ve only been joining the dots for the last several years, prepared to help others on the journey.

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Deagel report. More proof that they are insane. https://nobulart.com/deagel-2025-forecast/

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Obviously, Astra-Zeneca was discretely removed from public use with stealth to avoid damaging the same poisons from other evil manufacturers being impacted by 'association'.

AZ was probably less financially robust and resilient than the other well-established medicine (POISON) makers like J&J, Moderna and Pfizer. Subsequently, they were more vulnerable to the justifiable criticism, blame for Vax Related DEATHS & injuries and perhaps had not embedded as many formal AVOIDANCE Contract conditions to avoid LEGAL responsibility for such events like the other murdering injection makers. The others deny all LIABILITY within every supply Contract!

Suddenly, the sh*t is hitting the fan with several lawsuits opened against AZ for the DEATHS caused by their version of a SAFE & EFFECTIVE injection. Pfizer wants to disappear, using BANKRUPTCY to avoid the same outcome!

Pfizer is realising their 'LEGAL armour' could be breached because of the volume of injuries and deaths that are occurring POST-VAX, and is pretending to be experiencing 'Financial problems'. This can only be an excuse to distance themselves from the inevitable BLAME and responsibility they will have to accept due to the sheer volume of vax-related disasters. If they declare BANKRUPTCY, they will simply reintroduce the organisation in a different unassociated guise with a different trading name.

The US has, for decades, permitted bio-labs to function in US Universities - until recently, when it became suspected by the wider public. Congress decided that the US should not permit such dangerous 'DoD bio-warfare' experimentation to continue on US soil! The dangerous experimentation has moved to other countries like Ukraine and China and probably continues in the US where it can be hidden from the public.

Big Pharma realised the massive financial opportunities of making people ill and pretending they have a 'CURE'.

That is why COVID-19 was designed and released to justify a profitable 'cure they pretend is a VACCINE. it doesn't work, can injure and kill recipients and is marketed with absolutely NO LIABILITY for the millions that suffer the consequences of believing the narrative!

'Vax HESITANCY' is borne out of the realisation that these, once-trusted interventions really used to be safe and effective. Now, even those that still keep accepting the dangerous and ineffective Covid shot realise the crap is useless - but some keep accepting these poisonous 'boosters'. I was told by a friend who still lines up to be poisoned, that the only reason she continues with the insane suicidal activity is "because I believe the medics and it's FREE".

Hopefully, others are realising that the WHO has been infiltrated by those (WEF members of the New World Order) who have different sinister agendas to those portrayed by the WHO's bandit-in-chief (Tedros). Their aim is to assume total universal dominance of ALL human health matters - with the hidden intent of enforcing all medicines that control, pacify, dumb down and enslave the entire planet's population - driven by the unscrupulous Elite (the WEF's New World Order).

This sinister intention has been planned for decades and Bill Gates (the world's richest man) now finances the entire WHO's Policies and Plans. Gates states; The most lucrative investment I ever made is VACCINES"!

Many of us now realise that every jab was/is EXPERIMENTAL and comes with total Immunity from LIABILITY for the makers. How can this continue when so many vax injuries and deaths continue to rise?

Join the dots - get off the fence and refuse to be dictated to by those who intend to harm or enslave you!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I know most of this, but lots I don’t know-just one point, big deal, I know, but most publications say Elon Musk is world’s richest man. What does it matter-all these billionaires, trillionaires, just want us dead.

Bankers and royal families of all of Europe, including UK of course, are at the top of the tree. Especially the satanic Rothschilds. Have you seen that photo of Evelyn de Rothschild poking then Prince Charles in the chest? This Rothschild is now dead. Wish more were.

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Can anyone say how any 'out of date' vax products are disposed of please? I want to know where in the environment they end up. Thanks 🙏

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Good point-they’re probably sent to Africa for use.😡 But I don’t know.

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Just wanted to let everyone know that the tyranny is starting again in WA. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/tyranny-alert-for-west-australians

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Masks-I’ve heard this phrase somewhere- they are about as effective as cyclone fencing keeping out mosquitoes!

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