The story gets worse.

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Yep, so much worse. I'll say the quiet part out loud....They knew. They know. They don't care.😐😐😐🤐

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Denis Rancourt’s statistical work using all cause mortality is very robust and clearly shows there was nothing spreading causing death as we were led to believe. Evidence shows that this also holds true for all of the CDC announced pandemics in the last 100 years.

Unfortunately we have all been deceived.

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Wait until they find out about the contamination to humanity's genome.😐😐

Then wait until they find out that the shedding phenomenon from vaccinated to unvaccinated is ALSO real.😐😐🤐

#mistakeswereNOTmade #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #getlocalised #conspiraciestrue

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Do you have any properly controlled human studies to share on this? I have only seen in-vitro and individual anecdotal accounts of shedding, none really in a controlled study, so I would be really interested if this has been actually proven. Any links would be greatly appreciated.

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In my view we are past the point of randomized controlled properly conducted trials in order to establish what is going on. All one needs to do is closely observe what has happened in their immediate & close surroundings & ask the right questions.

I have no doubt shedding is real, but also there are many other environmental factors at play that are running concurrently with the jab rollout.

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👏👏👏💯 it's almost a perfect storm of environmental, phenotypic and lifestyle global vulnerability, combined with toxic technology/therapeutics. Almost couldn't make a worse (better?😐🤔🤨) "countermeasure".😐😐🤔

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So "science" was being done long before, the "scientific method" and definitely long time before "evidence-based medicine" was even a glimmer in David Sacketts eye. The hierarchy of evidence or gold standard was/is intended as a guide to strive for and utilise when assessing clinical level data. It's not a locked in stone tablet rule book.

We still consider clinical evidence. We still consider cases and case studies. We still consider anecdotal evidence, as part of building EBM or practice. We can't give you what no one has supplied (despite actual FDA requests for the data). To my knowledge (as in personally read), not one company provided shedding studies (even though requested) because these things were designated "countermeasures" under EUA, and by that label are not required.

In saying that, Pfizer specifically directed clinical trial participants not to engage in activities that by defining criteria for shedding, could lead to shedding. All outlined in Dr Pierre Kory's presentation available on FLCCC. Also in Pfizers own docs, available all over the court ordered joint and more clinical evidence can be found when looking at "shedding" studies in pub med and other databases. That's not even including anecdotal or exosome and nanopathology/technology research and development. I may be jumping the gun by a few months, but I'm confident that WHEN someone is curious enough to do the controlled study, it will be confirming those of us making educated assessments based on all current available data. Again, BTJMO 😐🤔🤷‍♀️😉🤗

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Yes, I’ve read the Pfizer warnings for close contact and am aware of the toxins in breast milk from vaccinated mothers, but at this point I don’t believe anything coming out of big Pharma’s spokespeople/studies or any doctor/expert without actually reviewing the document myself to see if they have followed the scientific method in a properly controlled study and have come to a definite conclusion and not some maybe/perhaps or possible conclusion as they did in their original SARS-CoV2 papers.

Everything has been a lie, right down to a disease causing viral pathogen spreading amongst us, so I wouldn’t put it pass them that this shedding phenomenon is also a lie to scare all of those that didn’t enter into the experiment. Surely there must even be some mice studies that test shedding?

I just want to know the truth.

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An unvaxed friend reported that her husband got jabbed. Although he then slept in a seperate room, her periods were upended for 3 months. Sounds like shedding to me. Anecdotal, yes, but …?

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I’m not saying it isn’t possible, my theory is that it is similar to be close to someone that has had chemo, where their bodies are trying to remove the toxins from their body and the secondary exposure is minimal in comparison to actually having the chemo.

I’ve heard of many people with rashes after being in close contact as well, I just want to know what if any impact there is on the blood of the secondary person and exactly what sort and how much contact. I guess it also depends on whether that secondary person is in good health or not. It would be really hard to do a proper control as there are so many variables involved. I just wish there was a proper study done.

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Dr Pierre Cory has some current information on shedding. Thousands of n=1 statements of being affected is a good start to gathering data.

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Thank you I will take a look, much appreciated.

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The corona experiments were the beginning of the world takeover. The war against freedom, humans and God. The direct attack ("vaccine") from big pharma & a DoD continues killing to this day

The fake ass war propaganda bs against "Hamas" is really a war on the American economy through inflation.

The coronahoax story got cold. They don't care anymore because the UN army is already here in the US and now it's a waiting game until the next made up crisis calls for martial law. This should happen right before election day. Forget isolating and purifying the "insilico" virus.

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People are dying from the shots yet when the words are spoken, the response is silence...(exception here).

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🌏⛓ Just extraordinary. Hopefully this documentary, The Big Picture will wake more people up, on what’s proposed with ‘digitised compliance’. Trailer: https://www.bigpicturemovie.com/?fbclid=IwAR0X1Z3ti8HP-FCc7ZyKcev8dX_VTq63ec-atpXTyymIeyGtynSwHLMzXAQ_aem_ATjWD9wusgWt882tWtS1bYsS8d_2sIgUjWPZL5Vc0Xiyv3aBtr9Utggu0aD468ZDe1k

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Please refer to this submission & it's contents ... https://bit.ly/-COVID-Review-SANDBAG https://bit.ly/-SANDBAG-Sub-Contents

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From the AMA last year -

🇦🇺💉’Vaccination of young people from 12 years of age for COVID-19 against parents’ wishes’, Medical Journal of Australia, 23 January 2022:


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