Thank you Dr Altman for Upholding the Hippocratic Oath and for speaking the Truth so We may know and Share.

With Gratitude.

Kind Regards


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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023

DR CARLO BROGNA NEW VIDEO he is doing more studies

“Bacteria is the intermediate” It replicates in bacteria that’s been known since 2020.


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'Excess Deaths' was a major part of the man-modified Covid and the deadly injections they pretended were VACCINES! the past 4 years have all been a carefully planned CULL of humanity by the New World Order (The WEF).

Obviously, for those of us with no inside knowledge of how the health system functions, we now have to assume the FDA deliberately permits flawed, or non-existent, SAFETY TRIALS to be certified as real or genuine. Most of us proud Conspiracy Theorists now suspect that manufacturers like Pfizer & Moderna present falsified 'in-house' data to the FDA that is 'doctored', modified or simply fictitious.

The only tangible reason must be greed or financial 'self-gain' for all concerned.

There might be a bit of 'You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours'.

Big Pharma's motto;

"There's no profit in healthy people, so how can we make more people ill and for longer?"

We hope and expect that our murdering enemies within Pfizer, Moderna, etc, will be removed from the list of murdering organisations that thrive in the CORRUPT Big Pharma cartel.

Pfizer is already threatening BANKRUPTCY in order to become 'untouchable' when their crimes are finally revealed in a Texas court of law!

Pfizer, Moderna, etc, should be compensating the families of those they MURDERED.

Pfizer, Moderna, etc, executives should be put on trial for Premeditated MURDER for continuing the DEADLY Vax CARNAGE.

Knowing the DEPOPULATION by injection that is demanded by the WEF Elite, common sense and self-preservation must be enforced by our useless governments and other, so-called, authorities.

Why does 'NO LIABILITY' continue for the murderers at Pfizer, Moderna, etc?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Thank you for your dedication in spelling out the dangers on this toxic jab! You have to ask why is the government not looking at these statistics? There 8s only one answer, that is they are in with WHO, been paid and sticking to the WHO 'S agenda to cull humanity.

They need to all been rallied up in holocaust style and excited or gased.

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Great commentary, thank you

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The Self Amplifying mRNA Vaccine approved in Japan = ARCT-154 Meiji Seika Pharma & Manufactured by ARCALIS (Japanese subsidiary of an American venture company) is wrapped in Exosome due to its function and can spread like a virus and infect others. It was approved after an unusual clinical trial involving only 390 people for Placebo (BNT162b2) and 390 people for vaccination (ARCT-154).It is based on the Spike RBD part of the Sarscov2 gene.

If homologous conversion occurs with other real viruses during intracellular proliferation, the sa-mRNA itself may become a real virus wearing an envelope or shell. If that happens, it can spread all over the world.

To people from other countries, please be aware of this sa-mRNA Shot trend.

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G'day OD, thanks for the reply. Sorry to say but imo there is Buckley's chance of getting any of this low mob to do anything to turn this out of control ship around. Interesting to note the backgrounds & connections of some of the Director's. They ALL know or know of each other. The government contracts & tenders make for interesting reading & the staggering amounts paid for by ALL Australian's. Check The Global Fund for another series of Australian contributions which make the recent $100 million pledged by our fearless leaders look like chicken feed. It's all connected against us we just fund it. Oh the irony.

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023

" had circulating synthetic Spike Protein in their blood for up to 6 months."

Other data suggest "at least" 6 months. The "excess deaths" continue and the most likely reason is spikes?

Unless, of course, as now is being proven likely, the viral mod-mRNA is being taken into the cell nucleus and incorporated into human DNA, in which case it is permanent. (Note : Not the same issue as bacterial/plasmid DNA with SV40 contaminants ALSO probably being incorporated into human DNA OR the"frame shifting" producing random, and potentially oncogenic, "nonsense" proteins in vivo. There are lots of related but different issues taking place at the cellular level - none of them good. And again demonstrating the dangers of "Playing God" with complex molecular biology that we don't even begin to fully understand. And experimenting in real time with the global population in a panic response to a "disease" with an overall survival rate of 99.7% (99.95% for those below age 70) is just complete insanity. We MUST keep these basics front and centre.

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Thank you, Dr Altman. From Garvan this morning (I commented - David White): https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0DuNGaySuTfSvzVW9xTXQV7VcagArR1DErKsMWJZZxxcN5NhGMwmdqkhABaVpMFsMl&id=100064632071943

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It's blocked OD.

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I see, thank you, you would have to access it as a member of Facebook it seems. Anyhow, I requested that Garvan provide ongoing safety reports, given that we fund the organisation. I included links to Bright Lite News’ Facebook clip with Dr Denis Rancourt on the (alleged) 17 million deaths as well as the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society’s study on excess deaths in Australia. In my opinion, we have to press hard, right now. The chain of trickle-down corruption and conflicts of interest must be broken, and the culprits at the top must be brought before the courts.

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I despise fb, never been a member, but they’re set up to catch people committing wrongthink, and my bank would surely see this if I comment on probably anything!! Social Credit la-de-da.

What was the article about though? 🙂 I’m off now, to wash the dishes.🙁

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Please don’t worry about your bank account. Digitised compliance will only eventuate if we don’t stand up now. There is too much apathy, and too many bystanders, so the masses have to be scared into action, and angry for what may happen to their children. I’m all over social media, respectfully asking questions and drawing logical conclusions. This is life and death. Best wishes

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It’s not just bank accounts, it’s assets-house, car, gold, silver, furniture-have you look at “The Taking” documentary. It’s all over the internet to download, also the book is available as a free downloadable pdf. I watched it a couple of days ago, and the fella (can’t remember his name) tells how the banks are going to be collapsed, how it’s been set up, he likens it to the depression.

This doesn’t need digitisation. I don’t have much in my bank anyway, but everything we own could be, well, taken! I take this seriously, no matter how many people are awake or not. The masses haven’t been scared enuf for their kids by the jab, and I’ll wager less know about this plan-which will hit the wealthy also. Not the ultra wealthy of course, we know who they are.

“The Taking” shows how they might achieve “you will own nothing” at least.

Then there are quantum dots and other nanotech which doctors and amateurs with microscopes, find in 100% of UNvaxxed peoples’ blood.

Can’t say much more, but look at this doco if you haven’t. (I didn’t sleep well last night-I have a mess for a brain!

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Yes, I’ve watched the documentary. More reasons to stand up - without delay. We don’t tell them what to do. As Vera Sharav would say: “We are the many, they are the few.”

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