I have been saying this for a year. Of course Australia's covid response is a military operation and they all know it. For God's sake people!

Start with the Novavax contract: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-novavax-contract

Then read the implications: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-banality-of-evil

Then look at the psychological operation in WA: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/full-spectrum-dominance-western-australias

I will have a full article with the ADFs involvement in covid out shortly.

Edit: relatedly, listening to Roberts' speech is amazing. On one hand, it's total theatre. He knows it and they ALL know it. On the other hand, this is everything I have been screaming about for years.

This is the heart of the beast everyone. These are the correct perpetrators. Not "pharma."

My takes: a Royal Commission will do nothing. The Crown will not save us the people are the stopping condition.

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Please see the article and thread at Sasha Latypova's Substack - the woman who, along with Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News Substack https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/) exposed the US DOD as the correct perpetrators. I build on her work with Warp Speed and the Five Eyes. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/breaking-news-finally-the-truth-is

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I have just watched that clip of Malcolm; so well executed.

I also noted that twit, Jacquie Lambie, seated next to him constantly smirking and flipping her hair. This silly bitch from Tassie regularly uses the mantra that she is there for the "Vets"! I, for one, hope those "Vets" can see her for the true piece of fraud she actually is. Was she aware of this "counter measure" technique? Would she even answer that question?

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Amen to everything you've said here, Dr Altman. May this post and Senator Roberts' speech reach every single Australian and open their eyes to the lies and cover-ups that have had such devastating results in our beautiful country!

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It's not a cover up. All the Senators know what is happening. They gave away their Sovereignty, and, ours.

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Aug 10, 2023
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I am voting Libertarian from now on, because the American Democrat-Republican (D-R) duopoly has been unchallenged for decades and together they sit at the top. Together they run the most well funded and well armed organization to ever exist, so I encourage everyone to vote third party in order to reclaim what it means to live the American Dream. Even from Australia, talk about D-R like it is the ancient American status quo that's got to go. Everyone in the world deserves better than the current set of looney's we have looking down laughing at us

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I'm sure you're a well-meaning, good-hearted human, but I'm afraid you're missing the point entirely by thinking voting is going to achieve anything.

The entire representative "democracy" system was devised and installed in every nation - by the oiler-banker-investor-owners - expressly to neuter the people and prevent them from ever determining the course of events and especially from making the important decisions.

Your only power, while you choose to remain in their society and abide by their laws, is whether you spend, and how and what you spend their money on, and how much and ultimately whether or not you continue to pay them taxes. Withdraw your efforts and resources from them and instead invest those in your immediately surrounding community, and withhold what you retain of their money from their economy and you will, by a tiny increment, begin to enfeeble them. But do it before their new multipolar International Monetary and Financial System is ready and commences being the operating paradigm.

And prepare - in whatever way you are able - to defend yourself.

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I absolutely agree. A good man knows how to face evil, and I am prepared to do that if needed. In the mean time, I am doing everything I can to write Substack articles and communicate with people that something needs to change before things get worse. I think the best way to bring Good to this world is to be Good and speak Good so I am doing my best to spread that as much as possible to prevent the bad

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Counter measures... Other ways to kill people.

Also to surveil ADF members. 1998 to 2006, these poisons were injected into military members, under the US DoD DARPA super Soldier Projects. Plus there's such thing as "Voluntary non-consent", which has been ongoing for many decades.

I was one of the "Voluntary non-consent" members. Would make for a great advert for recruiting.

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Royal Commissions are a further waste of OUR money. The terms of reference would have to be stretched from Sydney to Perth to capture ALL of the information required to sentence ALL of these traitor's.

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Royal Commissions... the name itself gives the game away. Commissions with the patronage of the criminals themselves. See how that works?

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It was good to see that Sasha Latypova linked this speech on her substack today.

It will get the international airing it deserves. She and Katherine Watt of course were onto it a while ago and have been speaking out ever since.

Anything to help spread the truth...

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So true Anna. What would we do without them?

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Who is the military answerable to? Whose payroll are they on?

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The US DOD. From there, the Fed. From there, Rothchilds/Crown/300. Then, Satan.

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" ... Then, Satan."

Isn't this just a case of Superior orders, famously known as the Nuremberg defense or just following orders? Why is it not admissible to ultimately attribute the crimes to the humans who, clearly, committed them? Is this "it's Satan's fault" simply another deception devised by the criminals themselves so that they might be exonerated or escape ultimate and proper criminal prosecution for their crimes should they ever be arraigned?

You are an invaluable and highly-respected champion for justice, and I and grateful and greatly appreciate your efforts, and your powerful gifts of sagacity and articulation of all the pertinent considerations. Please don't allow yourself to get fooled by such a hoary, and quite frankly silly trick.

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Now, it is time for everyone to see what the World Health Organization is up to. It wants to be given the authority to continue down the path of control. That anything and everything can be declared an emergency with extreme measures issued to provide health measures to the population. It looks like if there is little pushback, there will naturally be more abuse to be issued under public health.

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Yes indeed. But exactly what do you propose would constitute effective pushback?

Barring abducting and "disappearing" every single member of parliament, abrogating the entire government, revoking and rescinding every single agreement and accord made with the WHO, UN, World Bank, IMF, ... the list is long ... and every other partnered (NATO) and trading nation, there's really nothing that we could pushback with.

We're living in their cities, their societies, abiding my their rules and the laws their government have legislated, and we're even consuming as they want us to consume, and keeping two dogs as they intend us to keep (figuratively, but also factually - just look around at everyone). We don't have a choice with what they decided to foist on us while we remain under their management and control. The only thing we could do is to make our own society which we ourselves govern and order with our own rules. This society is too far gone, we never did control it, any of it, and we never will.

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excellent post, yes that was a sensational speech from Malcolm Roberts

yes, it was revealed in Brook Jackson's lawsuit that these vaccines were "countermeasures" ordered by the US Department of Defence. She thought she was managing a medical trial for Ventavia on behalf of Pfizer and sued Pfizer for fraud in its sloppy handling of it. Pfizer's lawyers told the court that they had delivered the fraud the government had ordered, essentially, as Sasha Latypova puts it.

Dr Robert Malone also says the US DoD, BARDA and DTRA, they wanted a rapid vaccine platform as a countermeasure in case of bio attack and settled on mRNA as a good candidate for it. CEPI (chair is Jane Halton) say on their website they want a 100-day vaccine. So this is what they want

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It's theatre. All the Senators know what is happening, that this was a military operation. This is just the public 'reveal.' At least they are naming the correct perpetrators now (ADF, DOD). First, they will throw 'pharma' under the bus as the sacrificial lamb. Then, in a few years when politically palatable they will throw the Morrison government under the bus. There will be 'minor course corrections' for the future but overall everyone will be given a medal for their 'job well done.'

Here is your future: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/government-of-western-australia-declares

The people are the stopping condition. Do not ever comply.

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"It's theatre. All the Senators know what is happening, that this was a military operation."

All this is now clear. However, even the military operation part is theatre - layers and layers of duplicity. Employing the military to develop the killer shots and orchestrate their deployment is a slam dunk, because the military has been elevated by the governments and the societies they control and shepherd to the position of sacrosanctness (for instance, the ANZAC pantomime) and the military is completely untouchable, both legally and financially. That means, the military is the perfect enforcer, hitman, or pest eradicator.

Incidentally, the standing (permanent) professional military forces were created, their capacity and capability built-up systematically and consistently by "consecutive" governments (the government never changes; elections and the imbecilic blue, then red, the blue again flip-flop is merely a cynical burlesque) regardless of their ostensible political ideologies in order to either threaten the people with unchallengeable violence, or to be set upon the people with unanswerable violence. The COVID-19 "medical countermeasure" shots are the thematic example of this.

Notice, however, that I do not regard that the military as having ever been "captured" as such; it was never truly meant for any other reason than to be deployed against the people. The many recent wars and those of the past however many hundreds of years have largely been contrived pretexts to provide meat grinders for the elimination of a generation of unsuspecting young adults, who would otherwise be occupied with fathering another generation, and also for marshaling forces of arms for setting upon the populations and the supporting infrastructure, because of course the clearing and rebuilding makes the oiler-banker-investor-owners - for whom the governments work for and who declare war when commanded to do so - unimaginably lucrative profit-generation exercises.

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Aug 10, 2023
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I am definitely not assuming this.

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It appears these countermeasures were made in of all places for a military operation run by the West in China!!.

Sasha Latypova points out in this interview that dirty water, heavy metals and other poisons were used in the making of them.

Just exactly how stupid and evil are these Government departments and military that jumped with glee at the prospect of more control through this operation.

The lot of them are very sick people.


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What a hero. -so good.

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From the point of view that there was an epidemic of 'flu like' illness in Australia - which is all that Covid ever was - EVERYTHING the Australian governments did was scientifically wrong. Lockdowns - wrong. Contact tracing - wrong. Masks - wrong. Shutting schools - wrong. Vaccine coercion (e.g. threatening unvaxxed exclusion from society) - wrong. Vaccine mandates (e.g. to work in a school, enter a shop!!!) - wrong. Vaccinating into a pandemic - wrong. Propaganda to create fear - wrong. Closing churches, beaches, parks etc - wrong. Withholding effective treatments (e.g. HCQ, IVM) - not only wrong but evil. Using therapies like Remdesivir (poison) and ventilators (worse) - wrong. Using PCR as diagnostic tool - wrong. Enforcing (anti-)social distancing - wrong. The utter stupidity and folly of this entire psychopath-driven enterprise is mindboggling.

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American individualism was the greatest victim of the Great COVID Hysteria (GCH), because individual healthcare was the enemy. It was all about taking a vaccine to protect your neighbor, and the confidential conversation you had with your doctor about what was best for you didn't mean anything anymore. It ripped away individual responsibility and rights. The tectonic plates of history shifted during the GCH and in order to move forward we must reestablish what it means to have the government serve the people. Otherwise, the people are serving the government... like how American politicians are using our tax dollars to give corrupt Ukrainian politicians billions of dollars and nobody can give a good explanation on why both Democrats and Republicans are willing to waste money like that!

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Man-made covid and its partner, the death vax, were bioweapons and we the public, were this invisible war's front line. We just didn't know it. From what I hear, a contagious version of Anthrax is coming to the survivors next.

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