Speaking of the WHO, many people might have missed the fact that our government would like us to have a say in the negotiations taking place regarding the Pandemic Treaty and the IHR amendments. Obviously this has not been well publicised - I only found out about this a week ago. "To have your say" will only be open until the 24th September and I urge people to do so. Here is the link.


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Thank you for this, it is not widely advertised. I have passed the link on

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You can also go to AustraliaExitstheWho and they give you some of the answers to the 3 questions asked. I found this very helpful.

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Thank you Sandy.

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They really did forget that we employ them and pay their salaries.. Without us they are nothing but a pack of nose beer snorting kiddie fiddlers! Sad to see so called wise old men falling for this bs hook line and sinker.. They did well, just before you leave for work in the morning they have the idiot box on with the bs, when you get home same thing.. Years of brainwashing.. decades of being told vaccines are modern miracle yet nobody stopped to think, if a dead fake pseudo version (protein based old vaccines) of a 'virus' triggers B and T cell antigen response, then won't the real thing do it even better? Vaccines only needed to be tested once to prove immune response.. The logic behind it is so flawed and backward it's a complete farce.. And if anything, even if people don't see the bioweapon I hope they see the money making sham that it truly is.. It's like saying your car wont drive unless we add a new turbo.. Your car was just fine before they took your money. You might as well ask Charles Manson to cut your new born babies hair with a chainsaw than taking this military grade nano serum..

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That would actually be "World HOLOCAUST Organisation" ....duhhh

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This is not the first democide - with vaccines. Dr Archie K - (his surname escapes me) - a Greek Dr working in the Northern Territory a few decades ago noticed deaths of First Nation's children dying after being vaccinated. He wrote a book Every Second Child and his presentations can still be found on youtube and other platforms . The authorities had no interest in interfering with the vaccine programme. Vaccines should be banned - full stop. We don't need them - they are poisons. It is all marketing and indoctrination. The Gardasil vaccine program in Australia for high school girls - another poisoning programme. Girsl gave in on peer pressure. They all had the poison shots. On a separate subject, in the 1940 - 50- early 60's was it, there was a public health campaign to gamma radiate the population to prevent whooping cough you name it, even for the babes. Decades later - prevalence of thyroid cancers and what not. Public Health is a double-speak word.

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Thankyou Dr Altman for all you do and most of all for your courage to tell the truth.

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Anyone want to check the Hansard to see if anyone has used the word 'democide' in Parliament the past year? (*crickets*)

(Compare that with 'safe and effective')

Google search trends indicate that the word 'democide' has not really tracked substantially as of late in comparison to 5 years ago with the normies. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=AU&q=democide&hl=en

Here is 'democide' compared to 'vaccine' and 'cricket' https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=AU&q=democide,cricket,vaccine&hl=en

democide, world cup, and vaccine https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=AU&q=democide,world%20cup,vaccine&hl=en

They don't care what's happening.

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Mary had a little lamb

A slice of cheese

And then she ran

Mary had a heart attack

At only twelve years old

Darn climate change!

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This is being sent out widely with absolute gratitude to you Numbers 6;24 the Aaron'ic blessing I may send it in hebrew one day It is as though Almighty God is blessing you

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You know the 22 letters of the hebrew alphabet are the 22 vectors the electron takes around the outside of the atom? Moses had no idea what he was dealing with only that no word breaks are present.. That is really telling. It was not a language per se but a set of code. Ten of the letters came from 'the fiery crown of God'.. It's why they had to set up a tent with the ark and burnt (I think it was a lamb?) to create the screen to get the hologram of the ark working.. The ark was a device and the 2 cards Moses found in the cave slid into the ark to get it working.. This is why in the el bible it says Aaron's 2 sons were burnt to death by a strange light that they were 'trying to show God' - They were trying to get the ark working and got electrocuted is the modern explanation of this event which makes more sense.. It was a flame speaker! Look up flame speakers. And it got 'information from God' or the diehold.. Or what we call in electric field theory the ether, the dielectric field, sub space, sub time, and another 100 different names across all branches of science, philosophy and religion.. All one thing only! This was 3,300 years ago.. Around 2500 years ago tiny 2ft talismen stood at the gate of the akashic realm and told the future to Hesiod too.. We are in the 2nd half and end of times of the iron age, called the lead and uranium age whereby men kill men with lead and then depleted lead which is... uranium... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_Fiyij2FP4&t=

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The consequences and ramifications of the grotesque deception by our own LNP and Labor governments are now far more problematical than mere uncertainty about who might suffer terribly, who might be rendered infertile or who might die as a result of the coerced experimental gene therapy injections.

No Australian government can HONESTLY allow the still-experimental COVID-19 mRNA gene therapy injections to continue to be used - let alone allow them to be promoted as safe and effective - AFTER it has been made aware IN THE PARLIAMENT of so much peer-reviewed, expert medical and scientific evidence about the shocking level of known serious risks... and being made aware IN THE PARLIAMENT of the possibly related excess deaths that are otherwise unexplained.

BUT THE ALBANESE GOVERNMENT ALLOWS THAT ...and a majority in the Federal Parliament says nothing.

No Australian government can HONESTLY continue to facilitate the construction of a manufacturing plant in Australia to produce 100 million experimental mRNA technology-based gene therapy doses per annum – AFTER so many leading medical and scientific experts have advised it that serious doubts exist about the long-term safety of that technology.

BUT THE ALBANESE GOVERNMENT CONTINUES TO FACILITATE THAT ...and a majority in the Federal Parliament says nothing.

Whether the former Morrison-led LNP Government knowingly lied to Australians or not, the present Albanese Government has now removed any doubt: an Australian government WILL KNOWINGLY LIE to the electorate - even about life and death matters...and there can now be no doubt: a majority in the Federal Parliament CANNOT BE RELIED UPON to hold our government accountable for its lies.


Supporting the Ukraine proxy war against Russia has cost Australian taxpayers a lot of money. We send Bushmaster armoured vehicles to Ukraine, free of charge and hand over fist. And our Federal Government supports all those who are willing to fight that proxy war right down to the very last Ukrainian - until there are no more Ukrainians left to die.


When there are no more Ukrainians left to be slaughtered in the proxy war, what would Australians think if their government decided to CONSCRIPT AUSTRALIANS to fight in Ukraine?

If that happens, we won't have the luxury of 10 or 20 years to wait until the entire Ukrainian incident has played out - so the truth can be told.

Before Australian mothers and fathers allow their sons and daughters to be conscripted to fight and possibly die - or risk being conscripted themselves - THEY WOULD NEED TO KNOW THAT THEIR GOVERNMENT DOES NOT STILL LIE TO THEM WITH IMPUNITY.

So, we all need to know NOW - the whole truth about our governments’ and our parliaments’ responses to COVID-19 - not tomorrow - not in 10 or 20 years’ time – NOW!

Because none of us knows what the future holds.

A government that CONTINUES to lie to us with impunity about the past will have no hesitation lying to us about the future.

A government that lies to us with impunity about what it wants to inject into our arms today will, absolutely, lie to us about a military conflict in which it wants Australian conscripts to fight tomorrow.

As for whether or not our government has been deceiving us AGAIN - this time about the Ukraine conflict:

… the points of view of US Colonel (ret) Douglas Macgregor, former British diplomat Alastair Crooke, Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs and other highly credentialed people are worth considering:




But whether it’s our government lying to us about experimental COVID-19 gene therapy jabs; lying to us about revisions to the WHO pandemic treaty ceding more sovereign Australian authority to the unelected WHO; lying to us about climate change … or lying to us about the proxy war in Ukraine …


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Hey Phillip, there are a number of very credible Australian professionals making a public stand against the COVID fiasco, but for me at least, I don’t know of anyone more credible than you when comes to Pharmacovigilance! I’m very pleased to say that you posted one of my videos a month or two back. You featured in that video.

Thank you for your work in exposing the absurdity and lies of this and the former government. Though, Albanese’s government is more culpable because they have picked and ran with the lies and deceit that is killing thousands upon thousands of trusting Australians. I’m reluctantly entertaining the real possibility that governments around the world, including Australia have embarked on radical population control measures. I know it sounds far fetch, but what else explains the devastating ‘COVID control measures’ that’s killing, maiming and sterilising so many people.

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In Japan, the seventh vaccination is scheduled to begin on September 20, 2023. Antibodies are already ineffective due to Original Antigen Sinn(or Immune Escape), and Sarscov2 has evolved to escape neutralizing antibodies. This is a logic that upper elementary school students can roughly understand. Furthermore, after three or more vaccinations, the level of IgG4, an antibody that interferes with other antibodies, increases significantly, reducing a person's immunity.


Officials of the Ministry of Health ,public health doctors & PMDA (same as FDA's ACPI in U.S.A.) where former Phizer management rank person works, have probably understood serious adverse events. They are trying to escape responsibility by pretending that the serious adverse events of the vaccination are symptoms of infection.

The more we inoculate ourselves, the more likely we are to become infected, and the more likely we will die.

"Dead man tells no tale." This seems to be their current intention.

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Dear Phillip, thank you for starting to change your vocabulary! We need to also stop calling them Elite and Apex when they are parasites, termites, and cockroaches. Also, thank you for sending the Jacinta speech which was amazing. I wonder what Jacinta can do for the most marginalized group in Australia - those who refused the Covid injections to try and maintain bodily integrity and dignity. We know now that we DO NOT HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS IN AUSTRALIA. We need more strong voices like Jacinta and Moira Deeming and others to fight for the rights of those who lost jobs, careers, livelihoods to refuse the Covid injections.

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What a powerful read, what a scary read, because it is so true. "Since Covid we have seen a deadly, destructive and well-orchestrated attack on our wellbeing and our freedoms by our own government

I believe it would be fair to say we have never witnessed such an assault from so many previously trusted organisations, so-called “health experts”, the media and our own government at the one time.

The misinformation, disinformation and lies have had no bounds. Nothing we were told was true. Nothing. It is beyond belief." That is what really happened and is still happening! TY for exposing the truth!

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Search James Roguski for a ton of info about WHO, exit the who and more-he works tirelessly against this corrupt organisation

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Thank you for exposing the truth in all it’s rotten glory

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