This is so incredibly sad and frightening. I didn't take one, but most everyone I know did... And I lost a lot of friends because of my refusal. I'm sure a good many have taken every booster and will continue to do so. :-(... I've heard of so many cancer deaths, but not yet in my circle.

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Thanks for the smile you stimulated with your succinct pharmacological term! Fat rats and fat cats' asses are appropriate to any discussion of current BigPharma practices and profits.

The observations of doctors on the cancer coalface add a pile of circumstantial but still valid evidence, considering their years of experience; here are just some of these, reporting higher incidences of advanced ("turbo") cancers, or those in remission suddenly losing the immunological battle with their cancers:

Dr Hoffe (British Columbia): https://tlavagabond.substack.com/p/turbo-cancer-doctor-reports-23-of

Dr Krüger (Sweden): https://www.bitchute.com/video/McCZEtx1IfrK/

Dr Dalgleish (UK): https://expose-news.com/2023/03/27/cancers-are-rapidly-developing-post-covid-vaccination/

and Dr Jessica Rose (Canada) unpacks one mechanism: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/igg4-and-cancer-a-mechanism-of-action

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What a great synopsis and thank you for the added research, most appreciated.

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Having done 12 yrs study on SV40 virus and blood, including reading Dr Mary's Monkey , and numerous cancer studies , the fact that not one person in 12 years has known about it when asked, it is linked to many soft tissue cancers, and the fact that 85% of people have virus, (and don't know) seems odd at best to me, blind freddy can see something is really wrong with this So called life saving Polio Vaccine of the 60's, way before covid , (videos of makers laughing about it is not reassuring ) so the majority didn't or don't even know they are positive for SV40, let alone that the New life saving DNA clotshot has the SV40 sequence it the shot as well .

So my guess is it's all related to who has had what shot, including flushots, and others, but i think there is joinder between 5G also, knowing that EMF does react with Graphene etc , all in all it shows what low IQ most australians are, and ignorant (lacking knowledge) in relation to many things, but it's clear it was planned that way, i could have stayed at school all my life and still would not have learned the things i have at the McDonald Truth School (joke)

We were not born stupid , it took a lot of work to become like that , Now as the great cull continues, all it seems we can do is reflect on how sad and criminal this whole thing is without there being any clear paths ahead , No Justice, No Hope for the future, and little chance of surviving not so much the shots , but the NWO, it really is a despicable plan to enslave mankind , whats ahead for the survivors of the Shots , Marburg (coming soon) SWARS and many other tricks they have up their dirty sleeves, and then just when you think it's over , Noahide Laws appear and you lose your head, but what do i know , I'm just an x tradie trying to survive, for what I'm not sure yet? . I am Neg Blood so don't have SV40, but that is no badge of honour that's for sure.. Orange Free State for truthers sounds good , just leave us alone.https://www.bitchute.com/video/QsPvQpyk7hkz/ and 18 years ago in Australia https://www.theage.com.au/national/the-day-batch-64-entered-the-bloodstream-20041023-gdyutq.html

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That "Innate Immune System" paper by Senef, McCullough etc. I pulled two facebook 30 day bans for posting that. First for posting the link to a post sponsored by Moderna. Whoops. Then for posting a screenshot showing the paper & why I was banned, just three hours after the first ban ran out. Sixty days banned for posting ONE link. I lasted just three hours before being banned again for the same offence.

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Thank you Dr Altman. The Our World in Data figures continue to be highly concerning: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-projected-baseline?facet=entity&country=~AUS

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I have been to 2 recent funerals of 2 friends who took the vaccines and boosters, they both seemed to get a stage 4 cancer diagnosis very quickly and die within months. Both of these friends were just 50 years old.

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I'm sorry for your loss Leyla.

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Cancer after jabs employs Warburg Effect, best done with Endotoxin trigger


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Thankyou for your work!

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There is a fourth cause by my reckoning but as of yet no causal data (nobody looking?). E--coli shot contamination and integration of bacteria DNA into the LNP where it bypasses the injection site and goes everywhere. My questions. Is this possible and how is it proven?

Have the military done GOF on bacteria and if so, what strains are they and have they been found to be sequenced genetically in vivo studies?

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Kevin McKernan looked for E. coli RNA but only found pieces of Plasmid

"The ecoli DNA in the vaccine is 1 million fold lower or non existent at all.

We’ve screened these vials with single molecule sensitive E.Coli PCR tests and there is no signal out 35 cycles."


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Great work. Thanks so much.

A couple of corrections:

•...Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting (not “Reaction” System...

•...renowned (not “renown”) authority...

•...normal white (not “while”) blood cell immunological...

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Really interesting article Phillip! That graph from OpenVaers (I wish I knew how to use that website to effect as well as you do!) where it shows the risk of cancer from covid vaccines is 0.43/100,000 doses vs 0.0003/100,000 doses is powerful. Cancer deaths are up compared to prepandemic levels of course.

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