Every Australian needs to send this letter to every Federal politician in the House of Representatives and the Senate demanding they act on this as they are servants of the people and if they do not act then vote them out in the next election and vote for someone who is willing to take the interests of Australians as their number one priority and not the elites UN WHO etc

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We can share this letter with politicians-yes! Most will not do a thing, as they are almost all bought and paid for by WEF/UN/WHO.

I’m afraid voting them out is not the answer, as they will (mostly) get bought by the above. It’s a never ending cycle. Lib/Lab/Greens/Nat/Teals-all one uniparty.

We have to make them irrelevant to us and we don’t have much time.

This Aussie, Michael, has answers, and things we can do! https://actionabletruth.substack.com/p/must-regain-focus

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We're on the exact same page - as are millions of other Conspiracy Theorists! Unjabbed Mick. (UK).

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Gigi Foster is a co signatory on this letter & her profile is on the WEF website. Have you heard her position about the WEF, she compares it to an old boys club & gets very testy when questioned about her involvement,hmmm.

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Well, there’s a lot of info about her, but anyone with a profile and articles posted on WEF is suss to me.

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No I’d never heard of her. I’ll look up her profile when time permits. I wonder if Russel Broadbent, or the other co signatories know this.

I’ll just ask Dr Altman and Prof. Ian Brighthope, when I look her up.

Of course Dr Altman can see these comments for himself on this stack! Dr Altman, please read this!!‼️‼️

Actually I may have heard of her-not sure-my memory is super-bad!!!

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Chances are, it will be ignored. It might also place Mr Broadbent under government scrutiny. So this must be shared with everyone in Australia, that it can be.

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Letterbox drops could be one way.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

This letter needs to be shared widely with all Australians so that, if Prime Minister Albanese fails to act on it, all Australians will know that he, too and all members of his Cabinet have put and are continuing knowingly to put their well-being and (quite possibly) their lives at very serious risk.

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Prosecute both sides John.

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Share this widely to all sides and members of parliament with a copy to all media outlets.

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The issue is getting this out to the normies. I wish all concerned God speed.

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Thank you Philip for continuing to do what you do. If you were my local mayor, you would have my complete support. Your local community are lucky to have you.🙏👏👏🎩

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Thank Dr Altman, I highly respect your opinion and actions. Our Country is in trouble and I appreciate all you are doing to support the Australian people and their Country which is yours! 🙏💕

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We, the people need answers into ALL vaccines ( including childhood schedule)!

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The answer is: All vaccines are useless, never been proven to work, never saves lives and never prevents anything. All they do is wreck havoc on the immune system and keep the medical cartel money wheels turning.

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Sharing far and wide.

I 🙏 after reading the letter all politician do their job and stop the contamination and harm from continuing. It’s good to see every politician is on notice and their actions are under the microscope. Time to shine the spotlight on the criminals who are running the show👏👏

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What about mentioning the fragments of Ecoli DNA contamination found within Pfizer vials. Approx 35% DNA fragments discovered within some of their batches

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That's not just in Pfizer c19 vials. It's is large swathes of pharmaceutical products, it's a GMP and process regulatory issue that's been building for decades. Not saying it's not there in the more recent shots, it's just you have to triage the multitudes of urgent issues, and getting these freaking mRNA shots off the table must be priority, especially when samRNA is being rolled out shortly as well.😐🤦‍♀️

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Thank u for reply message.

I know there's atleast 50 undeclared ingredients in Pfizers shots. ...Earth metals, transition metals, mining group metals, iron oxides, carbon composites, PEGs (closely linked to antifreeze), Graphine compounds, Sv4o, oxygen groups parasitic Euglencids and alkaline materials

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What’s in these blasted things seems to vary a lot. Don’t worry, I do agree on the contamination, it’s just different researchers find different things!

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Well DoD doesn't want to put all their eggs into one basket now, do they!

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Ha! Good point!

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Thanks again for everything you are doing, and to everyone involved working tirelessly. You are greatly appreciated, even though it must really feel like the opposite at times.

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After 4 years of deceit$, is this an “oops, sorry”or more like Proof of intentful DEMOCIDE for population eliminations from the UN’s worldwide, SCAMdemic-pedaling Death-Decider$ ?

I haven’t heard of any apologies from “unelected authorities in charge” of manufacture or distribution. So, go figure it out beyond the fact that denial-propaganda is the easiest psychological cop-out from the sNewZzzz generators for Sheeple to swallow “Hook-Lie$-and-sinker.”

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I see value in sharing this letter widely as a pebble thrown into a lake sends out ever widening ripples. Even if politicians are too afraid of getting targetted or kicked out of their parties, the weight of public opinion bears more heavily on the parties and their supporters. Thank you Dr Altman and all the signatories.

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Letter of request although may be well-intentioned have no legal clout. What is required is a Notice of Liability served upon Albanese and those collaborating with big pharma , and Notice of Liability upon those criminal suspects to be made by professional process-servers.

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Do you know anyone who could help with this Con? I’m asking as I agree with you, but have no friends/family who could help. Or, indeed I should say, WOULD help!

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Every name on the list of signatories to the open letter has a perfect chance of effecting a Notice of Liability, especially those who are or have been already legally qualified, though the qualification it is not essential; so why they don't do so, I'll never understand. They have all the data. Anyone can write a Notice of Liability, but proving it got into the hands of the corrupt... is harder.

Nice video coming out recently on such subject from the NZ domain. http://www.treason.tube/Law.shtml#ExDistrictHealthBoardWorkerJanineArabellaFilesLiabilityNoticeAndAffidavitsAgainstNZGovernmentAndNowOwnsNZ

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Thanks for your answer Con! I’ll need a bit of time to go over the info you’ve given me-thanks Con!!!

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Good luck with the letter - no doubt it will fall on deaf ears and with no eyes to see! Our illustrious leader is currently in the US sipping champagne with Biden talking up "Public Health" which is one of the items on the agenda. Let me guess, wink, wink, nudge, nudge - she'll be right mate!

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