This is unadulterated EVIL

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Hands up all who are shocked and surprised!

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The government is actively against the Australian public, in every conceivable way. They don’t care what you think or say, only what their globalist, elitist paymasters and puppeteers want. Climate, war, debt, “pandemics”, health, property rights, free speech, accountability and transparency, literally none of these are issues that they deal with candidly, they only care about the pretence of democracy, handing over tax dollars for their pet cabal interests, protecting globocap’s profits, and will screw you every chance they get.

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Beautifully said Greg! They don’t care about us!! Property rights are gone, even if you’ve fully paid off your home. I don’t think a lot of people realise this, unless they’ve seen “The Great Taking”- I think it’s still downloadable, but it is contained in Michael Ginsberg’s substack listed below.

Not only is our government set up illegally, but “National Cabinet” is also illegal I’m quite sure.

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'national cabinet' is as legitimate as AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT©️™️....

let's pretend for a moment that we have a genuine Constitutional Commonwealth Parliament based on the Westminster Democratic process as proclaimed and gazetted in 1900/01...

Where does a secret society of selected 'cabinet members' get to meet in secret, make decisions in secret and not have to inform the people (who apparently vote for them) about any of the decisions they make?

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Pretty much summed it all up right there Greg; Question is, when will Australians accept this as being Fact even while they are getting shafted left, right and centre by their apparent 'elected representatives' on a daily basis?

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The ultimate in indifference which is the opposite of love.

A spiritual renaissance is necessary.

The people have been systematically gaslighted to believe that the world is overpopulated and resources are scarce, denied true knowledge in every facet for millennia 🤷‍♂️

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Running an uncontrolled ad hoc coerced mass intervention masquerading as a "public health" measure with a de novo untested, unpredictable synthetic gene / LNP product actually makes no sense when the underlying assumptions and elements are reviewed. An assertion of "public health," the consequences of "uncontrolled," the ethics and morality of "coerced," and the complete absence of interest in the many deleterious and fatal outcomes, all these bear irrefutable and evidence that there were/are other compelling influences at play. The policies enacted and currently doubled down upon, explicitly relied upon widespread misinterpretation and the co-option of a legion of useful idiots. There is no going back now. As you write Jeffo, "A spiritual renaissance is necessary."

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Well, I think that WE all know the cause, and the consequence of having been lied to (over & over again) is that we will never again be pawns in their game. Trust died & was buried, what?, 3, 4? years ago?

Damn them. They designed their own karma.

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Their karma won’t help us NOW though. And there are plenty of Aussies who will roll over at what is thrown at us next, and this will be CBDCs, once dig. ID is in place.

DO NOT COMPLY with dig. ID. We have to put this off as long as we can. Use cash always! I get cash out at ATMs, even if there is a $3.50 fee on it, and I’m on Disabilty pension.

Everyone, just do it-use cash, so they can’t set up CBDCs, and don’t get a digital ID, like myGov or this TEx whatever. If you have mygov, like me, don’t link anything to it.

Lockdowns will be in response to non existent “Climate Change”. People, look up HAARP if you think Climate Change is real. They will take our cars from us. “you will own nothing”! Look at this very informative website clintel.org

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I've had a politician tell me that all the politicians know. So this is just continuation of the arse covering stage.

The excess cancer deaths and injury will touch every family in our country in 6 to 12 months.

In 12 months the vaccinated populations will be wanting compensation and payback.

It will coincide with economic down turn and then crash.

It's coming.

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Strong words MedMan, and so very true.

He knows. Believe me.

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Yep , nothing new under the 'fake' sun...

Solutions ???

More than Hope to you All

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Yeah, I’ve seen stuff about a “fake” sun!!! Good grief! Where’s Mr Burns lately? Oh, that’s right-he wanted to block the sun, not make a fake one. He just changed his method of blocking the sun.

The “Simpson’s” writers have known all along.

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As expected. The recommendations are more government, more censorship and nothing to see here.

Disgusting that all submissions were not published. Letters need to be sent to ALL parliamentarians and senators.

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please read my comment above Danielle...you can send all the letters and petitions you like but they will not be acknowledged let alone enacted upon;

to put it simply, the Polly Ticks do not work for us and it matters not to them what we have to say about anything they do...or don't do;

This Fact should be more than obvious by what Phillip has revealed here alone but I fear it too will be ignored or painted over with excuses.

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🇵🇹 And yet, Portugal is to pilot the European Vaccination Card: https://youtu.be/yhLCYjGeWwU?si=8QNAljSBdgW77OW2

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Even if you only read the comments here, it is very relevant info! Thanks David!

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It is incredibly frustrating, when the evidence is so clear. “Pfizer maintained its own secret adverse events database, which was obtained in court process, and showed in the first three months of rollout, 158,893 adverse events resulted - including, 1,223 deaths.” ~ Senator Malcolm Roberts, a recent Facebook post

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what Pfizer wanted to be hidden for 75 years was the deliberate use of Tromethamine in their original coughfit shots - if it weren't for the odd one of twins to survive , the premature abortion rate would have been 100% - it constitutes pre-meditated murder !!!

Has Bourla been arrested - has Pfizer been shut down - Gates of Hell arrested -

does anyone have any information about actual legal proceedings to make this happen ???

If there is no hell fire - let's light one for these abominations -

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Do you think they’ll be successful? I have heard in the past, that Pfizer says something like-we didn’t make the vaccine, Bio’n’Tech did-as if that lets them off the hook. I know the Pfizer spokeswoman said-we didn’t actually test if it stops transmission-So maybe Pfizer didn’t really test that, and they can blame Bio’n’Tech for it. I see the attorney is saying Pfizer said this, Bourla said that. But would Pfizer even care if they got convicted? They’ve been convicted before, and have heaps of money, even if their money runs out-the globalists are there with infinite money.

Whatever happened to the whistleblower lady who pointed out the terrible state of clinical trials for Pfizer “covid vax”? I think she was in Texas-Vicky Ventura or something like that.(I don’t think that’s her name, it sounds ridiculous!)

Are we just watching another show?

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I never had heard of Tromethamine-looked it up-a lot of fact-checking going on 🙄 There was an arrest warrant for Gates in India, for murder of girls due to Gardisil vax, but Gates-Hell went to India in the last six months or so-nothing happened. Putin’s supposed to be arrested by International Court-he’s been to at least 2 countries and nothing happened.

“Interest of Justice” is a bunch of lawyers in Costa Rica who are fundraising to fight someone/some company to do with covid vaxes with expert witnesses ranging from Mike Yeadon to Sasha Patalova (whatever), and quite a few others, but they’ll never reach their target money to do so, I reckon. They have a substack.

Is everything just a show? I would love to get something happening-soon!

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What bothers me most, is how these people will ever be held to account and the victims of their cover up and denials, be compensated?

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First we’ve got to get ourselves in a position to hold “these people” to account. We need to circumvent gov’t-make them completely irrelevant to us. If we can’t do that, compensation is just a dream.

Do people know that in W.Aus. there is a law stating that people can be”force vaccinated”. Anyone think that will stay in W.A. alone?

Also, please hit the Load More button, I have posted links that other people will hopefully find to be useful.

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To my knowledge laws created at some stages in certain States will 'automatically' lay over to all other 'States' after a certain time...

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Oh, ok, I didn’t know that! I wonder if it’s legal. Thanks Michael.

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See recent article out of Sydney University -

The correlation between Australian Excess Deaths by State and Booster


D.E. Allen


Medical Research Archives, Volume 12 Issue 7

Data used sourced from Federal Health website

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People, understand, the WEF goals are coming true-we will own nothing (I don’t know about being happy)-WE WILL OWN NOTHING!! Now what do we have to lose? Because we will HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE!! We will be dead or slaves.

We must make gov’t irrelevant !!! Soon the internet will be limited, so we need to organise soon. I live in the sticks and am disabled-I can read and share on substack. Also-protests are useless, understand this! I need you to help me, and I help in anyway I can! And don’t look to Trump or Musk or RFKjr-they are on “their” side. Musk is trying to collapse X I believe, by not complying with censorship laws, so X gets banned. His picture on X is him wearing an outfit (minus the head) to look like the satanic god “baphomet” to whom children are sacrificed. How many children go missing around the world? Only God knows…..

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Goodness, only one interaction to this provocative comment, if no one believes what I have written here-do some work, research can’t all be just spoonfed to you, however, I have attempted to do that with some possibilities for solutions to what terrible things are currently being done to us, and what will happen in the future.

Some are asking what can we do? People, you need to look at what is happening to us from different perspectives.

Mark has told the TRUTH about our gov’t, at possibly great cost to himself, I sincerely hope not. But it’s the TRUTH!! Our gov’t couldn’t give a rat’s about us. They want us to die, so they look good to their immediate masters-WEF/UN/WHO, who then can look good for their masters etc etc. Schwab phoned Albanese to congratulate him on getting Dig. ID bill through!!

One easy thing to immediately do is DO NOT COMPLY. Digital ID, TEx whatever it is. Don’t go in for it, we need to delay this for as long as possible! If you have a myGov account, don’t link anything to it! I have one, and am not linking anything to it. I only have it for disability payment-I’m a perfect target for gov’t! I’m not complying.

Tell others to do the same, but if they take no notice of you, use the “fear factor”- tell others that you could lose EVERYTHING if you link things together all in one place! Not a lie, and probably will happen-“they” want to TAKE EVERYTHING from us anyway! They always tell us what they’re going to do it’s like a ritual to them!’The Great Taking’ is in Michael’s stack below.

And “they” are the bankers, very old families, like Rothschilds of course, royal families, and other people/entities with a lot of money.

Digital ID needs to be put off for as long as possible. PLEASE see this substack by fellow Aussie, Michael Ginsberg- he tells us what will happen, and how, and suggests things we can do-if we don’t learn from other people, you may as well drop dead now. If you’ve got kids, grandkids etc and want a life for them, please look at Michael’s work. You’ll possibly find you can skip some things, but don’t skip the wrong thing. https://actionabletruth.substack.com/p/must-regain-focus Set aside some time to read this-his researching skills are awesome. Michael wants his life back too! Look, please! 👀 👀 👀

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Believe me rrodnmac, I am being targeted and have been since 2020; I stuck my head over the trench top when I put signs all over our front fence warning about 'the shots' 'the corporations' and provided certain sections of our constitution;

Despite being dragged before courts, bashed by coppers and constant harassment, I will not be silenced;

I have withdrawn all my implied consent; I pay 'the system' nothing and have not since I learned exactly what 'government' and all of its subsidiaries are; 'the system' minions of thuggery and extortion hate me for it...they want me gone but I am still here;

I am not part of any group or movement; I am but a simple man fighting for my own Lawful rights which in-turn will help my fellow Aussie; I just wish more of my fellow man would do the same; Charity begins at home; Ya can't help others if ya can't help yourself;

I am not one of the 'look at me' youtube or tictok types...I have my own way of informing my fellow man about 'the state of play' we find ourselves entangled in;

I am of no political persuasion and I have no agendas...I just want to live a peaceful life and keep what I have worked for....and I don't need any man to tell me right from wrong while he points a gun at me or tries to take what is mine.

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You’re a brave man Mark-all coppers are in it now, any half decent ones will have left or been jabbed away, if not, soon will be.

I think your last paragraph says it all. Most Aussies want a peaceful life, those in “charge” just don’t want that for us.

I think a lot of people are too shocked to believe what you say about gov’t corporations. But what you’ve said yesterday and today hopefully will let more Aussies know.

More power to you Mark, and may God Bless you. I thank you for being who you are.

I know it’s no fun knowing all this, and you know so much more than others, and for a much longer time.

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This bloke has been working on a solution for years-he is American, but if this happens in America other countries will follow-or maybe it can be started here-our so called gov’t might be worried. Just read the article and find what he offers towards the end: https://jakejackson.substack.com/p/hurricane-beryl-preparedness-and

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'AUSTRALIA©️™️' is under US Admiralty Administration...UCC and USSEC 'codes' are applicable here in the former Commonwealth Of Australia regardless of what the Polly Ticks and 'the courts' try to tell us;

Hague Conventions and Geneva Conventions also apply seeing as we are under a Foreign Occupation.

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Mark, you have done so much research, I’ll plug away at this, so I’m properly informed, thanks again!

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Too much research mate...I want my old 'me' back.

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I get you! Thanks for all your work!

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did you really expect anything more from any AusGovCO inquiry Phillip?;

I believe I have told you and several other fair dinkum types this before but I will so again;

Every single politician in this country are all employees or contracted agents for the US registered and owned AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT©️™️ AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT©️™️ or COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA©️™️;

They are also registered agents of the US owned and registered corporation known as AEC;

You're a smart man Phillip; do you really think that any of these Polly Ticks will genuinely bite the hand that feeds them?;

Labor, Liberal, Greens, One Nation, UAP, independents....all of them are employed by the same corporation and are bound by the same rules of the corporation;

All the 'voices' of so-called 'opposition' are just that; Voices...nothing more than noise in a room full of 'party' goers;

All of the Polly Ticks are fully aware of 'covid' being a US DoD led world-wide military campaign; All of the Polly Ticks are aware that 'the shots' are US DoD designed and patented bioweapons yet none of them say anything about all the entities mentioned above being under US Administration;

sure, a few of the Polly Ticks make a bit of noise from time to time but what have they ever achieved apart from providing some distractions at the 'taxpayers' expense while the Great Big Pink Elephant is dancing around the room in relatively plain sight?;

Even US Congress knows that 'covid' and 'the shots' were/are US DoD 'products' while they put on a show about 'covid origins' 'GoF' and the rest of it...only to apparently conclude after many months that China is to blame and 'covid' was indeed a 'lab leak' out of a Wuhan Laboratory;

If you can't figure out who is controlling the entire show after even a brief investigation into what I have stated here then perhaps you aren't as clever as you think you are;

I don't mean that to be a disparaging remark but I can think of no other way to 'say' it;

There are no political solutions to the mess the Polly Ticks created in the first place;

asking or expecting the Polly Ticks to clean up the playground while they are still throwing rubbish around everywhere is a fools errand.

They All need to be expelled from school and the school itself needs to re-instated back to the de-jure Commonwealth Of Australia as proclaimed and gazetted in 1901;

Our Commonwealth has been stolen and handed to Foreign (UN, WEF) Forces; Until we rectify this, no solutions or remedy will be found.

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You are correct Mark, of COURSE!!!! I like this, mostly-make of it what you will, I hope people watch for 3 minutes only it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwhBRJStz7w

It’s not aimed at you Mark, there are only a few people in Australia who seem to know what’s going on! Please listen, people, maybe be inspired!

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So how do we rectify this?

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You can start by withdrawing All of your implied consent; Stop paying the enemy to control you;

'They' stole Our Commonwealth and turned it all into a Corporate Empire; Every single aspect of 'government' is foreign owned and registered as Corporate Entities;

They have zero authority to demand monies from us.

They actually have zero authority to demand anything from us;

Defy Deny and Do Not Comply!

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I like that mantra!

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Feel free to use it anywhere and anytime you want; I got it from some pommy bloke during the home detention scheme we all had to serve.

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