The other day, an acquaintance mentioned that she had COVID again last week. Mind you, this is in April 2023, three-plus years after the start of this unnatural pandemic (which from the start always seemed to me to be mostly a pandemic of viral fear).

I know she was vaccinated, because she'd spoken about it before. In fact, she's very likely been boostered more than once, as her elderly father has cancer, and she thinks she's helping to keep him safe by getting COVID vacc'd.

So, while she hasn't reported or even mentioned any adverse effects of the shots, she fails to see that vulnerability to repeated bouts of COVID (or indeed any other respiratory infection) IS an adverse effect of these shots.

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So what do we do? The December 2022 excess death data just dropped from the ABS and it's up to 15% again. The ABS is now saying they are 'not the official source of excess deaths.' All I do is catalogue deaths and watch in horror https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/why-did-so-many-australians-die-in

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Agree. That's why I don't worry about 'shedding.' Nothing I can do about it.

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I am not sure that so many people will be as angry as we are. Many people don't want to admit that they were duped and sold a puppy. The reality is too harsh to bear so most people look away as if nothing happened. Only people directly adversely impacted and their families etc will be angry. The shocking reality is that most people seem to put up with gross abuses and injustices if they feel they are not directly affected. And the propaganda persists and is still effective- ie, that all this nonsense was necessary because of an existential threat that we were facing which necessitated an emergency response. If mistakes were made this was because of the extreme situation and therefore excusable. The propaganda campaign to impart fear and terror and hence the necessity of the extreme response (including loss of basic human rights and liberties) was sadly and incredibly successful and continues to be so. Surveys still show roughly 50% or more support for the government response to the Plandemic. As Robert Nisbet observed 50 years ago, where authority (based on true consent and respect) is lost, power (coercion and force) fill the gap. Unfortunately traditional sources of authority (church, God, family, law etc) have been undermined and lost only to be replaced by tyranny and naked power.

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Here are 2 graphs that illustrate the initial cover up ...



... and a submission/report that covers much ... https://bit.ly/-Secret-COVID-Review ... Plus ... https://bit.ly/-SANDBAG-Sub-Contents

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deletedApr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023
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I saw a GP last week and straight out asked if the vaccines caused deaths: I received an immediate 'Yes'. Is my natural immunity better? 'Yes'. The veil is lifting, and more and more doctors are realising they *can and do* have a voice. It's too little and way too late, unfortunately, and they hold a large portion of the blame - they were the ones who should have been shouting what they were seeing from the rooftops. And I know they were seeing it because I was witnessing them see it.

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Lift the veil a bit more- well a lot actually.


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I have many friends who took the bait. I wish for them to "be OK", but I also hope that they can overcome the fear of facing what happened and be brave enough to realise that every politician and media source they believed they could trust has betrayed them

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