One of my favourite sayings is “every problem is an opportunity”.
This saying is particularly applicable in the case of the gene-based COVID so-called “vaccines”.
I say this because we all now know the usual standards and practices involved in the manufacture and quality control testing of the gene-based “vaccines” were compromised in the rush to get these products to market. The normal guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practice were not followed and not required by drug regulatory agencies. This was made possible by the takeover of the COVID vaccine development by the US Dept. of Defense and their subcontractors which include Pfizer and Moderna.
It would appear that many (if not most) lots of “vaccine” contained significantly reduced amounts of genetic material due to poor manufacturing scale up methodology and quality control in addition to inadequate storage conditions required for the highly labile genetic material. In fact, the specification limits for the active mRNA in these products is very wide , it is This would result in significantly lower levels of toxic Spike Protein being produced throughout the body and a lower incidence of serious side effects – maybe even no side effects (and no clinical efficacy as well).
Sasha Latypova’s latest Substack CLICK HERE shows a graph of serious adverse events/deaths vs various lot numbers of COVID “vaccines”. The incidence of adverse events/deaths is compared on the graph to the reports in relation to the commonly used flu vaccine for all years in the US VAERS system to demonstrate that the numbers of COVID “vaccine” deaths and adverse events are NOT due to the number of COVID jabs (a common argument inappropriately used to deny the obvious).
The drug regulators, so-called “health experts” and the mainstream news media continue in their campaign to cover up the serious adverse events and deaths. But they know the writing is on the wall……sooner or later most people will come to realise they have been duped and they will be very angry.
So, the strategy going forward will be a gradual crab walking back of the claims of “safety and efficacy” and quietly, very quietly, gradually back away from universal or unqualified vaccine recommendations especially in regard to healthy younger people. Even Dr. Fauci himself has admitted the COVID “vaccines” lacked protection in terms of mucosal immunity (this is obviously why these so-called “vaccines” failed to prevent infection) and he is now foreshadowing a new generation of nasal “vaccines”. Undoubtedly, the same game plan for the next pandemic will be used involving media generated fear, ruthless forced vaccination policies and government cover up of adverse events. It will be easier next time to force vaccination on everybody with the control of populations using increased public surveillance, digital currencies and the takeover of national health policies by the unelected globalist elites within the UN’s World Health Organisation via the coming WHO treaty.
There appears little doubt that we are going to face this nightmare over again because it has been so profitable, it serves well the globalist control agenda and nobody has so far been held to account for the death and destruction.
But there is no denying the body count. The latest US Center for Disease Control (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Drug Reporting System (VAERS) report of US COVID “vaccine” deaths and serious adverse events is shown below. Recall these reported numbers need to be multiplied by at least 40x to account for the under reporting of adverse drug events to arrive at a more real world estimate of deaths and injury.
We are still waiting for the Australian government to explain why there are more than 10,000 Australians dying unexpectedly of heart attack, stroke, cancer, autoimmune and neurological disease following the introduction of COVID “vaccines” commencing about 2021 (but not in 2020 when there were no COVID “vaccines”).
The other day, an acquaintance mentioned that she had COVID again last week. Mind you, this is in April 2023, three-plus years after the start of this unnatural pandemic (which from the start always seemed to me to be mostly a pandemic of viral fear).
I know she was vaccinated, because she'd spoken about it before. In fact, she's very likely been boostered more than once, as her elderly father has cancer, and she thinks she's helping to keep him safe by getting COVID vacc'd.
So, while she hasn't reported or even mentioned any adverse effects of the shots, she fails to see that vulnerability to repeated bouts of COVID (or indeed any other respiratory infection) IS an adverse effect of these shots.
So what do we do? The December 2022 excess death data just dropped from the ABS and it's up to 15% again. The ABS is now saying they are 'not the official source of excess deaths.' All I do is catalogue deaths and watch in horror