The democidal regime of Western Australia just declared the pandemic response an 'official massive sucess.' Relatedly, a few months ago I predicted they would do exactly this in an article in line with Stanton's genocide denial. Murderers do not investigate themselves. We are in the terminal state of decline now.



There will be no human-scale justice.

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In the words of another substack writer : they're 'dancing on our graves'.

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Don't worry Dear Anna. I just published a scorching response https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/government-of-western-australia-declares

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I've been watching videos about sept11 lately (having only recently and reluctantly woken up about this one) and this video was particularly poignant because despite all the evidence the families of victims still haven't got justice 22 years later. Made me wonder about how long this latest democide will be swept under the mouldy rug. At 44 minutes there is a good description of why I was reluctant, and why so many are now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddz2mw2vaEg

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I saw Building 7 fall. It has been a very long, lonely 22 years.

Thank you Dr RF.

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" it is when people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains." Patrick Henry

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A source of mine told me yesterday that the original constitution is also 26 pages. 🤔

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Thanks Phillip - one piece of good news is many people are 'awakening'. But do they have the courage to take action.

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A question I often ask myself about those who have lined up in the past for the jab but whose ardour has cooled after being badly tossed and gored by the thing, or knowing people who have had a bad experience. There might be passive resistance to further jabs by simply declining them, especially in the absence of mandates, but there is a large cohort that are still avid for them and they, alas, appear to be a lost cause.

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Hopefully passive resistance is growing.

If it wasn’t for the mandates, would there have so much take-up?

Re the mandates, please see my notification/complaint to AHPRA re Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly’s violation of voluntary informed consent via Covid vaccination mandates: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/notification-to-ahpra-re-medical-practitioner-paul-kelly.pdf

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Excellent work Elizabeth.

Thank you for keeping up the pressure on those involved in carrying out this democide.

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Thanks Anna.

Please also see my challenge to AHPRA about it’s Position Statement 9 March 2021, which was effectively a mandate for health practitioners to support the then Morrison Government’s Covid vaccination policy/rollout: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/07/reckless-disregard-for-voluntary-informed-consent-the-ahpra-position-statement-9-march-2021.pdf

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Good news is vital.......endless bad is detrimental to health, so thank you for this. I hear that courage is contageous

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Indeed it is. I look for something to be grateful for each day. Courage is contageous and it only takes one small action and to get involved. I have moved from Activist to Activator - joined the strategic committee for "Re-imagining Healthcare in NZ" - finding like-minded souls.

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