No mention of the role of testing, increased cycles and false positives. All the stats used these numbers and data manipulation was the basis of much panic. We were duped and lied to about the infection rate and death rate etc

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Agree. The fake PCRs created the false leverage. Nudge Units deliberately employed to cause a constant and never-ending "Campaign Of Terror (C.O.T.) Many really did "lose" their mind; they were literally C.O.T cases! Superior education was clearly NO antedote either., as many with Phd's and the like fell under the nuanced hypnosis. Many still have that element of their brain shut down due to fear of consequences from what they ran to get injected into themselves. It. Is. Not. Their Fault! Fault lays at the feet of all politicians, medical and nursing staff who remained adherent to the political messaging...... bare a small %age. These Nudge propaganda units KNEW what they were (and still are) steering / doing. If and when these C.O.T. 'sleepers' finally ever wake, they're going to be angry as hell.

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Also no mention of media complicity in causing panic to justify their so-called mitigation measures.

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I'd say that both the lack of common sense, and lack of courage left so many unable to see how absurd the whole Coup D'état was. I travelled through a German & Singapore airport from Málaga to arrive back home in Qlds 2 days before the lock down. It wasn't a virus that made me concerned, it was the official science fiction theatre I witnessed in the Airports. Málaga Airport was pretty much the only normal sanity I saw.

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So the moral of the story is never trust these government bureaucrats ever again …..and never put another injectable vaccine or gene 🧬 therapy anywhere near your body or the bodies of your children if you wish to stay alive and healthy….the bureaucrats were not mandated to have these poisons….they were immune to the deadly virus ….that should tell you everything you need to know…..we are in the age of plandemic’s ….do not comply!!!!

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Lol. And none of the investigation committee members had any ties with biotech companies involved...


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It took two years to come out with that bucket of excrement?

The vaccines are a bio weapon. Everything else was designed to scare and coerce people to take it.

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As early as March 2020 I realised that the entire covid narrative was an exercise in generating mass hysteria … friends, family, neighbours, acquaintances, it didn’t matter, the fear of whatever covid was said to be at the time had consumed practically everyone’s ability to think. Hell, I even got a dressing down at work because I dared to joke about someone in the office potentially being “exposed”, with 2 senior managers lecturing me to “take it seriously”.

So what does this report show or prove? Simply to reinforce in people’s minds that the “Event” was real … instead of a modern example of murderous mass psychosis where institutions from the government, local councils, boards, corporations, schools etc aided by a compliant media almost without exception set about destroying lives and livelihoods for 3 years.

I’m not sure what percentage of people REALLY understand the ramifications of that. It really doesn’t matter about the official details for the most part, as most official details were lies, exaggerations or obfuscations. What matters is it showed just how dumb, cowardly and callous our supposedly benign society is, just how arrogant and delusional we are in our self-righteousness.

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I saw through it from the beginning too. If it was so novel, why was it called Sars-2?.

The hardest part of the whole thing was watching the sheer numbers of people who fell for it hook line and sinker.

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Indeed that was the thing that brought concern to many rational people

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I understood the same when the young pregnant mother was arrested in her home for a Facebook post against the lockdown narrative. I immediately understood that we were now living in a totalitarian society, completely under govt control. I never believed there was a dangerous virus that we needed vaccines for.

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Indeed just a couple of weeks into the lock down I was kicked off YouTube entirely and after getting a couple badly received comments on the barrage ABC propaganda stories (where I mentioned the similarities of peoples reactions with the description of those displaying the Stockholm syndrome), I was silenced from the ABC from there on.

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Yup … I was calling it Melbourne Syndrome

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It is more noticeable in large cities and also particularly the Gold Coast that seems to attract the most un-Australian Australians from around the country. Frankly if it weren't for all the common sense working class people there, it would be reasonable to permanently quarantine the place for the sake of the rest of the country

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The comment on operation war speed saving millions of lives contradicts the rest of the report?

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That’s disgusting. Also NO MENTION of the phenomenally high rates of adverse vaccine effects.

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My thoughts as well ! All it needs is a simple dash, then text of "BS"

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It was all really disgusting theater.

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Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be over yet, with birdflu “raging” in America it’s one case in hospital, and California calling a state of emergency with a total of 0 cases!

Let’s hope people manage to not comply this time, and Australia-absolutely must do same. Gov’t will never help us-here’s why: https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/exposed-the-political-class-are-compromised

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A whitewash. No mention of the US military involvement in the creation of this evil attack on the world's people. Disgraceful.

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Not only US military. Australia UK also.....Malcom Roberts bought this out.....

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This is a distraction article.

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This report will be a good example of a "limited hangout" for students of psychological operations in the future. What a fiasco! And don't you love the conclusion that for the inevitable (biologically implausible) "future pandemics" we'll have to make sure that all the States fall into line. AKA we didn't manage to capture the whole country in our web of deception.

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I would suggest that unless there are some (official or non official) extreme repercussions against the most blatant criminals such as the heads of the TGA, AMA, Dan Andrews or the senior police that sent goons out to violently crush those that saw things as the really were; then this murderous crime against humanity will be deemed a complete success by the Globalist Central Bankers and their perverse political and corporate puppets.

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So when will all the politicians, media, drs, nurses, vaccinators, employers and the many others that orchestrated and propagated this false fear narrative, because they didn’t have the basic commonsense, or time to look at the evidence for themselves, be held accountable?

This whole scam would have been dead in the water, if more people had actually said ‘NO’.

So what is presented in this report is the truth then…. It ‘most likely’ emerged from a lab? Yet there is absolutely no evidence that anything was spreading causing illness/death. SARS-CoV2 is a genetic sequence constructed by a computer program, an in-silico model, it does not exist in the real world.

Yes, Dr Altman, every part of this, and more that you have yet to open your mind to, was a scam!

There were no ‘accidents’, every part of this genocide was meticulously planned over the last century, including the non-scientific narrative for spreading pathogens and the incorrect understanding of disease and symptoms.

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Indeed, this has been planned for over a century. The US investigation, (subject of this substack) and its conclusions are pre planned. Every scenario possible has a script, a library of them.

The human species has been studied for thousands of years for the times we are living in now , the evil of this world know future responses of the masses like clockwork.

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Whilst useful, this is still in many ways a "Limited hangout" completely obfuscating the involvement of the US Military/Intelligence Agencies in developing, implementing and coordinating the "Covid response" globally. This now been officially admitted in both The Netherlands (The new Minister of Health on the record) and Germany (leaked official documents), both of which confirmed that MOH was taking orders from the NATO Intelligence services (Interestingly, at the time Sweden was not a member of NATO and acted differently).

Which may, of course, also help to explain the reticence of global Governments, including Australia, to tell the truth. Both because of the enormous consequences and also because many of the key payers are silenced under national security/official secrets laws. Military operations are highly compartmentalized and information is strictly on a "need to know" basis, so the number of people with the complete picture is very small.

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WARNING; OZtopian Rant; Beverage required!

The 'Australian' Government, ONCE, Via Constitution, ACTUALLY - 'Commonwealth of Australia', was Name changed 'Without Notice' to the UNIFIED PEOPLES OF AUSTRALIA (THEIR SUPERIORS - & 'OWNERS' OF AUSTRALIA- ALL PEOPLES OF AUSTRALIA - UNIFIED), along with Agencies such as the ATO ('Created' but NOT 'Officially Gazzetted' - Like MABO, if it's NOT done 'Lawfully', REMAINS ILLEGAL until the End of Days!!), & a quick Flip to THE Parliaments 'PayMasters' in Washington/Tel Aviv, BY, Becoming a United States of America Corporation; COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA ; U.S.SEC Reg # CIK 0000805157. HQ's NOT CANBERRA/A.C.T/AUSTRALIA - BUT>WASHINGTON N.W/ D.C. (ALL Economic reporting to the U.S. SECURITY AND EXCHANGES COMMISSION, VIA the UNIparty of Australia, as a U.S Corporation Inclusive!).

Next; It was OBVIOUS, prior to 2019/20, that ANOTHER 'Stitch-UP' was in FULL swing! THE Round table 'EVENT 201' (MUCH FuctChecked & Denied by the 'Purple Rain' A,I (Backed up by Human 'Scan Teams')/CONnected Social & MS Media Platforms (Including Google's SMC - Science Media Centre. The Atlantic Council's 'Poynter INstitute', Think tanks such as 'Club of Rome' & ISD [Institute for Strategic Dialogue - Any Inman Grant's 'Lurking onboard']), were All working Overtime on ACTUAL MIS/DISinformation - PLUS Big 'Green Ticks' GIVEN TO THEMSELVES! This even after Previous 'Exercises' involving Who's Who 'Elitists' & 'Others- Johns Hopkins 'Dark Winter' (2001)/ Atlantic Storm (2005)/ Clade X (2018)/ EVENT 201 (2019) = Just Coincidences!

After 'ANOTHER' H1N1 'Exercise/Psych Op', The Australian(Sic.) Govt., at Great expense to US, Developed a Manual for Modern Pandemic (1) Preparedness & Response (2011), which acknowledged that Lockdowns & Social Isolations, made ZERO Difference to The Disease Outcomes, Spread, & were found to be a Negative impact on the Populations Physical & Mental wellbeing, AND including the Commercial impact to/on the Nation as a Whole-Pre>During>Post Disease! (CONtrived or Not!). THE PRE PREPARED Australian FORMAL 'Guidelines'- & 'SCIENCE', Were 'Thrown in the Bin' for FOREIGN (See Definition(3)) 'AGENDAS'! = AND STILL!

Next; CONVID -Anything>Anything 'VariAin'ts'; 'Testing'[Sic] for 'Disease'; COVID-19 (Year of 'I.D.' [LOL!]) of Apparent SARS-COV-2 (Please note, incidentally, the 'Dropping' of the 'n' prefix for '[n]ovel' Coronavirus, with ZERO 'Fanfare' by the Cabal & PETS(2) in tow! YEAR - 20[19]. = SPECIFIC Coronavirus COVID-19 Test Kits; 'Registration' YEAR-2015 by R. Rothschild-U.K. Bulk Distribution Globally including AUSTRALIA/N.Z in YEAR 2017/18. World Bank Tracking I.D thru WITS (World Integrated Trade Systems) SPECIFIC COVID-19 Test Kits; 300215= Finally! Global PRE- Health! 4 YEARS IN ADVANCE!!

(1) 'PANdemics' are 'Impossible' in Modern societies, with Intact Health Systems/ Clean water/ sanitary Systems & Sewage Infrastructure/ Balanced - UNtainted Food sources/Proper Medical -HEALth facilities!!(EMF exposures ARE a Compromising Weaponised system).

(2) PETS - Pretty Easily Trained StupidDoes(Sounded like Dingos- OR, the Literal Stupid does, for Political option).

Last; IF, folks at Large ANYWHERE have any DIS/MISunderstandings of Ethics &/OR Morals of Governance figures (Politicians/Staffers/Bureau-TechnoCratics/Military 'Entities', Private>Corporate>Traditional Forces), in ALL METRICS 'Dealings' with Populace @ Home- NotMyGov.Org/Abroad, consider this; CAN'TBERRA Purposefully withheld committing to a vote on Israeli OFFENCE Forces (And Govt.) being Charged with OBVIOUS Genocide of Palestinian>Arab Infants/Kids(This IS on record, for/by Military Commanders & Israeli Govt 'Parliamentary Ministers', TO, Purposefully Snipe & Kill Infants & Kids (Palestinian Next Gen) As much as Possible > Women, The Elderly,& Menfolk (Even if they were OBVIOUSLY NOT a threat)! The 'Vote', & 'Inputs', per 'Words in Sentences', 'BY' Australian UNIPARTY Foreign(3) Ministers/Staffers, & was purposefully Delayed until IDF 'WayPoints', were reached in the Palestinian GENOCIDE! The INTENTIONAL Bombing of Former Persian Empire States BY AUSTRALIAN FORCES, in League with other 'Terrorist'(4) Actions OF 'Allies of the Willing/ZION', is in line with ALL 'Elitist/U.N.Org' Global SDGs (5) & Agendas!

THIS, is an Elongated spiel. But, HAVE NO ILLUSIONS, about the Corruptions & Facades of Their ENDLESS Demonic Endeavours= In OZtopia> 'LEST WE FORGET' that the Historic Australian 'RUM CORP'- NEVER, REALLY LEFT TOWN, NOR IT'S S.O.Ps!

(3) Foreign/Def; Velonging TO, or associated WITH, A Country - Which IS NOT YOUR OWN! (See COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - U.S.SEC Registered Corporation = U.S.A= FOREIGN!!

(4) Terrorism/Def; Person or Persons, who use Bombing, Kidnapping & Murder - TO, change Government Policy. FULL STOP! (False Flags Inclusive= NO MATTER, THE 'Instigator'!).

(5) SDGs - Fantasy=Strategic Development Goals. Reality= Strategic Depopulation Goals.

Entertainment; When Moral -Ethical-Intelligent Individuals, ask ANY questions of a SCIENCELESS 'Exercise', & it's EXTREME Negative effects on Society as a whole - by ALL METRICS, this is seen as a Threat to NotMyGov 'Crisis Actors', whereupon, said Individuals are Attacked by the 'Invested' Temporary MOB, & typecast as the Definitive social Lepers! Whereas The PILLOCKS, - Apologies. Whereas The 'Pillars' of Society> Prime Minstrels>CMOs> State Premiers & Cabinet>MediKill Staff>Corporate Investors> Media Et Al, AFTER Listing the COVID-19 'Vaccines' on Govt Websites as a KNOWN 'POISON' & Forced Administering of SAME BY MANDATE, are seen as the 'Heroes of MIS/DISease'= Which IN FACT - THEY ARE= POISONERS OF A COMPLETE POPULATION!! Reward; 2 TYRANTS,(W.A & VICtopia) who Single handedly, probably did more damage than WW1 or 2 to Australia, thru All Metrics of Psych/Physical/Commercial Ops Ruination, Get an Order of Australia (Companion[LOL] or Not!) SO, That's what it takes!

Quips from History;

"It is the Press, above all, that wages a Positively fanatical & slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of National independence, Cultural elevation, and the economic independence of a Nation.'

'By rejecting the Authority of the Individual and replacing it by the numbers of some momentary Mob, the parliamentary principle of Majority rule sins against the basic aristocratic principle of Nature.' - Both, observations by Adolph Hitler.

Wellness - John D.

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I hope people read what you’ve written John, you’ve provided some truth about our gov’t.

I’m trying to do the same with my comment, being a substack article about why the gov’t WON’T do anything about this-but no one wants to look!

I can only figure that people are scared of the truth, and would prefer the safety of talking about stuff that most of us already know!

Where’s our curiosity and willingness to look at evidence gone? I am offering the truth behind our government’s (and other countries’ gov’ts) lack of action.

Doesn’t anyone want to look?

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A few extra observations from History;

“Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.”

“I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.”

“The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”

― Adolf Hitler.

If you are 'Wired' a certain way, for inquisitiveness, morals, gauged empathy(Fore there is Scamming afoot En Masse- & Individuals have to work out the BIGGEST 'Scammers'= The Guards, The Guards Guards, or 'Other'), balanced aspects - This is THE Natural Standard Operating Procedure. Generally ALL other Multi celled animals have it!

Programming; We, All start of as 'Pure' unadulterated Newborns. Providing our Genetic parents haven't Pre-tainted our Biological 'Manufacture', via Life style choices or Voluntary/Involuntary exposure to Toxic environments (Latent most times now ;Eg> EMF. AND the Biggest threat to ALL Life - THE Chemical Industry[Pharma being a 'Small' Sector of this GLOBAL OGRE)> See 'For Life Chemicals'. Start with BASF & DuPont - But that's another 'Inman-Grant' MIS/DIScussion!]). THEN, from DAY 1, we are Bombarded with 'Programming'! Multi generational programming, via Parents (See 'Receptivity of the Masses ---'), who were programmed by their Parents, & On! PLUS, Programming from a BIASED Education 'Exercise' - Where, If you DO NOT 'Parrot' the Text verbatum = FAIL! With Every 'MayTricks' (Matrix) ALL + TIME+Illusion = Social Fulfillment! Let's see. Another quote perhaps;

"He alone, who owns the Youth, gains the Future!"

Further. Leverage on The Parents- & Society @ large, for Social Program 'FulFillment;

"The State must declare the Child to be the most precious treasure of the People. AS long as the Government is perceived to be working for the benefit of the Children, the People will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation." - Sorry! Young Adolph Hitler again!

Last; I have already formerly spread ALL metrics of Identifiable/ Corporate indorsed information( Pfizer/Moderna/AstraZ Direct Info sheets 2019/20/21), regarding Mythical Beastie CONVID # Up to WAHZOO, to My Direct Management, their upper management, Resource Sector Corporate mining personnel, (previously FIFO/N.W OZtopia), Health/Safety quarters - HSEQS, Fellow Associates (WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BULLSHIT PROGRAMMES AS 'R-U-O-K', Or 'Got Ya Back'?? Minus TRANS prefix-LOL!) & Work mates = "Get the Jab or F.O'! - So that's what 'Inclusiveness' ACTUALLY MEANS! Even sent Info to the W.A. Police union on NON 'Safe & Effective' Jabs & 'Masking'- Pre Govt lockdowns & Tyrannical Ops, Including Safety Data Sheet anomolies/Relevant issues, believing that the 'Force' were a part of Middle Tier Society. - WRONG! Police Forces everywhere are 'Revenue Collection' & Political S.A -With some 'P.R' chucked in! & Nothings going back, along with the Hyena/Jackal Media Cartel, to the way it was Pre Mythical CONVID. I have no energies attached to Folks/relatives/Systems/ NotMyGov/Corporates, who have Shunned me! I find like minded folks and share 'Normal' human conversing & social interactives. However, for those previous degraders of Normal social affairs, should I find them in peril, if knowing their identity, knowing I could be of Assistance- I will be bypassing aid, for this IS what 'They', have endorsed for my future Non existence! "What goes around, Comes around."

Good luck on Your Endeavours - Try not to waste TOO much energy on same! Gauge Energy Input, for Gain output. In a Realistic world, where IDF personnel 'Snipe' Kids and Infants - IN PLAIN SIGHT & 'LOGGED' on Global Media - 'Supported by Western DEMONocracies' ( Australia Inclusive), 'THESE' are the 'People'(Loose term), that You/I are dealing with!

Wellness for 2025 - 31/March/25 > 'Projected' end to World Bank Project P 173789 - COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program= BUGGAR ME! I HOPE THE WEE MYTHICAL BASTARD'S BEEN SENT THE MEMO!

31/March/25. New Gun Laws in West OZtopia (W.A), Come into 'Enforcement'. = Just Coincidence really! Are WE, And Australia@Large, JUST, a Vassal state of The World Bank? LOL!

Wellness again!

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I like your comment with a passion John! Lots of interesting stuff!

Human nature/nurture can be so frustrating!

How I love these caring doctors who are prescribing early intervention-for what?! The convid con goes on-and certain people reap rewards of fame/money. Not talking about all of them. But early intervention is another sham!

Aughh. Sometimes one just has to give up, or will surely go nuts pointing out the obvious.

I do feel sorry for those who took the con, I’ve experienced the grief of what can/will happen first hand.

I’m not super smart or anything-just have good instinct, but it kicked in late in the piece, but not too late, thankfully my immediate family is saved, physically and spiritually. For now, anyway-the stuff coming from the sky is plenty.

This convid has to go. The end. I’ve woken up to the fact that the world is a lie, so most of my own life has been a lie. What a waste. But I am glad that I know.

I wonder what the world’s population really is right now?

Anyway, onwards we go, waiting for Trump to save us all (NOT). We will survive 2025! (I just made that up, it sounds good. Probably others have made it up also) Do not comply, etc…

Thank you for these most interesting quotes! Gotta go

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When dealing with new information, kept purposefully from the public arena ( The Public- The Government's 'Employer'), Anger is a Common 'Normal' emotion! you have to negate this by Off subject means, such as music, colour, water or garden 'grounding'(Beach, or public gardens[your own if lucky] forests), fiction reading (This doesn't include Govt/Corporate 'Fiction' passed off as Corporate 'Science'-Information-News) as a form of Escapism & Neutrilisation of said angst - Before training & subconscious control= Angst/ frustration, with a System, &/or a Population 'Diverted' by Agenda, ONLY affects 'You', & promotes Negative health outcomes by Corruption of the Soul, & corrosive stress! BUGGAR! Forgot a good Beverage as backup Plan! LOL!

THE Game of Information search - Locally/Globally, relative to your quest, is like a shifting Illusion in the Fog of Living. Scenario;

You see an Illusionist advert in Media - David Copperfield/Dynamo. You purchase 2 tickets for yourself & partner. Drive to the venue, park your car. inside the venue, nigh on 500 other patrons, are sitting down, Expectations, popcorn & beverage to hand. Yer man appears on stage with 3 Tonnes of Carbon lifeform(Rajah - Your 'Local' Indian elephant). Audience 'Participation' IS a must for the 'Illusion' to Carry The 'Prestige'! Several folks alight steps onto the 'Stage', check Rajah is 'Real', & return to their alotted seats. Rajah Farts, & has a 'Dump' on stage. Everyone then, upon request from the Conductor, counts down from 10>1, Pyrotechnics fire off stage, and 'VOILA'!! Rajah hasn't required FedEx & Special 'Shipping' to get back to native India! The 'Dump', is still on stage, as evidence of Rajah's former location. Further tests of this Dimensional Universe perceptions, continue for another 3 hours - everyone Agog! Leaving the venue, with the energy of 500 Patrons all conversing on recent events, you reach into your pocket for your car Keys, & pull out the 2 ticket stubs. = THE 'Performance' was ALWAYS just an illusion - 'Requiring' audience involvement for 'Effect'. In life- All aspects, there are NO tickets to the illusions, or Proper order of Things! These you have to gauge for yourself, & not All, are in Plain sight, by Strategic Design! Finally Good News! There is No 'Pre-Set' time for knowledge gain, NOR, any 'SET' Formal 'Non flexible' info therein! It moves & changes with new interfacing with others & experiences(As long as You remain flexible in your attitudes) - Something which PROPER 'Science', use to have as a MAIN requirement = Open discussion/challenge & PROPER research without Bias!

Next; Sun Tzu - The Art of War; 5th Century Chinese Strategist. Updated to 5 G.W- Chinese also - 5th Generation Warfare= The War on Individual Perceptions of 'Reality' ( Yr 1999). Adapted/Dopted by the West.

Last; Per diversions. If you are even slightly literary - Obviously you are, - Try your hand at Short stories, Satire or Memes, Art, incorporating your new knowledge, as an added stress relief & making the Info more accessible to others. Comedy, in a Depressed Market, is usually more attractive, & has positive health implications - Even if it's just for yourself & immediate associates!


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Sorry for the late reply, I just now became aware of your comment-my machine only informs me if someone has “liked” my comment, by email-I have to click the notifications bell to see all replies, I must have missed yours somehow John!

I get what you’re saying, I won’t say anymore right now, as I’m suffering from sciatic nerve pain right now, and am trying to take it easy on pain killers, so I need to rest, and try “gentle movement” which only seems to make it worse. Can only try! But this problem limits any ease I can make in my life, when it’s playing up like this.

Thank you for your suggestions, they are good!

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Replies are not an issue. Sounds as if you've greater issues.

Maybe try DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) - Effective for Hard to Treat Pain, without all of the Negative health outcomes & significant risks of Opioids NSAIDs anti-inflammatory products(Such as over the counter 'Ibuprofen'- Can cause Heart, Renal & Stomach[Gut Biome & Other] damage - 'read the Pack'). Maybe visit U.S. Dr Mercola site, for Heads-Up, on the DMSO.!

Hope you're Better soon!

Wellness from OZtopia - John D.

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I seriously hope people will finally refuse to go along with the evil agenda of the globalists. Avian Bird flu, according to Peter Hotez, hits us on Jan. 21st after Trump's inauguration. He also mentioned Zika virus and whatever else it takes to scare Americans into submission. Stock up on ivermectin, lomatium root and other antiviral herbs. The deep state is going to try and take down the U.S.A and hand it over to the globalists. These demons want the world's population to shrink down to 100 million. Get prayed up, because we are going to need God's help to stop it.

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A fairly even split of glass half full vs glass half empty in the comments section thus far. At least the report confirms several of the main scams amongst the crumbs thrown our way, unlike the Aus Senate inquiry. However, agreed that it also has glaring omissions, such as the PCR tests & the role of the US DoD in Operation warp speed.

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How, when and where is this going to end?😞

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It’s not going to end because the gov’t is compromised. We need to expose this to the masses first: https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/exposed-the-political-class-are-compromised

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Another 'pandemic ' plus world war and the job is done.

All good.....well, evil accomplishing its goals.

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