You know your stuff Alison! As always with the TGA, the devil is in the detail. The TGA are better than this but if you want to keep your job in Canberra, you must stay within the narrative. It must be soul destroying for many in the TGA. Frankly, I don't know how they live with themselves. The continuing recommendation for Covid Vaccines for babies is particularly obnoxious and gruesome. There seems no limit to the depravity. There is no room for forgiveness.

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Wow! Just minutes after Pierre Kory presented at the International Covid Summit in the European Parliament about the Global War on Ivermectin!! One almost has to laugh. But we won't forget that the TGAs decision was truly murderous. This drug and HCQ and other early treatments and preventatives were potential lifesavers but the Australian people were deprived of them and instead subjected to deadly hospital protocols. Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall during the latest round of discussions?

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Go to a compounding chemist for 12mg capsules. Should be around $1 per capsule at most.

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On its face, thermography seems like a reasonable method of asymptomatic clot detection. I'd like to see more detailed investigations using this method because it is non-invasive and predictive of dangerous clotting potential which could signal the need for anti-clotting strategies for an individual patient. Most interesting. Undoubtedly, clotting is a major risk factor for the Covid injections.

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Re clotting after the AZ injection: after the first one I had all manner of cardiac symptoms- chest pains, irregular beats, tachycardia etc. My GP sent me off for a stress test. On the way there I was having chest pains. The stress test was preceded and followed by heart ultrasounds. My results came up as NAD- excellent in fact. However from that time on I have had no more cardiac symptoms. After some thought I have concluded that I had mini clots causing the symptoms and that the sound waves of the ultrasound were enough to break them up. I later mentioned this theory to both GP and cardiologist and both agreed this was possible, I would like more people to know about this. Lives could possibly be saved.

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Why do you think this is incompetence? These people know exactly what they are doing and the vaccine contracts prove it. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-novavax-contract

Here are their names. https://www.tga.gov.au/about-tga/advisory-bodies-and-committees/advisory-committee-vaccines-acv/acv-members

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After all we have witnessed and lived through, I can’t believe any of this was just a mistake as a result of incompetence, just doesn’t cut it, this was deliberate from the very beginning

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These people should be in goal by now, but they are not! The Covid Injections should have been halted by now, but it has not! Doctors still injecting this gene therapy should have said no, but they have not! The Media should be reporting on the Excess Deaths here in Australia, but they have not! It is blatantly obvious that what has taken place here in Australia and the rest of the world is under the control of the WEF, WHO, Big Harma and other actors, with the Australian Government and our medical regulatory bodies the puppets. We must EXIT THE WHO -

https://australiaexitsthewho.com/ and finally cut off the head of the snake that wants a one world health control that will make the TGA et al look like Father Christmas!

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Wow-what an about face, turnaround.

I hope Craig Kelly gets some respectability back from the air head media who pilloried him.

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In particular, one - Alison Langton, one stupid air head media mouth peice! Shame on her for her vilification of Craig Kelly!

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Yes, she had the temerity to tell him that she had done her "research" the night before the interview and he was wrong! Karl Stefanovic, at least, looked embarrassed by her words. I, am embarrassed to share the same Christian name as her! Not a common name in my generation growing up and she degrades it with her juvenile emotional outburst. Paid media shill.

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LOL maybe now Greg Hunt (the guy with the brother in the graphene oxide business) will return Clive's $40M in hydroxychloroquine...or did he destroy it all at the border?

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The whole purpose of denying access to ANY drug including Ivermectin apart from the Covid 'vaccine' to treat Covid19 is to sidestep all limitations against the introduction of the poisonous ineffective gene altering dual purpose gain of function bio-warfare Covid injections purposely killing and maiming Australians under direct Australian Governments supervision. This is murder in the highest degree and those responsible need to be held accountable.

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Thanks Solihin. Totally agree .

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Surely, those responsible in the TGA (including Skerrit) be sued for “Misfeasance in public office”!

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That’s a great place to start. First thing I would state is Macartney was involved in a controversy about enormous funding arrangements. I’m sure there would be so very clever people here that could flesh this out!

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There is no legal redress. The courts wont allow it.

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Thanks for the comment Louisa. If you wouldn’t mind can you flesh out the reason you believe that there can’t be redress for the dreadful and negligent decisions made, not to mention the “wilful blindness” that obviously occurred. From the extensive research I’ve done over the last three years it would be impossible for those complicit people in the TGA to say “oh, we got it wrong because we didn’t have timely, pertinent information.”

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“ExcessDeathsAU”, nothing you have written is unreasonable. I agree if our backs are not yet against the wall, we aren’t far off it. So, what do we do? Do we just lie down and let the globalists and their lackeys stomp our heads, and also the heads of our children and grandchildren? Let’s get busy. Do something to block their ease of passage. Join a group, go to a demonstration, write a letter to you local member, find ways to alert the unaware ... just do something! Resist, resist, resist ! ! !

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Sadly I agree with Louisa. To admit the failures at this point would be to unravel a global system. To unravel the global system would collapse civilisation. (Maybe they want this, I don't know). In any case, the WHO-declared pandemic is required in order to give vaccine manufacturers liability. The vaccines did not have to 'work.' The government explicitly did this, throwing Australians under the bus. It's not the TGA, it's EVERYONE IN GOVERNMENT including the military under the quadrilateral countermeasures MOU. We don't even know what laws are currently governing Australia.

Sounds crazy right?

Here is Australia's Novovax contract. It's all in there, which is why they wanted it buried. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-novavax-contract

Australia is dead. It's an animated corpse being driven by the highest bidder.

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Last year, The AVN raised many more dollars (4-5 times more) than Dr McCallum this year, to fund a court case re the damages caused by the jabs. They were denied Standing. If any group or individual can prove interest, they can. It was an outrageous decision. AVN have tried again and again, being unable to get a foot in the door. I saw this week that Dr McCallum has also been shut out. This is injustice. It does not engender trust. It is a disgrace. I have found your information and references interesting but from my observations, I continue to think it is policy. And that wretched contract with novavax. How could ANY honourable person sign such a thing. Words do not describe my disgust. Shameful, Ms Edwards. Acting Secretary, my foot.

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We're onto it.

See https://bit.ly/3VRk2yo

:) 💕

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Stop excusing deception and maliciousness with incompetence. It has never been incompetence.

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#3Tablets and also didn’t early on Clive Palmer but a large quantity of hydroxy for the Australian people that got confiscated by the government and destroyed - people died due to their incompetence

Ps thanks for keeping the pressure up

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That is a start in the right direction even though it is 3yrs too late

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Wonderful piece, Dr Altman.

might I add an observation? When you go to the "Notice of final decisions" report itself, on page 16 you find this:

“There is now an overwhelming weight of evidence against the use of ivermectin in patients either as a prophylaxis or as a treatment of patients with COVID-19 with no benefit in large clinical studies.” – footnote references: 17,18,19,20,21,22,23

WOW 7 footnotes, wow that evidence must be really overwhelming.

But then you go to the footnotes, and what do you find?

18 and 20 reference the same study, based on the Together trial so that's now down to 6 footnotes

The Together trial was designed to fail. It gave an inadequate dose of 400μg/kg bodyweight (0.4mg/kg or 40mg for a 100kg person) Ivermectin for only 3 days to a treatment group who were already sick with symptoms of covid for up to 7 days before being admitted on the trial at all. So they were already at peak viral load before they got the inadequate dose.

The trial was conducted in Brazil where Ivermectin is available cheaply over the counter. People already taking ivermectin could have been in the control group as it wasn’t in the exclusion criteria of the study – as detailed by Alexandros Marinos here (also detailing a stack of other problems) https://doyourownresearch.substack.com/p/what-went-wrong-with-the-together

The Together Trial was later accused of scientific misconduct and data manipulation after major discrepancies were found as detailed here by David Scheim, Colleen Aldhous and Edmund Fordham. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/news/together-trial/

17, 22 and 23 both use the same ACTIV-6 ongoing platform, funded by the NIH who had a commercial interest in crushing ivermectin so eua could go to moderna. whatever assumptions or flaws are in that platform are repeated for all 3. That brings the number of truly unique studies down from 6 to 4.

Just like the Together trial, The ACTIV-6 trial at (17) used an inadequate dose of 400 μg/kg (0.4mg/kg bodyweight or 40mg for a 100kg person), daily for 3 days, in 1591 participants who had confirmed covid and had already experienced 2 or more symptoms of acute infection for up to 7 days.

The dose was too small and too late to test ivermectin’s effectiveness in early treatment or as a prophylactic.

The trial referenced at 17 was designed to fail, and was ripped apart by American Thinker here, which called this study a hit job on ivermectin conducted by biased researchers.


21 - Bramante et al, has major flaws including comparing the treatment group to a contaminated control group that was on metformin. Participants were told to take the small dose on an empty stomach reducing its bioavailability. Its flaws are here https://c19ivm.org/covidoutivm.html

19 is a trade press news article from Medscape. This is not a study or evidence. It's a news story. Medscape is owned by WebMD which is owned by hedge fund KKR which also owns pharmaceutical assets including Headlands which sold services to Pfizer/Moderna for vax development.

That brings the number of unique peer-reviewed and published studies down to 3. Not as "overwhelming" as 7 is it? Not overwhelming at all when you consider there are scores of studies showing Ivermectin does work here https://c19ivm.org/meta.html

The list of studies the Report footnotes as "overwhelming evidence Ivermectin does not work" are here:

17 Naggie S, et al. (ACTIV-6) - Effect of Ivermectin vs Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery... JAMA, 2022.

18, 20: Reis G, et al. TOGETHER Investigators. Effect of Early Treatment with Ivermectin among Patients with Covid-19. NEJM, 2022

19 https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/971936

21 Bramante CT, et al; COVID-OUT Trial Team. Randomized trial of metformin, ivermectin, and fluvoxamine for Covid-19. NEJM, 2022

22 Naggie S et al (ACTIV-6) Study Group. Effect of ivermectin vs placebo on time to sustained recovery in outpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA, 2022

23 Naggie S, et al (ACTIV)-6 Study Group. Effect of higher-dose ivermectin for 6 days vs placebo on time to sustained recovery in outpatients with COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2023.

See the full catastrophe here: https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-05/notice-of-final-decision-to-amend-or-not-amend-the-current-poisons-standard-acms-40-accs-34-joint-acms-accs-32.pdf

Later the report goes on to cite the Cochrane collaboration meta analysis showing ivermectin doesn't work. But the Cochrane collaboration, uncharacteristically for them, here had cherrypicked a small number of studies and split studies to incorporate some parts not others, as criticised here https://c19ivm.org/popp.html

The TGA references for "overwhelming evidence" reminds me of a First Year student at Uni wanting to bs their way to a pass on an essay they haven't researched properly, fluffing out their references with padding

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The TGA gave these reasons for banning Ivermectin on 10 September 2021

- Need to follow international regulatory bodies such as US FDA

- People may choose to take Ivermectin instead of getting “vaccinated”

- They may then get infected and spread the infection – a risk to public health

- Doses advocated in “unreliable social media posts” are too high and may have adverse effects

- Increase in prescriptions for unapproved uses may cause shortages that will disproportionally impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Of course it is possible that the TGA hierarchy actually believed the above arguments justified the ban. Or the arguments as presented may have just been pretexts for decision that had different motives entirely. Who knows?

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