From my own experience I had an illness in March 2020 which followed the symptoms that was assigned to Covid at the time. I was 67yrs old and managed to stay away from doctors, hospitals and any testing, I did have post viral tiredness for about 6 weeks but recovered fully and am now more physically fit than I was prior to the infection. This post viral tiredness was similar to an episode I had following the flu when I was 20yrs old , we are surrounded by lies and even myths of this super virus with all sorts of capabilities to bring harm to us. The main bringer of harm comes from following government and public health diktats and especially their deployment of the experimental injection.

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They thought they needed the worst viral transport system to achieve the best gene transfer mechanism...

...the thought was the more infectious and dangerous the disease the more effective the spike protein would be for ALL “vaccines”

This was a proof of function that the spike protein can be used as a gene therapy “disruptive technology” that would reap Billions...

...Fauci admitted it over 15 years ago regarding gain-of-function before it was “censored” and stated, “we have to create the worst bioweapons to develop the “cure”

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This aligns with my personal observations. The people I know who have long covid have all been multiply jabbed, in addition to having had covid after the vaxx. The unjabbed I know, when they get covid, they've recovered.

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They have their own DNA (mtDNA)

And if you damage it, they don't function correctly

So your cells do not generate adequate energy

And they emit more ROS

Oxidative stress

And sometime they don't die

They just pass it on and divide

Until your organs are fried

Just like your brain

When the systemic inflammation drives you insane

And you get something very similar to

*Gulf war syndrome

*Chronic fatigue syndrome




*Long Covid


Does any study suggest "spike protein" might damage mitochondria?

And or any studies to suggest these conditions might stem from the same common cause?

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Calling such murderous criminals as the heads of the TGA shills for the big Pharma Mafia is rather simplistic. They are Globalist Terrorists that intentionally murder Australian men, women and children in a perverse experiment and deliberate act of genocide.

The clear links to national and state Governments at all levels, including Departments of Defence, should leave no doubt the harms of this perverse experiment are intentional consequences to advance the quackery of genetic engineering onto the majority of humanity, with several clear and definable intentions beyond the obvious genocide.

Genocide presents these demonic parasites unique and powerful tools to rapidly create a new form of farm animal/mechanism by way of breading the few survivors that physically adapt to such an extreme test to the original organisms that make up a human body. Super soldiers is just one possibility with many other possibilities in combining organic and nonorganic components into a living being.

When looking at the thinking of the creatures that present their extremist visions of the future, it is not hard to imagine the massive death toll from a combination of continued genocidal medical experiments, other culling methods such as starvation, and mass poisoning which could well include entire City concentration camps, plus the considerable number of likely disasters from Earth's rapidly depleting electromagnetic field culminating in posible pole shift.

The likelihood that the digital age represents only a relatively short period of opportunity for the psychopathic criminal elite to inherit the earth before a solar crustal expulsion or solar flare wipes out the entire electrical grid and everything that is reliant upon it. At that point there will likely be only the totalitarian establishment and those they hold under the boots of tyranny, and hopefully scattered communities of those that may or may not survive a world thrown back to the iron age at best.

Tolkien's Lord of the Rings may well be history repeating itself, for there will likely be both mutations from the genetic experiments of the Demonic Parasite Caste, along with those caused by the wide range of Solar and Cosmic radiation and space particals that are already passing through Earth's protective electromagnetic field at an increasing rate.

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Well aj, that's a pretty dark post to start my day! But sadly, probably largely accurate and the monsters seem to be getting away with it. We're fortunate to have people like Dr. Altman - and many others - to shine a light of rationality & reason in the darkness.

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The fact they are pushing the narrative that Long Covid (a disease that right now has dozens of symptoms) is very suspicious. We already know that the injection has caused the human body to produce spike proteins as long as 6 months after the injection. I am not a doctor, but having a foreign protein produced by your own body for "months" is a recipe for problems. They are desperately looking for a way to blame the injuries from the bio-weapon on something else. So... look over there...it's Covid.... is a convenient scapegoat.

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I'm one of those Conspiracy Theorists who realised early on that Covid was man-enhanced for maximum impact on human health. I then concluded the 'FDA expressed' 'experimental' injection was a dangerous myth. The FDA had to hide pre-existing Safe & Effective anti-viral medicines like ivermectin, in order to justify the licencing of the new DANGEROUS 'experimental vaccines'.

I then joined more dots and realised Big Pharma profited from humans being ill. There's no PROFIT in Healthy Humans" is their motto. My perverse mind then wandered to the realisation that Big Pharma wanted MORE people to suffer ill health. This was their method of increasing PROFIT. So, they took charge of the USA Bio-weapon experiments called Gain of Function, which was eventually 'exported' to Wuhan, China.

Using Fauci's Gain of Function techniques, they maximised the health impact of viruses upon human beings - "Hey Presto - we've got a winner called Covid"! Simultaneously, they were working on a 'cure' in the adjacent laboratory. The mRNA injection was a form of Genetic Modification, but had no impact on Covid and did not stop the spread of the disease.

"Never mind - with ZERO LIABILITY, we can still make a fortune and, whilst doing so, we can keep our friends at the New World Order happy by depleting the planet's population and that will assist with reducing Global Warming".

Never again will we be taken for mugs by the NWO and their hidden controllers within the WEF.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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What if, just like the “hiv” phantom was theorized into existence to blame for the immune suppression deaths of a subculture of gay men who practiced an immune suppressive lifestyle the sars-cov2 “covid” phantom was theorized into existence to blame for the “historic increase in deaths” in coming years predicted in this 2017 census .gov article due to the aging baby boomer generation? Interestingly, aging baby boomers are the exact demographic where “covid” is most deadly.

Coincidence or smoking gun?


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What if it isn’t a virus?

Flaws In The Coronavirus Pandemic Theory


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Hi Phillip,

Have you seen Dr Bryan Ardis video presentation called "The Antidote"?

Worth a look as his research is very indepth and cited studies are compelling.

It would be great to hear your perspective on it.

See link below:


Best regards,


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Thank you so much Dr Altman, I am so relieved that esteemed Australian professionals such as yourself have come out of retirement to fight this battle for our sovereignty, our democracy and our freedom. Thankyou for keeping your substack free, because both my husband and I lost our careers refusing those bioweapon shots. We took a big financial hit and will have to sell our farm also. I have had no doubt from the outset that Long Covid was due to vaccine injuries and had nothing to do with the alleged virus. All smoke and mirrors. Stay alert. 36 years in mental health, no longer required. The war continues.

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Love to you and family❤️🙏💓We have a corrupt gov And we need to exit THE WHO. UN and WEF,👍💓

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Yes, and love to your family too. May you be happy, May you be well, May you be safe. ❤️🙏💓

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I have never believed THEIR PROPAGANDA. Im 76 and a very awake spiritual woman. Right from the first announcements of the so called pandemic and the coersement to take the SO CALLED VAX my spirit told me that we were being fed a lot of lies . I thank you DR for all your info and hoping for us to overcome the ghastly propaganda and evil

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There is a german MD, Dr. Tillenburg, who says exactly the same, unfortunately in german:


that the 'long covid' is an excuse for the symptoms related to the covid injecitons and their shedding to the unjabbed. That makes a perfect sense

There would be a way to actually proof that fact, namely do a quick PCR test, this time a proper one, for a detection of just a Spike protein fragment. We know that all the PATENTED SPike sequences differ by two amino acids substitution KV->PP (Lys-Val -> Pro-Pro). To detect this fragment would actually show that everyone has the non-natural -PP- version, and nobody the KV version... None of the geneticists here on substack wants to answer or consider this issue..

There is an article by I. Chudov in his substack who claims with that study covid-vaccines-integrate-into-human-DNA, which when you actually read and really understand it, it basically shows absolutely NOTHING. On the contrary, it claims the viral Spike (KV version) is out there with the Spike from the gene therapies (PP version), falsely called 'vaccines." The fact that this article was so widely accepted means that people are completely CLUELESS while going for BS from a shill who spreads very specific AGENDA.. A russian one???

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My observation is that the injected are the sick ones. They seem to catch whatever it that is going around at present.

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Thanks Brother!

My rant of today reflects your suggestion it was all a scam;

Many of us have boldly, perhaps stupidly, suggested that Covid & the supposed vaccine, were all smoke & mirrors! It seems that the Flu coincidently (conveniently) all but disappeared in 2020 in order to bump up the Covid figures and justify the 'Pretend Scamdemic'. We might have been very close to the truth!

We the people VOTE NO to the existence of the now corrupt and obsolete World Health Organisation!

Nothing surprises us anymore about Fauci's modified Covid or the DEADLY injection they pretend is a vaccine!

We were right and you all got Genetically Modified, which has shortened your Life Expectancy.

Today; the US Army unofficially reveals a 973% increase in Heart Failure since Vax MANDATED in 2022. Do you need more proof?

Myocarditis is RIFE after accepting the useless ‘Experimental’ Covid injection – they call a vaccine!

Was MYOCARDITIS deliberately included as yet another dangerous health issue when mercenary and CORRUPT Big Pharma pretended to have invented a “Safe and Effective” injection for Fauci’s man-enhanced viral illness = Covid?

Big Pharma’s motto = “There’s no money in HEALTHY PEOPLE”! “Let’s make ‘em sicker and for longer!”

You can’t expect to Pfuck with the human heart with dangerous injections and expect it to “get better”.

It’s insane!

Did your Doctor forget to warn you about this small ('Vax) complication? I didn't think so!

I hereby reject the World Health Organisation as an entity that now has no relevance to humanity – since being corrupted by its biggest benefactor – Bill Gates. Gates now owns and controls the WHO.

We, the people, declare the WHO obsolete and redundant – so stick your Treaty where it hurts!

The now CORRUPT, World Health Organisation is DEAD! We, the people have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Yep. No bombs and bullets here. Just sniper’$ needle-SHOTS !

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There is always a chance that the better side of human nature ignites the point that those that can make difference have the courage to stand up in force. I has to be recognised that there is no going back for these generational crime families that have used genocide as a model of absolute power, possibly through the ages.

However change is a constant, and there will be a point where their time is up.

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God knows all

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