See attached. Spike Protein is detected in blood. Trends in Molecular Medicine, October 2022, Vol. 28, No. 10

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Dr Altman, do you mean this paper? This was the reference for the detection of S protein circulating in the plasma ….as early as day 1 after the first vaccine injection.


According to this reference paper antigens/antibodies are compared not the actual spike protein. Also were any controls undertaken to prove that those antigens/antibodies are specific?

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Thank you Dr Altman!

Could you also look into whether anyone has actually found/isolated the spike protein from any person as yet - dead or alive? Not an antigen which is non-specific (antigens can be present for any number of reasons/conditions/toxins), the actual protein that apparently is being produced by this mRNA which is allegedly in these so called vaccines.

Also Denis Rancourt has an essay, based on his Covid Inquiry testimony that is worth a read:


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Yes I asked that seemingly irrelevant question. Even asked what number that protein was assigned. (Sounds of snoring at 98 decibels and cricket orchestra accompaniment.)

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Whether it is 30% or 8%, it makes little difference to me when we are talking about literally trillions of mRNA segments producing proteins in almost every cell of the body.

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I’m not saying there isn’t something toxic in people’s blood that was injected and is causing inflammation/disease and their demise. I’m just pointing out that there is NO study that has found these specific ‘spike proteins’ that are allegedly being generated from mRNA in a person’s body.

If spike proteins were being generated (in their trillions) as they claim then why can’t they be isolated directly and shown to exist from an injected person?

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See Cosentino and Marino, Trends in Molecular Medicine Oct 2022 Vol 28, no. 10 page 797

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Yes, Cosentino and Marino reference the document I pinned in my previous comment - not actually finding the spike protein in plasma as it is compares solely antibodies/antigens and then has no controls.

Dr, everything they have told us throughout this whole “pandemic” has been lies built on lies. I’m hoping at some point we will get to the truth. Keep digging.

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I must admit I’m at a bit of a loss to know what else has to be discovered about these substances before anyone even cares, never mind be held accountable 😕 Queensland Police are going to give themselves medals for their ‘amazing’ community response (such as making sure only Bunnings and BWS thrived, making sure anyone who was ‘ unvaccinated was deprived of a normal life, and ensuring healthy people were quarantined !! )And the ‘vaccine’ inventors got a Nobel prize 🤔

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What you are witnessing can be partially explained in this article. You are being deliberately demoralised: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/covid-democide-a-primer

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It won’t stop, unfortunately. I’m sure you are all aware that submissions are being called for an Inquiry into the Covid-19 Response by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. You have until Friday 15th December to provide a response (https://www.pmc.gov.au/covid-19-response-inquiry/consultation#:~:text=and%20evidence%20online-,The%20COVID%2D19%20Response%20Inquiry%20Panel%20invites%20interested%20people%20and,Response%20Inquiry's%20terms%20of%20reference.) I only found out about it yesterday.

They’re probably not serious about any findings and it will all be whitewashed. But probably worth putting something in even just to play the numbers game.

On a side note, can anyone point me in the direction of mortality numbers and/or rate for what they called the ‘pandemic.’ That is for what they also called Covid-19 (as opposed to other respiratory diseases). I’ve seen various figures thrown around that proves the entire thing was a massive hoax, but would like a thorough analysis, if someone knows. Thank you 🙏🏻.

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Thank you Phil. Surely it’s time to draw the line in the sand. It isn’t right which ever way you look at it.

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Absolutely tragic

🇦🇺⚖️ A Julian Gillespie presentation - just in (less than 20 mins): https://fb.watch/oTDA7fzf-v/?

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Interesting - Nature's article's first paragraph states "the encoded protein exerts an 'intended' theraputic effect."

Note - I did not accept cookies and did not download therefore I did not read in it's entirety. My intuition is suspicious of this paper and getting tracked for just opening it so I didn't. Watching almost all of our science and medical journal's corruption for the past EIGHT years has thoroughly disgusted me.

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Mainstream is even reporting this research...https://news.yahoo.com/more-one-four-had-mrna-171724613.html ...The headline seems like it's informative of harms done... but keep reading and the true intent is revealed. This is the sort of spin that is coming out now: "the frame shifting caused by the pseudouridine is easily fixable so the next shots will be super safe". This is what they want the masses to believe. In fact the whole transfection platform is dangerous and needs to be canned immediately. (What it does is make your own cells produce a foreign antigen and then get destroyed by your immune cells, which is a recipe for disastrous autoimmunity and failure to distinguish properly between self and non-self.) BigPharma is rolling out this platform for EVERY vaccine from now on, so it will spin the stories of jabharm to imply they've sorted out the problem, oooops, sorry about the mess...

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No wonder Pfizer had nine pages of “possible adverse events” listed. The number of autoimmune diseases possible after this shot are endless. 😥

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In early 2020 I was fascinated with a reading on 20 or so “MOAs”, or mechanisms of action, or how the savior substance can attack us what it can do to us. Then came another report, with 20 more MOAs. Then came a series of more and more frightening physiological interactions. Blood clots turned out to be a piece of cake.

For some time now, “we” come up with newer and newer “wait, bed news”. They are systematically more complex and less available to the mind of a non-virologist. Strangely enough, nobody is asking the manufacturer about these things - the only party that has been working with them for the last 20 years or more. Since the manufacturer got their market entry ticket, they must know everything about their product, and certainly even more.

It sounds like genetic frame shift is just one of a series of repackaging (reframing, so to say) the product. A Britannica of adverse effects read like a guideline for the development and manufacture of a Britannica of medicines to address these adverse effects.

A lot of reframing will be needed. The old-school medicine from before 2020 is no longer needed, though. “May you live in interesting times,” they said. It was meant to be a curse.

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So couple of things, my u understanding is that the "frameshifting" estimated to occur in 30%of individuals who took the shot, but WITHIN that 30%, the actual frameshifting (aka miscoding, glitching, skipping) is approximately occurring in 8% of your cells. Which given their are trillions, is a lot (hence why we have the astronomical ADE/ADRs globally), BUT there is also a caveat that should be mentioned for perspective....yes this is new territory we are in. Yes this is potentially a scary situation, yes...yes...and yes to all the can of freaking worms we humans have decided to open. BUT.... nature is also very good at self correcting when things are deviating from her design. Not blowing smoke or trying to soften the monumental SNAFU that has occurred/been inflicted, but trying to keep perspective and remind those that may need it of HOPE. The sooner we can stop the destructive censorship on this situation, the sooner we can get to solving it. Do not get overwhelmed. Do not lose hope. This is as real as it gets, but nature wants us to survive, because we ARE part of her design, regardless of how we pretend or try to seperate.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #getnoisy #localised

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isn't it 30% of your infected cells?

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My understanding is that the 30% figure is from the papers. The 8% figure is based on calculations for the amount of cells estimated to be affected. This figure is second hand, I didn't do the calculation myself but was sourced through naked emperor stack and Anandamide. Like anything of this nature, its certainly open to correction or recalculations, especially as more eyes peruse the data. 😊

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The frame shift creates an alien life form adapted to low oxygen and high CO2. EVER NOTICE "THEM" ?

THEY WEAR MASKS SO YOU CANNOT SEE THE DRACULA FANGS AND COVER UP ZOMBIEITIS! One alien will drink your blood and the other has you do "The Zombie". Nellie McKay knows all about them Zombies.

I think they all drive Teslas like Elon Musk does cause the electromagnetic battery field allows for wireless charging of zombies. Everyone else has to use air pods and an open electrical socket where they stick their tongues across the circuit.

Disclaimer. Not responsible for dumb shits trying out to act like zombies.

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Doc - I guess you aleady know Dr. Gerry Brady - nuff said: https://cmnnews.substack.com/

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Your information here and elsewhere is powerful enough that editorializing, such as "bombshell" and "what couod go wrong?", is not only unnecessary but distracts from the articles' strengths.Please, consider writing just the facts, without overt attempts to persuade.

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