How many covid vaccinated people do we estimate are walking around with these ugly fibrous clots in their bodies? Can we prove the injections cause the clots?

Will the Australian Government continue to require 2-3 covid injections for Social Workers even if they cause long white fibrous clots?

What’s worse: An apple from Hobart carried into Western Australia or Large Fibrous Clots from mandated injections?

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Its cold formed hydrogel. The amyloid fibrils become elongated, cross link with Nano heavy metal, making a hydrogel. That's why it's produced in some people more so after they die, as the temperature drops and the flow rate is zero.

The polymerisation of Homo Homosapiens, via programmable Nanotechnology.

Yeah people have already proved its in the shots. Its all biosynthetic Nanotechnology. Its been around for 30 years the current tech...

Where does the tech come from? DOD, by their friendly department DARPA. Its all DOD/CIA black project stuff.

Where do the DARPA scientists get it from? That's the part that will freak you all out, beyond mind blowing. 🧐

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Hangings are absolutely necessary to even begin to root out this rot from the highest levels of government.

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Countermeasures or prototypes not vaccines

No safety, efficacy or manufacturing standards apply when a public health emergency is called and EUA is enacted

I wish more people knew this

DOD ordered, designed and owned

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" . . . why it's produced in some people more so after they die, as the temperature drops and the flow rate is zero".

Not so, or not necessarily. The amyloid structures have been likewise observed in cadavers autopsied very soon after death and while still warm. Blood taken from fresh corpses does not form these structures in any kind of a rapid manner. It takes time for them to "grow" or polymerize. And there are cases where these have been surgically removed from living patients, more evidence against your hypothesis. Plus, there is nothing "gel-like" about them. They are very tough and rubbery—clearly protein-based polymers, so why try to label them as "hydrogel"?

Additionally, there would not be anywhere nearly a sufficient amount of the amyloid protein molecues present in the blood to locally precipitate out into such structures after blood flow ceased. It just couldn't happen. Once circulation is stopped, only what molecules were present in each volume of blood within the vessel would be available for formation of any kind of "clot". Normal blood clots are nothing BUT blood, but these amyloid things are not composed of blood components in any kind of proportion to regular circulating blood at ALL!

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Yes, these clots are not ‘amyloid fibrin’ as suggested here.

Mike Adams (aka) Health Ranger has done an elemental base analysis of them and it shows that these clots are not organic they are comprised of various metals and hydrogel (synthetic substances). His findings have now been corroborated with 3 other independent labs.

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I'm a big admirer of yours, Dr. Altman, especially the way you dealt with you-know-who.

However, research Nurse Gladys, (Dr. John Campbell), he is a turncoat.

If unqualified every day people could see the bollox from the start...Diamond Princess cruise ship, average age of covid death above natural mortality, and never seen before global lockstep, then I don't believe that any in the medical profession could've seen any different.

VFF we're right in not publishing the NZ data leak. They had the info for months, analysing it. And decided against it. Just my humble opinion.

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It’s time to take back our Government and health system🙏

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Latest John Campbell interview is worth a watch. He interviews embalmer John O’Looney.

The asleep are awakening. (30 min).

O’Looney was embalming/preparing bodies during Covid and realised pretty quickly there was no infectious virus/disease on the loose. Instead they were killing people with end of life drugs for those with a positive pcr result. O’Looney has being fighting this for 3+ years.

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The pope reckons if we pray to lucifer we'll all be enlightened aye - F him

Are there any sworn testimonies from actual labs as to what those clots (?) are actually made of ???

Is it to 'just' kill and maim people ? - is it meant to be another distraction from a far more sinister plot ? - is there actually a new life-form growing ? - with or without the assistance of hydra vulgaris ?

is it already in all of us and just some were activated to see what growth factor could be achieved ?

whichever way , sick bastards...

for anyone that can afford it , high grade Methylene Blue gets rid of it all...

For anyone who is effected with cancer(s) - Gumby Gumby has a very high frequency

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Surely people must now realise that there is a conspiracy of silence.

It involves the Press/Media

It involves the government .

It involves the TGA and the Health bureaucracies.

The treatment of Andrew Brigben who recently delivered an address to parliamentary members on the Excess Death Rate confirms that the British government is wilfully ignoring this actuarial fact.

It is not too different here.

This is evil, not maladministration. and the failure of the AMA and the RACGP to stand up amd prevent the vaccination of children is a disgrace.

Look what they did to Prof Tom Borody on his Ivermectin Triple therapy

Look what they did to Prof Cancy who set up Australia's first School of Immunology, an AO no less.

Who from the medical bureaucracy stood up?

This has been a shattering experience for me after practising as a musculoskeletal physician for twenty years following 20 years in general practice.

I know why middle aged and younger men are dying, suddenly, in their sleep

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What could possibly be the cause you ask. The modus operandi big bucks genocide industry is the cause. This was planned. We are learning about the continuing research and development of biological weapons through till today. https://rumble.com/v4ca05r-hearts-of-oak-dr-david-martin-motives-interests-and-the-importance-of-publi.html

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