And yet here at work we received an internal bulletin this week “urging” caution around the latest covid “wave” and reminding staff that the best way to stay “safe” in the lead up to Xmas is to get boosted ... I had to wonder what the 2 fellas in their early 40’s in the office who had unexpected heart attacks this year were thinking

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Isn't is disgusting that you cannot even go to work without someone telling you what you should be doing about your health. Pushing the poison everywhere. Best thing you can do for your health is to stay away from vaccines and eat more fruit, boost your natural immune system, and keep it strong. Fear lowers your immunity.

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Whatever happened to "My body, my choice" when you need it?!

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It’s a death cult now. I don’t think getting boosters matters much anymore. It will just speed up the process a little. The outcome will be the same. It will just come quicker.

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It seems death cults abound at the moment, from climate hysteria to gender hysteria to support for endless pointless war to the death of sound money ... this covid pharma-media-induced psychopathy would appear to be just the most tangible form right now

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Yup - the mass psychosis operation that they worked on the planet has created millions of Vax zombies who will thank the “vaccine” as they lay dying from the vaccine. Because it of course could have been much worse. They are driven by fear and they trust the authorities. And they are injected and losing higher brain functions. There is no saving these folks. They are the walking dead. We will just have bury them.

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It’s interesting to realise just how much a part intuition or higher-thinking played in separation of or perhaps sparing of the awake from a lot of this. I couldn’t believe the ease with which 99% of acquaintances surrendered their minds to the fear, to the point where they outright refused to even acknowledge a question or a doubt, or look at the government’s own documents that showed very clearly all of this was a convoluted psyop (such as that period in mid-2022 when 2 jabs and done morphed into get a booster every few months, or when pointing out the state health authority’s own reporting very clearly contradicted the official narratives about cases and deaths). They were zombies before the jabs, so lord only knows whether there is truth to the notion that something “triggered” inside the brains of the multiple-jabbed to “calcify” their thinking even further!

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Right - I think everyone has intuitive abilities. So have more intuitive abilities than others. I have (what I think) is a higher than average set of intuitive abilities that I consciously rely upon. I think most regular humans are not really in touch with their intuitive sides. They have essentially turned this off or are not listening to it. And we have cultures around the world that raise, indoctrinate and educate their populations to be conformists. Conforming (doing what you are told) is rewarded with good jobs, money and nice things. So here comes the psychological operation using fear as tool and the vaccine as an escape (safety) from that fear into the minds of conformists who are ignoring their intuition and have little or no critical thinking skills. So the populations of the world were primed for this psychological operation. Now that they are injected, the Spike Proteins from the injection attach to brain cells where they are attacked by the bodies immune system. The result is the death of brain cells and the loss of higher brain functions. So they get dumber every day. Yup - the movie Idiocracy has come to the planet. I am thinking about later running for President. Perhaps you could be my VP?

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If only my surname were Kissin we could run on a Butts-Kissin ticket ... but you pose an interesting theory and I think it has merit, I’ve literally intuited the spark leaving certain people, a “lifelessness” behind the eyes which others have interpreted as the extinguishing of the soul post-jab. I think all of this is true to some extent, I’m sure you too have noticed the increase in dementia and alzheimers related deaths where you are ... it’s exploded upwards in Australia since 2022, and that mechanism of spike interfering with the brain in some fashion is impossible to ignore.

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This video was just released. OMG - you have to watch this. The true reason for the Zombie transformation is here. https://www.bitchute.com/video/U5RfZ1IJaKWC/

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Thought provoking stuff

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Muppets? Mick.

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I will never, ever understand how Australians so willingly, trusted then allowed & accepted the Global Rollout injections of a man made manufactured vial of unknown contents, which were untested Global trial?

A trial, untested mrna covid injection 1,2,3,4 & 5?

These covid vials were manufactured overseas then flown out to Australia! By the Plane load. It was a major effort! These vials had to be kept at a certain temperature! Isn't that disturbing enough for people to ask questions, do some Research? Instead people complied silently.

While the Government banned, yes banned, medication which effectively treated more of the severe symptoms experienced?

And now, the same Authorities are pushing for further covid injections?

All you have to do is not comply with things that don't make Sense! None of this makes Sense!

Once upon a time, you would go about your Life without a Care or Concern about your overall Health.

Because your Health was managed solely by yourself, not Government & Politicians, not Government Health advisors & other non Government Authorities.

What has happened to our Country?

This has been a Global Medical Operation.

Why do we have this Government overreach in our Lives?

Technology has hijacked people's Mindsets to the point people no longer think for themselves.

Government enforced Mandates.

No Jab, No Job?

People believed & trusted the Government Authorities?

MSM flogged the covid Fear day in day out!

No journalist questioned the Authorities?

People have disregarded their own abilities to Safeguard themselves.

People have virtually abandoned their Beliefs in their own unique Immune Systems.

This period, now more than ever before, we need to Stand United & Stand Tall & pushback from this further overreach & demand our Rights to our own Health Sovereignty.

Thankyou Phillip for all the information you provide.

Its greatly appreciated.

When will this Madness End?

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A record of how many heart operations have been done would be interesting too. My neighbour had 4 shots and got 4 blockages. They operated immediately when they found out via a routine check up. Her daughter in her 50s already died from apparently covid or lack of proper treatment. When those with damaged hearts die what will be recorded as their cause of death?

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Genetic predisposition. AKA a big lie.

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They will record the deaths as anything that's not associated with the covid shots. So phrases like "long history of heart disease", "frequent hypertension", "family history of heart disease," etc will creep in ... I read somewhere (forget where) that deaths requiring autopsies (likely as a result of the jabs) may be delayed for up to 5 years. Where are they going to put the bodies in the meantime? That would be one way to hide the cause of deaths related to the covid shots.

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It’s apparently in the UK re the autopsy delays. But don’t fret that they won’t consider it here.

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I know that DrMcCullough’s team are working on a stain test that will show where the spike protein is in the body and therefore if it caused a death. He says it should be coming out soon. Considering events of the last few years I’m surprised he’s still alive.

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Steve Kirsch has the record level data from Israel which was leaked to him. Reportedly, the data categorically proves these mod-mRNA gene therapies are NOT "safe and effective" beyond any doubt. It will soon be presented and released.

Australian "Regulators" are no worse than in other countries (FDA/CDC EMA, MHRA etc) and there is obviously a global cover-up in place. At this stage, with so much (and counting) real-world evidence in place, in a way that only makes it worse for those involved in the cover-up. And we need to make sure it is because, as of now, this could all happen again.

The UK "Enquiry" is trying not only to perpetuate the cover-up for the entire Covid psyop but also ensure that the same tactics can, and probably will, be used again.

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🇦🇺 “We have just learnt that Senator Katy Gallagher, Finance Minister, is introducing the Digital ID Bill 2023 tomorrow.” ~ Senator Malcolm Roberts, 29 November 2023 (this evening)


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Endotoxin in jabs causes Myocarditis and Cardiac Fibrosis leading to increased Death.


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Yup - Mark just sent out another “Died Suddenly” update. Plenty of died in sleep and other cardiac events killing the Vaxers. If you are vacciated you might want to get your will created/updated. See it here https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/in-memory-of-those-who-died-suddenly-90c?publication_id=383085&utm_campaign=email-post-title&r=gjogf

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Australia’s health is being run by a criminal cartel. They keep pushing the boosters when the information on harm and death is known. I 🙏 for justice.

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Nov 29, 2023
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Me too -

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