Thank-you for sharing. This information is so important. People just need to stop listening to the trickery, lies and deception of those who do not have your best interests in mind. The truth needs to be spoken. The shots need to stop permanently.

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Read appreciated and shared.

Happy Saturday!

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Thank you for this information, Dr Altman.

⚰️”Australia suffered 11,068 excess deaths in 2021 and then a shocking 22,730 excess deaths by week 38 of 2022. This is in stark contrast to 2020, when only 1,306 excess deaths were recorded at the height of the Covid pandemic and prior to the rollout of the Covid injections. This means Australia suffered a shocking 1,640% increase in excess deaths in just 39 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.” ~ The Expose, 10 February 2023


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To my knowledge I have not had covid but I am still not having a booster.

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Have a read of this zero “SARS-COV-2” science..

"I point out that no “virus” (https://substack.com/redirect/54bd5309-fae6-41e1-a6ec-9e851fa957c4?j=eyJ1IjoiMXN3YWhnIn0.e0ip2LDq44ggGpEO4pBokjR6xGHBeqvv4My9uqtfaRo) has been logically/scientifically shown to exist, and that literally hundreds (~250) of freedom of information responses (https://substack.com/redirect/f393d1e7-a4f7-4edc-b1d4-bc0b9cefd8d9?j=eyJ1IjoiMXN3YWhnIn0.e0ip2LDq44ggGpEO4pBokjR6xGHBeqvv4My9uqtfaRo) from 217 institutions in 40 countries align with what is seen in the virology literature: that there is zero “SARS-COV-2” science.

I also point out that the many attempts (https://substack.com/redirect/90d531c7-c899-4175-ad78-05e15594dacf?j=eyJ1IjoiMXN3YWhnIn0.e0ip2LDq44ggGpEO4pBokjR6xGHBeqvv4My9uqtfaRo) to demonstrate contagion have failed, and that Freedom of Information requests (https://substack.com/redirect/e31ca064-2837-4f2c-8932-30fdb636d3b0?j=eyJ1IjoiMXN3YWhnIn0.e0ip2LDq44ggGpEO4pBokjR6xGHBeqvv4My9uqtfaRo) to the CDC for proof that allegedly “pathogenic” bacteria cause certain illnesses have also come up empty thus far.

[…have no medical training or practical experience…]

Medical training or lack thereof is not proof of “germs”.

Practical experience with what? If you claim to have experience with “germs”, please cite valid scientific evidence to support your positive claim. I challenge you to do so, without delay.

[and don’t realise that they are being used by the Conspirators pushing us towards the Great Reset.]

“Virus”/“germ” stories have played a major role in pushing us towards “the Great Reset”. Accurately refuting them is helpful to those who value freedom, not harmful.

[It is easy to prove this. People who promote the idea that there are no germs still have channels on YouTube. The conspirators don’t want them removed because promoting the idea that germs don’t exist is part of the conspiracy.]

You might want to do a search on youtube for germ/contagion content before you get too carried away with this line of reasoning.

I also suggest you check out the channels of Dr. Sam Bailey, (https://substack.com/redirect/2cb2af8d-72f9-4038-a01b-3ed9ebfa6086?j=eyJ1IjoiMXN3YWhnIn0.e0ip2LDq44ggGpEO4pBokjR6xGHBeqvv4My9uqtfaRo) Dr. Tom Cowan, (https://substack.com/redirect/c5d4e7fc-3039-410a-b78f-14d7b831bb94?j=eyJ1IjoiMXN3YWhnIn0.e0ip2LDq44ggGpEO4pBokjR6xGHBeqvv4My9uqtfaRo) Dr. Andrew Kaufman, (https://substack.com/redirect/7b2ad3ef-fcf4-43d6-bdde-036163062413?j=eyJ1IjoiMXN3YWhnIn0.e0ip2LDq44ggGpEO4pBokjR6xGHBeqvv4My9uqtfaRo) Spacebusters /Steve Falconer (https://substack.com/redirect/2e06fdce-fea0-4fac-ad5e-aa80501493f2?j=eyJ1IjoiMXN3YWhnIn0.e0ip2LDq44ggGpEO4pBokjR6xGHBeqvv4My9uqtfaRo) and other people who so effectively dispute your position on “germs”. Compare what you find there on this topic to the volume of their videos on other platforms." (https://substack.com/redirect/5bce4ae9-8d31-444d-a77a-536c70b743ad?j=eyJ1IjoiMXN3YWhnIn0.e0ip2LDq44ggGpEO4pBokjR6xGHBeqvv4My9uqtfaRo) https://open.substack.com/pub/christinemasseyfois/p/a-response-to-dr-vernon-coleman?r=1swahg&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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I am not a doctor, which poses some problems in court, where we distinguish between lay and expert testimony. My expert knowledge is as a biological warfare planner, and since April, DIA is still trying to determine whether the job offer I had received was connected to research on recombinant coronaviruses at UNC Chapel Hill, a topic that is prominent in Webb v. DIA, filed in federal court on August 17th. And the topic of natural immunity concerns me just as much as claims regarding efficacy of what had been described in the Emergency Use Authorization Declaration as only COVID-19 countermeasures, appropriately because officially we lacked and still lack knowledge of infectious dose, correlates of protection and immunogenicity.

In the military, whether you are just performing regular safety risk management or planning a military operation, by doctrine and regulation, you begin by developing a clear picture of the threat. Think of a pickup basketball game, where you at least want to make certain that the sides are evenly matched, although in the military, you want at least a two to one, if not three to one ratio against your adversaries.

And by common sense, it's stupid to attempt to fight blind against an invisible enemy.

From a very early point in the public health crisis we have some clinical findings that have been consistent, and most prominent is the finding of no wider community spread. Even Lesser Ivy League Cornell University operations staff noticed that delta variant infections were occurring only on campus and not in the surrounding counties.

Location. Location. Location. That's not a disease being transmitted from person to person, and if you are relying upon your natural immunity, you need to know a little more information.

By February 2020, Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan had determined it required at least an infectious dose of 100k particles to infect a Syrian hamster. That's been replicated for everything from lab rats to Rhesus monkeys, and a highly contagious disease requires no more than 15 particles. So, is this a uniquely human physiology specific virus?

The CDC by June 2020 had a study on an outbreak in a restaurant in Guangzhou, where it required at least an exposure of an hour to transmit an infection, which would be consistent with the at least 100k

infectious dose, but only people in a 30 square meter area were infected, and not anyone else, not even the restaurant staff going in and out of the area that happens to match the parameters for the effective range of a smoke grenade.

You want to rely on natural immunity against tear gas? Some have it, including myself but only up to a limit. And Ben Killingsley published results from a challenge study in March 2022, in which only 18 of 36 participants were infected with only ten particles of the original strain of live, wild virus, making COVID-19 a highly contagious disease for only them, but even the 50% "secondary attack rate" failed the 60% required to validate the presence of a highly contagious disease that could be capable of setting off a super spreader event.

Killingsley used One Day Sooner to recruit 38,000 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 25 for that study, and that he only used 36 suggests some selection criteria that he refused to reveal. But if you wish to rely on natural immunity against a virus that has been twice validated in bookend studies to possess a less than five percent secondary attack rate, about your chances of winning a 35 to 1 payout on a two number combination in roulette, or being accepted to Harvard, that's your choice.

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Australian Nobel Laureate Peter Doherty on natural immunity to covid "Claims He Never Heard of ‘Natural Immunity’, Implies It Is Made Up After Using it Himself." https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/top-australian-immunologist-prof-peter-doherty-claims-he-never-heard-of-natural-immunity-implies-it-is-made-up-after-using-it-himself/

Doherty Institutue: brought to you by Pfizer https://www.doherty.edu.au/news-events/news/new-agreement-with-pfizer-to-identify-novel-targets-for-cancer-therapy

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