Top respect, Dr. Altman, for all of your hard work. Goes out to all of the other @Cafe Locked Out contributors, too, especially Michael.

All of you guys, and gals, are inspirational.

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Your efforts are most appreciated, Dr Altman. For those who may not have heard about the story of vaccine injured Australian lawyer, Kara Potter: https://fb.watch/nBDf4CqjOG/

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Very difficult to watch and like millions of other OZ/NZ folk, Kara was simply following medical/GOVT advice/mandates and trusted she was actually providing informed consent when in reality she couldn’t possibly have done so.

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Yes, like so many, Kara was indeed following government advice. The day I dropped her a line she immediately responded with a detailed reply - with very little about herself. Such a caring person.

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Thank you Philip. Important for one to become self sufficient as much as possible. I fear for my great nieces & nephews....WHO needs to be disbanded along with UN & WEF. Elections here in NZ will be interesting, people are waking up..

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But Antic forgot a key element on the globalitarian WHO coup: THE HAMMER.

The revisions include a specific enforcement channel: TARIFFS. Any grouping of people formerly described as a "nation-state" that dares not to conform gets smashed:

"The Governing Body, at its first meeting, shall consider and approve cooperative procedures and institutional mechanisms to promote compliance with the provisions of the WHO CA+ and also address cases of non-compliance".

And the mechanism to "address non-compliance" with the global Governing Body is cited at item #39:

"Reaffirming that Members of the World Trade Organization have the right to use, to the full, the TRIPS Agreement and the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health of 2001, which provide flexibility to protect public health including in future pandemics"

TRANSLATION: Nations like Australia that decide not to comply with the directives of this unelected, privately and pharma-funded body, WILL HAVE DEVASTATING PUNITIVE TRADE TARIFFS PLACED ON ALL OF THEIR EXPORTS.

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I don't hold much hope that our current government, or any other Australian government comprising most of the people now in our Parliament, would even entertain non-compliance with WHO. Look at how chummy they are with Gates and the transfection-jab factories they are approving. And look at how interested they have been in our health and well-being during the pandemonium. We are scroowed.

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My answer? Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Kicking and screaming. Two options: curl up in a ball and whimper, or curl up your fists and fight

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And who received the Process 2 Pfizer here?

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The FDA has been doing similar things to Americans as the Mossad let their creation, Hamas, do to Israelis recently.

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