The TGA is captured they can’t be trusted

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The TGA is so underperforming, possibly with negligence, how can it call itself a health regulator? Considering the known problems, hence concerns with Pfizer vaccines what has it done : 1. to measure and alert the public to the duration of bloodstream spike protein 2. why has it not released its findings of vaccine endotoxin levels? 3. What has it done to investigate and alert the public re SV40 potential harm? 4. What investigations is it conducting of frame-shifting and rogue proteins in vaccinees blood? The Australian public has had to rely on information and health alerts from overseas researchers, so why hasn't the TGA accepted and passed on these concerns to the Australian public? In their own words on frame-shifting "no data or specific SAFETY CONCERNS (such as oncogenic activity) are OVERLOOKED. Well, plenty of scientists have raised safety concerns about this and the other health issues. Why hasn't the TGA? Have they overlooked them? Why have they not shared with the public the concerns about injecting unknown substances into their bodies? NO Australian citizen has given informed consent for this vaccination as they have Not been informed, sadly not by the Australian health regulator, TGA! When the govt and public rely on the regulators to keep the safe, what can be concluded about our TGA?

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The TGA's major sponsor is from . . . . . Crickets . . . . Chase the money trail. This Group bows down and broadcasts on behalf of their major sponsor. Otherwise, the parasitic TGA looses their major funding resource. Wake Up Silly Sheeple, tis all about money to feather useless, Treasonist individual's money nests, Nothing to do with Public Health what so ever!!! Grow A Spine and realign your brain and realise . . Enough IS ENOUGH.

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The response from TGA re FOI makes me want to scream. Blatant untruths. Do they really believe their own lies, or think we do?

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Maybe more people are waking up or just seeing the damage done already makes them hesitant to take anymore poison. The truth is slowly coming out:

✔︎ The pandemic was a criminal operation, orchestrated by a criminal network of so called 'elites'.

✔︎ The US government, CIA and FBI are complicit in censoring truth about the pandemic vaccines.

✔︎ There is a global network of multi-billionaires who have an agenda to control the world.

✔︎ The World Health Organization wants to establish global tyranny under the guise of health emergencies.

✔︎ The World Economic Forum is a criminal organization, with an agenda to control the world.

✔︎ The mainstream news media lies to the public, in order to push the agenda of the billionaires who own these news agencies.

✔︎ There is a worldwide network of child trafficking called PizzaGate, where millions of kids are sold to politicians etc. for sexual abuse.

✔︎ Climate change is a hoax, created to have an excuse for submitting the world to global tyranny.

And much more... see stopworldcontrol.com

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Thank you for your most kind words. We must all keep going and spread the truth however we can.

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That speech by Prof Homburg was about as cogent a repudiation of the entire dastardly edifice of politics and “science” in this new bizarre unreality we all inhabit as I have read or watched anywhere. And all presented in the most dry and efficient German manner I could possibly think of. Wonderful.

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For those interested - it is worth listening to a brilliant interview by Will Kingston that went to air on the 06 December 2023 as part of Spectator Australia’s ‘Australiana’ podcast series. The person interviewed was Naomi Wolf, the American feminist author. For over three years now, Wolf has been voluble in protesting the whole concept of mandated ‘vaccines’ and has given blistering speeches exposing the physiological damage done by these toxic agents - particularly to the reproductive systems of women & girls. She has written two books about the medical crisis that has been triggered by the Covid-vax.

Unusually for many Americans, Wolf has a sound understanding of Australia and its history, and she insists that Australia was deliberately used as an early testbed for the lockdowns etc., during the early phases of the pandemic.

The podcast runs for 52 minutes and covers a number of subjects, but Wolf’s remarks in the second half about the tyranny associated with the conduct of the Australian authorities during the pandemic are incisive. She reflects the change of attitudes about Australia that have now crystallised in other countries which, fairly or unfairly, have left Australia smeared with the reputation of being a quasi-fascist state.

Wolf also makes some very perceptive side remarks – one of which was that she perceives Australia as a special target for the future depredation of the PRC - particularly for use as a “Vacation Colony for China’s wealthy”. (I would add to this that - unless our near-useless politicians get serious about national defence - our future is also destined to become a ‘resources-extraction colony’ – once a collapsing America eventually retreats back across the Pacific, as it surely will).

But what particularly grabbed my attention in the podcast was that, for the first time, Wolf was able to offer a rational explanation for the mystery of how all Western governments were so effectively coordinated in their immediate response to the pandemic. She states that it was done by the use of AI to pump memes en-masse about fear etc into the global media and the minds of ‘experts’ using pre-prepared phraseology (‘we must protect grandma’, etc.).

I can recommend the podcast, which is available on the main podcast platforms, or via link:


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Great comment, thanks for the link. I think it may be too late for us to become a ‘resources-extraction colony’, I think we have already reached that stage or we always have been to some extent.

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Jessica’s post on this is really good. She explains what is happening very well.

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The TGA won't release anything re the contamination in GMP for the shots, because then it has to admit that it ok'd these products for young and old across the board in Australia- DESPITE knowing that all GMP inspections globally had been via DISTANCE (Aka not in person, but over the phone or via email), until May 2023, when the WHO declared the global pandemic over.😐😐🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️💥💥🤐

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Vinay is a good example of someone obsessed with RCTs, someone who supported the Narrative with small exceptions, who came out against early treatments, who is still saying "some vaccines have been tremendous". His "common sense" has evolved somewhat in a controlled manner, and he still stops at greed and regulatory failure rather than mentioning the military takeover of our "global biosecurity emergencies" with their countermeasures. He is saying what we are allowed to think now, but he will be among those who say "these new improved mRNA vaccines are safe & effective now". Sorry, no cred.

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I was not aware of his earlier stance. However, he is speaking common sense now.

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Dr Sam Bailey explains the signing of the Epidemic Preparedness (COVID-19) Notice was a

“a single coup de force, which is also a coup of writing”…”where the law no longer applies…where pure force appropriates lawlessness unto itself in order to make it the law”

‘we now know there was no basis for the signing of the COVID-19 Notice, relying as it did on an imaginative response to meaningless numbers” -Dr John Bevan-Smith, rules for a COVID economy 2020 https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/COVID-Crackdown-NZ-Update:7

6 Min – on what grounds did Margie Apa receive bonuses? Isn’t that public funding embezzlement?

11 min Doctors continue to be supressed under the Federation of State Medical Board (HQ IN Texas USA) and the International Association of Medical Regulation Authority. The centralised control of doctors is almost complete and the majority don’t realise they are going to be under increasingly tighter oppression…told they will be providing the highest level of health care whilst harming the community.

Doctors have ditched the corrupt licencing system like thegooddoc.co.nz

The whole thing has been a fraud. The minister for health is actually the minister of medico pharma propaganda [living by the presumption that investigating evidence with regard to the effects of vaccines] is not required…misplaced beliefs have been normalised.

Dr Cowan: "We have the deception and the lies and the horrible genecidal agenda which ramps up the fear and makes even more people actually sick in my prediction will not result in getting rid of the people. You get rid of Fauci. You get Hotez. It makes no difference…our way is simply tell the truth. About the virus story, the contagion myth. The germ hypothesis. Make people realise that there are infact no germs to be afraid of. The virus does not exist. The bacteria don’t cause disease. You are in control of your health. You don’t have to worry about putting other people in jail. They can do whatever they want as unfortunate as it is to all our friends and loved ones. Our responsibility is to live the healthiest, most joyous, most productive, happiest life to be an example so that all our friends and relatives say “What is he doing? What is she doing? I want some of that.” “Tell me about how you see the world. Wouldn’t that be a much healthier, less confrontational, less scary way of approaching this problem instead of this continual ramping up the fear which is basically what I think is happening and creating this dichotomy of “these are the two sides waring with each other…worry about how to create the world based on the truth…I’ve been saying for 40 years that no one should participate in this scam that includes most if not all of the pharmaceutical products. We need a whole different look at this and to me this is the way out of this situation.”

Keep your body close to perfection through natural means.

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Anandamide has also published a 'stack on this

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TGA: "the mRNA vaccines are one of the most highly scrutinised and monitored products ever approved".

So why are WE the only ones doing the scrutinizing and the monitoring, while the TGA is out to lunch and pretending nothing's happening. (When we KNOW there is a shit tonne happening, and the issues are about as serious as it gets).

This is how you decimate public trust.

The more they play this game, the more deeply entrenched anti-vaccine sentiment becomes (and not just to a useless Covid booster, but to ALL vaccines).

I don't know how they paint themselves out of this corner.

Nobody trusts them.

They rubber-stamped an unproven product, and decided any "scrutinizing and monitoring" could take place AFTER they'd unleashed it on the Australian populace "to see what happens".

Every TGA bureaucrat, every OGTR bureaucrat, every Premier and every Chief Health Officer needs to be prosecuted and jailed.

This was a gross, egregious abuse of the population, and the biggest failure in medical history.

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And just a reminder - the TGA receives 96% of its funding from the very people it is meant to be the watchdog for.

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Each additional jab decreases your natural resistance to many illnesses and diseases. The damage is estimated at 3% per additional jab! Obviously, that only statistic relates to those who did not die as a direct consequence of taking the 'DEATH SHOT'.

It's taken 3 years for the evil vax-promoting cabal to be identified as callous and mercenary 'decision makers' who are guilty of MURDER. Italy might be the first to properly investigate such deadly indiscretions. Every country seems to have the same set of ruling monsters that helped promote The New World Order's depopulating scheme.

When will the UK arrest our MURDERING Covid and DEADLY VAX promoters we referred to as 'EXPERTS'?

With every day that we continue to spread the TRUTH about the man-made Covid Scamdemic and the 'Death Jab' (called a vaccine), we are convincing more to question the 'narrative' they've been exposed to since 2020.

We're now seeing some progress and advancement in 'our' Mission in the most encouraging aspect of 'Vax hesitancy', which has taken nearly THREE YEARS to get people to realise that the jab does NOTHING to cure, inhibit, or contain Covid, but in fact, simply increases its likelihood by destroying human natural resistance to nearly ALL illnesses and diseases, thereby creating more long-term 'CUSTOMERS' for Big Pharma to financially exploit or simply destroy.

And still, incredibly, these murdering Vax makers enjoy NO LIABILITY for the millions they have damaged or MURDERED - all in the name of PROFIT!

Many are now realising that Covid was deliberately created to justify an EXPERIMENTAL (Deadly but hugely profitable) injection that permanently harms all that fell for the ongoing scam = "The EXPERIMENTAL Vax is SAFE & EFFECTIVE". It was, in fact, designed to do exactly the opposite!

Many now realise the evil of the 'Elites', members of the New World Order (WEF). The WEF's long-term plan is to DEPOPULATE the PLANET as well as inject every human with dangerous or DEADLY poisons to exterminate, or CONTROL, the masses. Leaving any survivors of these 'EXPERIMENTS' with permanent disabilities and with far more frequently occurring diseases that consequentially require the costly, but useless, medications that generate enormous profits for Big Pharma.

Big Pharma's motto "There's no profit in HEALTHY Humans, so how can we make more of them sick - and for longer"? This is why Big Pharma dictated that they must have ZERO LIABILITY for any ill effects of their poisons!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer and remain ready to fight our oppressors - DIRTY!

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The TGA would seem to be conflicted, compromised, captured or corrupted.

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Dear Dr. Altman.. I have a number of heroes I follow around the world and you’re one of my favorites.. prayers for your safety and health... I think God for heroes like yourself.. a real David fighting Goliath .. ❤️

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