We must demand prosecutions. Enough is enough.

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Thank you, Dr Altman. How disgraceful it is that pharmaceutical companies were granted liability protection.

Canadian vaccinologist Dr Byram Bridle continues to be outraged. In this recent clip he discusses LNP biodistribution and mRNA variability:


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Don't expect a Royal Commission to fix anything, the recent one for ADF suicides, was miss led by the Malaria institute. One of the commissioners admitted to me only 5000 members were included to be on the Antimalarial drug trials from 1998 to 2002. That's a lie it was 6000 members.

1200 were discharged for PTSD. I know a whole company that was discharged for PTSD, plus 2 died from "Natural liver cancer". Cover up for acquired brain injury.

No one wants to take responsibility, for obvious reasons.

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McGowan is apparently going to BHP as I predicted. He really has a pair after what he did to the iron ore workers with the mandates and what happened in response (click my icon). A lot of miners are dead and maimed because of his mandates. https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/mark-mcgowan-former-premier-in-talks-about-joining-bhp-in-first-job-since-resignation--c-11621388

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Politicians, Judges and "Special" others were exempt from taking the jabs, wonder if it was a photo op or if he actually took the jab...

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Laywers, barristers, silks/QCs and WA state politicians were mandated either under the SOE or parliamentary action. I do not know about judges. Federal politicians and employee including ADF (unless deployed) were exempt. Universities were not mandated by government (state or federal) - all their requirements were at the institutional level which is VFI (very fucking illegal). That is all I know.

Edit: The unvaccinated were not allowed to serve on juries in WA. That is so criminal, so immoral, that it will be in the history books for sure. There was no 'jury of one's peers.' The lawfare deployed against the unjabbed ensured no fair trials. The system was incredibly hostile and rigged.

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One of my friends, has a friend, that works in the local council, the councilor she works for and all the staff around the councilors are unvaxxed. My sister use to work for council, all the workers away from the councilors vaxxed, she had 3x.

Dodgy shenanigan's.

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So many 'exemptions' and fake vax passports.

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True that. I had some friends with fake ones so they could go to the pub.

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NO to a royal commission.

NO to Amnesty

NO to deals of any kind.

NO to negotiations of any kind with the enemy.


YES to special tribunals for crimes against humanity .

YES to capital punishment (by lethal injection only) for those convicted of either committing crimes against humanity or knowingly facilitating such crimes.

We will rebuild our nations and our world after the perpetrators are dealt with and world war 3 is won decisively with the enemy’s complete and unconditional capitulation!




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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

This isn’t a coverup. It’s just another way of determining the baseline for excess deaths. It’s similar, if not the same methodology they’ve used previously “Measuring Australia's excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic (ABS Release: 30/03/2022).” Whether it’s 15% or 11% it’s still a metric shit tonne more deaths than usual. Splitting hairs on methodology hides the big picture.

What is the cause?

It seems no one in power wants to look. Why do we have all these government departments counting things and linking things if they aren’t going to use the data?

Maybe they’ve got the counting flu like Count Von Count from Sesame Street. Or maybe it’s some sort of adverse reaction to the data. 😀


If only there was a way to link all the data and integrate it. You know maybe some sort of Muti-Agency Data Integration Project.


Then we wouldn’t be guessing.

They already know, if they don’t know then they’re incompetent. If it was good news they’d be shouting it from the roof top. The fact they won’t look says it all in my opinion.

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Data integration? More like mass surveillance.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

It is mass surveillance. It’s already integrated. That’s why they’re full of shit. They only use it against you. If they want to prove you’re a tax cheat or not entitled to something (Robodebt) they will use all the data linking they require. But ask them to use it to help you (or society in general) and they’ll say they can’t disclose the information to you to “protect privacy”. When they’re wrong they just double down.

Happened to me with Medicare, hadn’t used it for over 10 years so they cancelled it and put that I was “living overseas” on my record. I only found this was on my record when when one of the ladies in the call centre accidentally told me the reason. Correcting the record is almost impossible without spending money and jumping through hoops, which I tried. I had to eventually get the responsible Minister to intervene because no matter what I provided they kept insisting I resided overseas and was therefore not eligible because that was what they had “in the computer”. I said, “that’s cool just refund me 10 years of Medicare levies and we’ll call it even.” I only discovered I had no Medicare when my optometrist tried to bulk bill me and said my Medicare number wouldn’t go through.

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What a horrible experience for you. Dealing with any of these agencies, for even the simplest of matters, is a nightmare.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

It wasn't that horrible, it was kind of funny. I had one conversation in the Medicare office where one guy asked me to "prove I was here" after getting nowhere with my identification documents passport, birth certificate, bank accounts, group certificates etc. I called over his supervisor and asked her to just tell him I was "here" she just shuffled the papers and agreed with the guy that I wasn't "here", I started laughing at the ridiculousness of the conversation then started making a scene by asking everyone waiting in line to help me out and tell them that I was "here". They then asked me to leave and I said I didn't have to leave because according to them I wasn't in fact “here”, so they got security to kick me out. Luckily, I wasn't sick and didn't need any Medicare services. It reminded me of Antigonish [I met a man who wasn't there] by Hughes Mearns.

Yesterday, upon the stair,

I met a man who wasn't there

He wasn't there again today

I wish, I wish he'd go away...

When I came home last night at three

The man was waiting there for me

But when I looked around the hall

I couldn't see him there at all!

Go away, go away, don't you come back any more!

Go away, go away, and please don't slam the door... (slam!)

Last night I saw upon the stair

A little man who wasn't there

He wasn't there again today

Oh, how I wish he'd go away...

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🤣🤣 that would make a great comedy sketch!

I love that poem, a memory from the past. Very appropriate!

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Malone suing good people what's that all about?

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If his purported jab injury is real, then he, as an inventor or mRNA, must be the stupidest man in the world.

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Malone throwing a dummy pass re; his "jab injury".

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YES and thank you Phillip Altman, you're the expert the corporate media should be listening to

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Back in April this year The Exposé reported that the ABS sent statistics about Australian excess deaths to the OECD.


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Hang them all. I will pull the trigger.

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Surely the insurance industry actuaries will have accurate data?

After all, this is the industry that is paying out constantly and they would have figures showing the abnormalities in the annual figures. Or, have they been 'cancelled' too? Thus, preventing them from being honest?

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Amazing really that even a single person got a temperature.. I mean it's medicine and medicine is good for you, it's why people die when they take it, it's medicine and it's good.. said nobody ever.

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