
2 corrections:

1. "decent" should read "descent" (substack of 25 Feb. 2023)

2. I am advised the NSW Royal Society is not part of the charter of the Royal Society in the UK (previous Substack)

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Thank you Phillip for your efforts to unmask these criminals and hold them accountable. They cannot ever say they weren't aware of what they were doing. In 2023 there is absolutely no excuse for this ivermectin ban. May all those who lost loved ones as a result of not being treated early rise up and join the doctors and scientists like yourself who have fought for the right to practice individualised medicine!

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Thank you Dr Altman for diligent work.

History will one day reveal you to be the hero you are along with the other distinguished Australian and international leaders fighting the current psychosis deliberately inflicted on the world’s population. One day the people behind these criminal activities will face the justice they deserve.

Truth always wins but I fear both you and I may not live long enough to witness it. I pray I’m wrong and we can be released from this madness soon.

Keep up the great work and know that we stand with you.

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Pleased you corrected the one spelling mistake in an excellent letter to the TGA. After all, there is nothing 'decent' about the TGA

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Not surprising since the FDA and CDC has thoroughly disgraced themselves as well.

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More and more, I can only find one explanation for what is happening here. Naomi Wolf nails it. Keep on the grind Phillip. I'm not quitting either. https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/have-the-ancient-gods-returned

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It seems to me that an organisation funded 96% by pharma and related bodies has, prima facie, a case to answer re a gross conflict of interest. Until this is addressed any decision the TGA makes re drug approval or otherwise is entirely compromised and should have zero standing. I would have thought the ANAO would have made the conflict case years ago. Maybe they did. Maybe this needs to be raised again.

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Excellent summary of the incompetence exhibited by TGA & CHO’s Thank you for your dedication to the truth. Hopefully the wave of truth will eventually bring these people to account 🙏🏻

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I guess you all know - they can't allow any other medicine as it would end their temporary authorizations ( not approvals - nothing is approved) . If there was a alternate everything would grind to a halt - that is why we see this intransigence.

Interestingly it looks like the US Military runs the show and the FDA/CDC have no responsibility for safety - they just put on a show. This explains why they don't do anything. They use some strange legislation and buy the "shots" as "prototypes" - putting the shots out of the normal regulatory frameworks.

Lastly - I have seen some science on Ivermectin and sterility.. They love giving it to the Africans..

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In Australia, the Governor-General issued a legally invalid emergency declaration (18 March 2020, renewed every few months) based on the Biosecurity Act (coincidentally enacted in 2016, just like all similar biosecurity legislation in Australia), stating incorrectly that:

"Human coronavirus with pandemic potential is an infectious disease:"

and then the clanger:

"(c) that there was no vaccine against, or antiviral treatment for, immediately before the commencement of this instrument;"

It was quietly pointed out to him late 2021 and so he quietly let the renewal (due 1 April 2022) lapse. (It's them winking at you that they know neither COVID nor SARS-CoV-2 exist!) The states followed later that year. Here is the link: https://bit.ly/-GG-Declaration-Notice

P.S. I believe that they can't legally mention COVID as a disease nor SARS-CoV-2 as an organism as they know these don't exist in the form that's put forward.

P.P.S. You mention the US Army somewhere; did you know that they issued a letter offering a contract for an ultra-sound device to treat COVID-19? (They use the term ARDS - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - interchangeably with COVID-19!) Here's a link to a copy:


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Oh yes - at the bottom of everything we see is the push to remove us.. Not vax - simply toxins.. vax = toxin I guess..

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There is an article in the Weekly Times 22 Feb regarding opening a new RNA centre at Macquarie University in North Ryde to save lives and combat disease and help our sovereignty and to provide jobs.

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