An apology when most of the victims have passed to avoid huge payouts and having to look them all in the eyes is not good enough. I believe the polio vax has disastrous out outcomes also. Anyone reading this comment wondering how it happened have just seen first hand with the Covid experimental jab. A government in bed with the medical industry. They need to be jailed for what they have done.

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Agreed about polio.

I did my secondary school in Sth Aust & a young man, who is no longer alive, had a polio vaxx in grade 6 that put him in a wheelchair & he had to learn to walk again. I remember him using calipers to walk in first year high school. (I was new, down from the NT & a bit shocked at the differences anyhow, but this surprised me.) . He could not play any sport once he learnt to walk & he died at 19 yrs. All through my 5 years of high school, this very good looking young man was not allowed to participate in any sporting activities as all. Thanks to him, our entire school learnt about vaccines. How they can change up to 49% of the vaxx composition before they needed to get further federal govt approval. I have never forgotten that.

These lessons we learn are why I will never ever trust the medical profession, the government, the police, the judicial, the prostician's, etc.

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Wankonese's apology is waaaay to late.

The girl I went to primary school with (whose mother committed suicide post her birth) is long gone from this earth; by about 30 years! Her father struggled as a single parent to raise her & he is no longer on this earth either.

What a stupid twat this PM really is!! Who gives a flying eff about this apology 60 years too late?

Compensation to those who suffered. Zero! Fines to the companies who got away with this product & their profits? Did not happen. Typical of the useless ALP. Especially typical of this twat we have for a PM. What an effing embarrassment he is. Perhaps, he really is a complete fraud? (FWIW, there are plenty of rumours about this from his union days, but who will be an actual whistle blower?)

Better still. What is this apology really a distraction for? At this point in time? There will be something this useless, toothless ALP is trying to distract us from.

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I agree totally - 60 years too late and I am astonished that the PM has just come up with this. Very few Thalidomide children will be still alive and their parents long gone, as mine are. I was 14 (and my brother 11) when our mother (in UK) had our stilborn sister, who was badly deformed. My father and Mother, and whole family, were devastated. She was badly damaged. A week later my mother died aged 40 from Thrombosis, in an instant.

The drug was given to pregnant women and the drug company knew it was a problem so rebranded it and onsold it to UK, Europe, Australia and other countries, not USA, thanks to a really vigilant CMO who refused to allow it.

Here we are again, 'safe and effective' for pregnant women. I was totally shocked to hear this from our Medical authorities. I do not trust any of thema as far as I could throw them. The approval for pregnant and breadtfeeding mothers was a flashing red light to me, and to many others no doubt. No apologies forthcoming, as yet.

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"...but I doubt he really cares about anything unless there are votes in it and it personally costs him nothing." Absolutely true. And this from, in the kindest assessment, a moron, who invited mass-murdering psychopath Bill Gates to his home to no doubt discuss Gate's latest plans to maim, kill, and enslave Australians. Filth in my book.

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Maybe have a National Citizens Inquiry in Australia, like they have just completed in Canada in 8 Cities.

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I loved the NCI but Australia has already had so many testimonies and so many Covid inquiries (eg, those held by Malcolm Roberts and co, Maria Zeee, AMPS, Health Alliance Australia, all the interviews by MGG on CLO, etc, etc) and all the politicians and media do is totally ignore them.

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It didn’t do much. Canadians are in a trance.

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Have you watched the reconveing video just done by the National Citizens Inquiry?

Its just the beginning.

The Report has been released and its damning.

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Sad-same for Aussies

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Better late than never...??? Big Pharma kills and politicians cover. Disgusting!!!

They pushed it on my mom when she was pregnant with me. Thank God she had the sense to say no.

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he is worth 10 million dollars, he is not ignorant, he knows excatly what he is doing, this is a smoke screen, a look at me I am doing the right thing, mean while up in the back lab are millions of toxic jabs waiting to be delivered, one may call this psychopathic behavior

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🇦🇺💉”The government forced this procedure on us to keep our jobs and I am angry that they did not perform their due diligence to make sure it was safe for the population. I have joined the class action and hope for recognition and financial recompense for the suffering me and my family have endured.”

~ Andrew, 41 at the time, electrical mechanic, married with 2 kids


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So is our PM giving us a wind up? Is he really this ignorant? Do those in control find this funny & are they laughing at us as they promote & prolong the most deadly iatrocide in the history of mankind? #bioweapon

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Is he really that stupid or is he laughing in our faces? "Here's one I prepared earlier". Nauseating slap in the face of those who have lost family or friends to the toxic shots and have been ignored or worse.

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They fought for freedom

They trudged through the mud

Braving bullets, cold, disease and bad blood

Many were wounded

Many more lay dead

For their self autonomy

And for bellies well fed

But today

It's all about safety

Equity and "the whole"

Forgetting that all wars were started

Famines and genocides charted

By those in control of the whole

And every damned time

Not one war was natural

Not one genocide an accident

The most crippling famines

The biggest banking collapses

Scandalous and savage usurping of nations and the slaughter of their indigenous people

Were all coordinated and executed

Planned and perpetuated

By those whom told everyone

It was for the "common good"

Let us not repeat history

When in hindsight it's clearly paved on misery

Because history repeats itself

When those who choose to let psychopaths lead them

Relinquish the control

Of their soul

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Sounds like to me a public relations distraction from the elephant in the room.

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The Lies can no longer be ignored. Like the Native Wombat species, who digs a deep burrow.

These Politicians & Health officials, Drs & Nurses, Paramedics in every State who keep working to keep their complicit Lie alive are literally dying from the inside out!

Like a Heartless, Spiritless Machine, they are all driving themselves down into Hell!


They are already there!

They really have discounted, disrespected the absolute uniqueness💖 Power💖Strength💖 & Spirit💖 of Being Human💖

Its a Energy that can never be eliminated.

If you are reading this, keep going. Self Love & Compassion is Key.

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Yes-keep telling truth!

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Why was it "assumed the drug would not reach the foetus?"

Whatever that was wasn't banished from medical science as it should have been.

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Thank you. Hopefully people will begin to understand leaving our Gruberments as our primary health providers has left Humanity as we knew it on the brink of Extinction. If we don’t stand up now and save our Children there maybe no more children. This has happened on our watch.

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