Distance yourself from any wrongdoing

Deny all accusations

Discredit any opposition

Delay the release of important information

Deceive the public opinion

Distort the data with stats

Divide any challengers

And let disarray muddy the facts.

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Start a fire like in Hawaii.

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I guess nothing takes the heat off quite like... fire.

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🇦🇺⚖️ “During the first 3 months of this year [2023?], the number of births in public maternity wards in New South Wales was the lowest since records began, thirteen years ago.” ~ 7 NEWS, July 2023 (?)

Clip: 25 seconds



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ABS still has not updated the LIVE BIRTH data from December 2021. They stopped reporting. And look at the massive drop in LIVE BIRTHS in November 2021. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/smoking-gun-data-for-covid-vaccine

This is significant because ABS reports LIVE BIRTHS ONLY.

States report TOTAL BIRTHS (data includes miscarriages and still births from certificates). This is why STATE DATA IS NOT USEFUL.

Apologies for the all caps, but people still do not understand this.

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It has to be a low act to visit a ‘vaccine ‘ upon pregnant mothers and their babies and the fail to see the long term consequences of their actions.

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And then to pile on the hypocrisy and run ads on TV telling women to not drink even one glass of alcohol if they are expecting to become pregnant.

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It was the birth of my oldest son which ignited the God given flame of love in my soul....sending me on a life long journey of learning how.

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There was a guy named Hitler who did the same thing back in 30's and 40's - making up laws, legalizing himself, as he went along destroying every continent he touched, killing millions of men, women and children. Imprisoning a judge for ruling against the government with no proof other than disagreeing with illegal masking of children in the same country that established the Nuremberg Code - unbelievable how openly demonic a government they are - once again.

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The issue with Dettmar is that if the offence was caused because he was in favour of masking etc he would not have been prosecuted.

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