Thank you for yet another resource Phillip.

Like you I am tired of being welcomed to my own country and will tick the No box.

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Please write NO.

No ticks; no crosses.

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It’s ok. Don’t worry I can manage to cover my No vote. God bless you n yours.

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Brilliant summary!

Sometimes more information isn't really more.

Sometimes less is more.

Tidy, decluttered, structured, cited and spelled out so the most learned of men and layman alike have a chance of understanding and gaining from the message.

This is one of those examples.

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the "m" was generally accepted as "messenger", however, it is not normal messenger RNA, it is modified with pseudouridine bases. In that respect, mRNA could be interpreted as "modified RNA".

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I still can't find anything that relates to the spike protein in the unvaccinated. I am grinding to a halt with long covid, even though I am not vaccinated. I was in ICU for two weeks with what was diagnosed as covid but I was being treated for bacterial pneumonia. I am now living in a totally different body - something dramatic changed while I was in hospital, but I keep reading these articles that ONLY talk about the spike protein in relation to vaccination.

I am NOT vaccinated.

I did test positive for covid if that means anything.

I was hospitalized for bacterial pneumonia and low oxygenation.

My health has continued to deteriorate for a year since leaving hospital.

I cannot get any kind of test to see if I have excess spike protein whatever that really is.

Although I see lots of doctors reporting that the spike protein is causing the massive range of symptoms of long covid, I see no causative proof of that. Correlation does not prove causation.

Although I see lots of protocols from those doctors making a profit from supplements, I see no evidence that their protocols are working.

I have been taking the FLCCC protocol nyself minus drugs that I cannot get in Australia, since infection, that is not working.

I am taking tons of other stuff to try to repair my nervous system. Nothing is reversing my decline.

Tell me why I can't find a doctor who gives a damn what is wrong with me.

Tell me why I can't find out what is wrong with me any other way - ie there are no tests I can ask a tame doctor to request for me.

Tell me why none of the neutraceutical interventions I am using are stopping the continued decline in my health?

Tell me how I can save my own life given all of the above.

Tell me why NOTHING is helping.

Please put me straight. Where am I going wrong?

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Because mitochondria don't seem to be important enough.

It seems the fact they have their own DNA which can be damaged, that they are damaged by spike protein, of both the vaccines and the earlier viral variants.

Or that there are a number of studies showing mitochondrial dysfunction is likely underpinning long covid and a number of similar fatigue syndromes.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Gulf war syndrome

Chronic Lyme disease



Floxed (a side effect to ciprofloxacin)

And Long Vax syndrome.

Unfortunately, at this stage there is little known cures or ways to remediate these syndromes.

But, there are seemingly spontaneous remissions noted.

Consistently repeating these remissions is not yet possible.

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We will never be able to do the research of course, but everyone I know with long covid has one thing in common, they had one of the "syndromes" BEFORE covid. But as we are not permitted to tell the truth about what we are experiencing, and no-one is listening to us anyway, we will never put 2 + 2 together and face reality.

There have been spontaneous remissions from CFS/ME but never for FMS. Not all syndromes are the same, and as someone with FMS I can assure you, this is nothing like FMS. And if you lurk on the Facebook long covid groups, you will see that no-one gets better and everyone gets worse. Where have you seen sustained "remissions"? The pattern on these groups is that symptoms fluctuate. We experience bad symptoms, we get a bit better and think we might be getting well, then we relapse and collapse to a worse state often with new symptoms. Overall, we are on a downhill trajectory.

I am unreasonably angry at these doctors who think they can know nothing about nutritional medicine and come up with "cures" for which they have no evidence whatsoever. Every naturopath has remained totally silent for the last three years, because they know damn well that a few supplements are not going to fix this.

The possible good outcome of all of this is that we get forced out of an entirely faulty perspective of "health" (both allopathic and naturopathic are based on false logic). Everyone with long covid has disautonomia, about which neither allopathic or naturopathic medicine has any idea. We will be forced to understand our autonomic nervous system if we are to get out of this one alive. And not many will.

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Food for thought.



You will find reference to the hydrogels and Nano heavy metals and metal oxides that are used for medical purposes. This stuff has been used in the allied military's for decades.

I worked out the Nano RFID trackers they put in my blood back in 2005, they give it to us via vaccination, they even have facial recognition from satellite 20 years ago, with EMF. Wild huh.

US DoD policy, which obviously trickles down to our ADF is "voluntary non consent", they don't even tell us.

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Turn off the wifi in your house, use an ethernet cable. Limit the use of your mobile phone, for sure turn it off at night. I turn mine off after I use it and keep it in an EMF proof bag. You can get an ethernet adaptor for your phone.

I know its strange, just do it for 3 days and see how you feel afterwards. After I did the above my young children stopped coughing. Did it 18 months or so ago, wifi is still off. :)

They are tainting the allopathic medicines with Nanotechnology, probably some of the naturopathic ones too. It's in insulin and other vaccines, people are looking under microscopes, as the nanotech goes from Nano size to Micro, and is easily seen under dark field microscopy. I seen it back in 2005 in 2nd Health Support Battalion, under the microscope in soldiers blood. Who do you think the Guinea Pigs for these countermeasures were?

Plus it sheds from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. Intimacy with the vaccinated being the highest exposure factor, for the unvaccinated. It also spread via touch and breath, not as bad, unless your in a crowded cinema or hospital...

Unfortunately the Dr's don't know much about it, it takes a multidisciplinary approach. Yes, this was planned. Most Dr's don't know about the Quantum dots, hydrogel, Graphene nanotubules. ect... It's more like bioelectric medicine.

Sounds crazy doesn't it, unfortunately it's true.

Heavy metal detox helps. Chelation therapy helps, it gets the hydrogel and graphene Nanotubules out. Get a full heavy metal blood test, just to check if you want might cost $300.

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Chelex (xymogen) --can be purchased on Amazon--4 caps daily has EDTA, NAC and other detox/antiox -when I started taking it I experienced a marked improvement in my energy and mood. Also consider water fasting (you MUST include toxin drainers eg Pau D’arco berberine, and binders eg charcoal caps esp if you are not super low body fat--as you go into ketosis and burn your fat stores you will release toxins that need to be drained or bound out of your system) for 3-5 days to start and longer if you notice improvements. Be sure you are getting good sodium intake a warm sea salt “tea” with Perque buffered vitamin c twice daily and follow instructions on how to start re-feeding after a fast there are some good ones online. It can reset your entire immune system which can be lifesaving. I also sleep on a grounded mattress cover and walk barefoot in my back yard as much as possible to keep my zeta potential as normal as possible with all the surrounding electrical interference. Best wishes.

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All good ideas, but for those of us trying to beat FMS before long covid was a thing, it is all old hat, and most importantly, did not work for us then, so why would it work for us now? Naturopathy knows full well that it takes years to detox heavy metals safely, which is why I am so angry at these Johnny come lately doctors making profits out of doing what naturopaths know will not work. They are rorting us. Every human being on the planet has to detox heavy metals routinely, but only slowly as rapid detox can kill.

However, I am interested in the idea of using a grounding sheet on my mattress as one of my ways of reducing 5G damage. But I have seen contradictory information on that. The grounding sheets I have seen use silver, and one writer on the evils of 5G warns us against using ANY metal in our bedroom if we want to reduce EMF contamination. So I am interested to know what grounding device for your mattress you have used, and how well it has worked. That is probably my next purchase.

The other thing I am doing is listening to as many hours as I can manage of Andrew Huberman, as I think the key issue we are suffering from is disautonomia (caused by EMFs and maybe spike but not sure). Our autonomic system is misfiring and sending faulty messages around the body. Huberman has the neuro-science to tell us what is being thrown awry in the body, and some very simple health hacks to put the production of things like cortisol back into balance. They are my next avenue of exploration - doing his hacks to see what difference they make.


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https://www.earthing.com/ This is the one I currently use I don’t have any long Covid (never have gotten sick in the last ten years or so) or autoimmune issues (my husband does but rarely tries anything beyond his very restricted diet absolutely no dairy or gluten which helped immensely). I used a different one previously that I bought on Amazon (ugh I hate them but...). I sleep more deeply and wake up less frequently since I started using and sleep needs to be restorative. I’ve done some reading from A Midwestern Doctor here on substack I’d highly recommend reading his stuff. I’ve also noticed reduced pain in my hips, shoulder and feet since I got it. I stand for ten hours a night and have worked on my feet for almost 40 years which adds up. The mat comes with a ground tester and some literature about grounding.

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Cleaning your own environment of wifi that you have brought into it, is only the start of the story. I live in a tourist town and have a relapse and recovery on a regular weekly basis following the weekend influx of tourists. I only tapped into it when a friend told me she had been taken to hospital four times with the kind of collapse I have been describing, with apparently nothing wrong with her. I have had two trips to hospital. All six trips, her four in Qld and my two in NSW were on a Friday night. Work that one out! The tourists arrive with their 5G phones, and set themselves up in the air b&bs we are surrounded with. They contaminate us with their signals for the weekend then buzz back off to where they came from, leaving us the week to recover before it all starts again. Our only choice is to protect our homes from 5G (and I rent and live below the poverty line so that is not easy) and protect our own bodies from 5G when we go out.

You are right about the heavy metal detox, but you imply that heavy metal detox is an easy affair. It is not. I have no doubt that all of us with syndromes before covid were already contaminated with heavy metals, and thus acting as aerials for EMFs. And certainly the jabs have made sure that many more are now electro-sensitives and so going down with one syndrome or another, courtesy of the 5G. The constant barrage of chemtrails containing heavy metals (and particularly aluminium) means that any attempts to detox are beaten by the level at which we are being re-toxed.

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To be fair though, it is a bit unreasonable to expect naturopathic practitioner to offer help with something he has no idea the origins of, it could be unknown/uncommon poison, it could be anything. I find it difficult to accept that they know but refuse to help. So many people suffering, I'm so sorry Christine, I hope for some break-through, maybe soon we'll find out what was it that inflicted so much suffering. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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You are right that naturopaths could not come up with solutions, but they are far more expert with both off the shelf heavy metal detox and with anti-infectious agents, so they could have cobbled together some recommendations to potentially buy us some time to find out what we are treating. (I do this for people newly diagnosed with cancer - I give them a protocol to buy them some time while they find a suitable integrative doctor with experience curing cancer. Buying time can matter.) My complaint initially was that naturopaths were totally silent, which has allowed for doctors, who know nothing about natural treatments, to invade their territory and make mega bucks charging for simplistic protocols that the naturopaths could have cobbled together better had they been game to claim that they are doing no more than buying us time. To pretend that the McCullough protocol can cure long covid is cruelty itself. I see so many people getting excited about it and racing out to buy McCullough's pills believing they are going to be cured of long covid. I am so angry that he would do that. It is so irresponsible of him. Ask any naturopath whether his protocol can cure anything. It can't. It can maybe slow decline and buy time until the real problem is identified. That's all. And who is still looking for the real problem? They have all raced off down the decoy pathway of the spike protein dragging the whole world with them into a total dead end. The spike protein has never been proven to be the cause of the problem and no-one has ever proven that it can be removed from the body resulting in a return to health. Anything treating the spike is as much a scam as the jabs were, just another decoy while we slowly die.

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Nerve cells, neurons, have mitochondria too right?

There isn't a pill for every ill

Or potion for every commotion

No single suture can stitch every wound

Or universal remedy readily consumed.

Health is a habit

Disease, a diagnosis

And both play a part in the patients prognosis

But underpinning much of our suffering

Holding back our healing

Is stress, inflammation, toxins and fatigue

The four pillars of metabolic disease

Tame those woes

And harmony flows

The way nature intended it

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Are you offering a treatment protocol that works, or just clever words?

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Well, a bit of both if you want to study those "clever words"

But you have to approach it from a risk management perspective. Those are hazards, what tools or actions can eliminate or minimise them?

Let me start by asking, what is your current protocol?

What are you currently doing to manage the symptoms, or taking?

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Quote from an article by you. "I have harped on about mitochondria for some time now. But the message doesn’t seem to be sinking in yet. There are a number of syndromes identified which have very similar symptoms, and a large body of literature showing these syndromes have links or associations with mitochondrial dysfunction."

Of course the message isn't sinking in, given that damage to mitochondria is not treatable. People have two choices when given a death sentence, they either lie down and die, or they refuse to believe it and keep trying to get well. You want us to choose the former, and I have chosen the latter.

"Managing symptoms" is not enough. The only option is CURE. Do you have a proven CURE for damaged mitochondria?

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Vax s were so conveniently timed to be readily available and govts raced to support and approve them.... WHY? Why also is there no investigation into all these deaths? Any responsible govt must thoroughly investigate a massive spike in death rates... so as to prevent further. Yet what do we have? Nothing.. Nil Zilch. Just distraction and pretend deafness and blindness from our wonderful leaders. Proves its all part of The Plandaemic.... and res et.bruce.

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Don' forget that the contents of injections into arms was different from the contents of the injections in clinical trials AND that contaminants including endotoxins and SV40 cancer promoters "infected" the actual injections into arms via shoddy manufacturing"

The clinical trials FAILED, so did the post authorization marketing reports.

IOw the Russian roulettE was PRE-MEDITATED!!!





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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

Thank you Philip for your substack it’s appreciated. Do you know only 50% of people who had COVID don’t make antibodies to the N protein, natural immunity is underestimated. Dr Pelech made a test which doesn’t just do the N and spike.

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Thank you Dr.Altman. Is it true that m (as in mRNA) doesn't stand for "messenger" but "modified" ?

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Excellent comment Rose.

My understanding is that our immune system 'tolerates' the spike , leading to ongoing symptoms, until , like you said, it is eventually overwhelmed.

Bottom line, these jabs are death shots.

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