My small submission, for what it's worth, is number 163. It's still there (https://www.pmc.gov.au/sites/default/files/submissions/PMC-CGCRI-2023-0163.pdf),

but have you seen that Raelene Gotze's submission on the government website, number 1784, is blacked out? (Raelene's daughter Caitlin died after the second Pfizer injection, which she was made to get to keep her job.) https://www.pmc.gov.au/sites/default/files/submissions/PMC-CGCRI-2023-1784.pdf

Is this shocking or what? Justice4Caitlin https://www.facebook.com/justice4caitlin

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All that fuss and 24/7 lambasting the citizenry about ‘saving lives’…… and wearing masks and locking down and quarantining and injecting yourself with a pointless substance to ‘save granny’, where’s all the fuss and 24/7 lambasting gone now? a complete and utter farce 🤔

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Well written, Phillip. What truly underpins the tragedy here is that average citizens like myself and no doubt many of your readers were able to compile a similar view of this whole charade by early 2021.

All it took was no more than a little bit of skepticism and some critical thinking, helped of course by a pre-existing healthy distrust of the government.

But somehow the government and all its coterie of “experts” were somehow deceived or manipulated into this, or perhaps decided that the “greater good” would apply because of just how “dangerous” covid was.

And still today, 3 years later, I’m seeing people getting boosted, booking their flu shots, and most importantly being constantly sick, often with coughs and other flu-like symptoms that don’t go away even after weeks. People seem withered ... a lot of older people in my area seem to have become very frail very quickly, and several have died unexpectedly.

Thankfully I know of only one “sudden” death of a local kid of rapid onset cancer ... but who knows how many have been injured.

Apparently 10-20% excess mortality just isn’t a big deal these days, certainly the media doesn’t think so.

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>The problem is that insufficient safety data was generated prior to the release of the COVID so-called vaccines

They had been testing the technology (LNPs, mRNA platform) for decades in efforts to 'cure rare diseases' and 'cancer.' It killed all the trial animals. This was deliberate and there were multiple mechanisms of harm.

These technologies should have never gone past animal trials even with their Nobel-winning 'modifications' which actually make them more dangerous.

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This inquiry needs to include very blunt and unambiguous language directed straight at the TGA. "It is long past time for TGA to admit that their obsolete methodologies and industry conflicts of interests have resulted in the worst health care policy failure in the country's history. TGA must be completely uprooted, it's mission and funding model reexamined from start to finish, with entirely new models of governance and oversight put in place. The TGA mission is to prevent unsafe medicines from killing Australians, and in this they have failed spectacularly. It is time to start over".

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Well done.

In the end the summary is that the authorities are running scared and done care about us.

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There's more truth that a virus wasn't in existence but our reaction to toxins EMF/radiation/5G rollout, food, medicines, air/chemtrails, water additives. (Dr Tom Cowan) Ive found that family and I coming from US trip in late Jan 24 feeling weak coming for weeks 5G, and was rolled out in cruise ships

Parasites another possibility as ivermectim helps with "covid19",

or physiological , Dr Andrew Kauffman)

or Aust Professor Edward Steele claiming particles from meteor in China spread across the world?

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Well done, I like the chapter you wrote. 👍🏼 Unfortunately leaving key evidence out of inquiries, like the whole book was, is par for the course during crimes like this.

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Brilliant write-up, thank you!

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