There are no words to describe the pathetic answers given by these ‘executives’. They appeared to continually repeat a rehearsed answer, trying to use up the Senator’s limited question time. This technique of avoidance speaks for itself!

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Thank you for this information, Dr Altman. I watched the Senator Alex Antic one against the Moderna reps as well. It’s embarrassing.

Reading through the stories in Jab Injuries Australia in Instagram...it’s astonishing how many who present with severe symptoms and a confirmed diagnosis are not granted an exemption to their next shot. As a senior citizen, I thought I’d seen it all.

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What a liar the Pfizer rep is!!!!

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Nothing to see here …

ESPN reporter father - blood clots a year ago

Football playing son - heart issues now

This shit show goes on and on

1 minute video


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Psychologically excruciating obfuscation for us to listen to, but a good case study of people already under the forever-stomping boot. Does Pfizer manufacture sleeping pills as well? These guys will need some!

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It’s probably very quiet here because sometimes there are no words.

Then when they do materialise, temperance is in order for the sake of strategic planning ?

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Thanks for passing on the (disgraceful) testimonies, Phillip, which I notice John Campbell was as dismayed by as I am sure many others are.

The word smithing here is of course duplicitous in the extreme. Pfizer executives seem wilfully unable now to understand the meaning of 'transmission', or 'evidence', although were earlier happy to use such terms to promote the use of their products. Similarly, the shift in meaning of 'forced' is ironic: Australians were not 'forced' to undertake 'vaccination' provided they were prepared to lose their jobs, their professional registration and consequently their livelihoods; technically they could 'choose'. Hobson's choice ...

While these hearings have been helpful, I wonder where the (conservative) Senators involved were when the previous Australian government inflicted the vaccination nightmares on the population, and when the previous Chief Medical Officer was promoted to be head of the Health Department? Are they now being wise after the events, although they were previously part of the problems? They seemed to be missing in action at that stage, and have only emerged now. The new government has, for the most part, continued down the same dreadful tracks as far as the 'pandemic' is concerned, and is of course no better in that respect. Small wonder people have lost confidence in their elected representatives ...

I have appreciated your regular insights into the Covid catastrophes for some time - it is valuable to have informed insider views, and have regularly shared them in various ways in the past to help spread important information. Thank you.

However, your relatively recent excursion into the politics of The Voice is much less welcome. You are of course entitled to your views on the matter - as I am to mine - but presenting them in your substack has effectively deterred me from sharing your insights, which are otherwise valuable and I would otherwise like to share. The term 'First Nations' is used internationally to recognise that the continents invaded by European colonialists were in fact nations, even if they were in fact dispossessed by military force. I am perfectly happy for First Nations flags to be flown alongside the Australian flag, and don't see this as a racial act but as an act of proper recognition of the original nations. I am Australian born and bred (of European heritage, not First Nations heritage, like most Australians), and look forward to an Australia that recognises (all of) its past in a respectful way.

So, please reconsider your unfortunate conflation of the two issues of the pandemic/scamdemic and the Voice. Thanks.

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I strongly disagree with your comments on the flag. But thanks for subscribing.

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Thanks Phillip. I’m happy to agree to disagree … even to strongly agree to strongly disagree. Regardless, I have found your work on the pandemic consistently helpful, but conflating it with a quite separate issue entirely unhelpful.

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They will throw Pfizer under the bus as the scapegoat but who gave them liability? It was governments. Here is Australia's Novavax vaccine contract: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-banality-of-evil

Did 'Pfizer' do this? https://www.bitchute.com/video/0BZGfx6v819x/

I hope no one is being fooled by this theatre.

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Something positive from Pzifer at last, this has to be the great awakening. Keep them the questions flowing.

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Another question we should ask. Has any virus ever been isolated using the scientific method? It's never been done. No country on earth has isolated any such particle because they don't exist. Stop the fraud. What is going on with these people??! See DrRobertYoung.com

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Wow! These Pfizer reps are just so slippery. No responsibility taken at all. This is so chilling to see. So thankful to these senators asking the hard questions and being persistent.

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The SLIPPERY Sliminess is not limited to these two! In EVERY Senate hearing the slime extends to the Chairperson of the hearing, the nonsense in the bullshit of their processes that determine what can and cannot be said and HOW things are said as questions! It's a shit-show 100% waste of time and energy! The entire process needs to be thrown out and reinvented with revealing and discovering TRUTH as the criteria not their bullshit word games of manipulating language in a duck-and-weave! It IS disgusting. All should hang their heads in shame, some should indeed hang for the crime of murder.

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Geoff Pain PhD has just put out an article stating Pfizer staff also had AEs.


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Very important clips to watch there - thank you for alerting us to them Phil. With the grilling of the Pfizer executives on transmission: As far as I understand it a root-cause problem here is that regulators do not require proof that vaccines stop transmission. If that is true, then that needs to change. Furthermore, I have read the UK Public Assessment Reports (PARs) for all three genetic vaccines and my understanding from that was that only Moderna provided some evidence that their vaccine prevented severe disease and hospitalisation. I did not see evidence of prevention of severe disease in the Pfizer PAR, yet the executives are claiming it was approved on the basis that it prevented severe disease and hospitalisations. According to the PAR, it was approved on the basis that vaccinated people were less likely to have detectable covid symptoms, as far as I can discern. With Pauline Hanson, she's right of course! And there is evidence of coercion of thousands of Australians in Clarity on Health's vaccine survey. www.clarityonhealth.org/australian-survey Their comments about why they got vaccinated make sad reading.

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I congratulate the senators for their questions but this really is a puppet show. Clearly these Pfizer goons have learned their lines very well, will not tell the truth, will not give answers that are "on notice" and don't give a brass razoo about health and the devastation caused by their C19 kill shot. Please people DO NOT have any more vaccines ..... and that goes for your animals as well!

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