Back in the day people did not trust doctors, thought they were all quacks, snake oil salesmen, and worse. Then institutions were established that slowly built (and indeed deserved) trust. Today it looks like we're back to the old timer view of doctors and mainstream "health" providers. We're on our own again, with natural remedies, sensible advice like "an apple a day", plenty of sunshine and fresh air, exercise, and good old fashioned (i.e. not processed) nutrition. I'm cool with all that. I'll still use them for mechanical stuff, to set a broken bone, repair a hernia, maybe excise a dodgy looking mole...but that's about it. Inject a substance some "doctor" or "health provider" is pushing? No thanks. Not any more

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Absolutely - most are clueless and don't read the literature apart from the propaganda put about!

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Good comment. The only thing I would say is that your sentence "Then institutions were established that slowly built (and indeed deserved) trust." misses the point that these institutions were gradually lulling the masses of the people into trusting the doctors who were still quacks, snake oil salesmen, and worse.

It is said 'a leopard cannot change its spots' and it is true of most mainstream doctors. The institutions were ultimately a waste of time and should be demolished.

But you are correct about your sentence re bones and hernias.

However, I would give a warning note that plastic mesh is used in hernia repairs by and large. I have one myself. I am concerned that as plastic is alien to the body, CT scans I have had might be releasing toxins.

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Feb 14, 2023
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Even there there are problems- Dentists are still using amalgam and mercury filling despite this being a known toxin- and at the time it was introduced in the US about 50% of dentists opposed the recommendation. And many dentists still advocate for fluoride another known neurotoxin!

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Until the citizens of the West pull down their governments and throw all the traitors in jail and confiscate their assets expect more of the same.

At this point all the governing bodies are complicit.

I have tried to save my family but 80% of them got the shots. So if you extrapolate that to the general public we’re in for a lot more of the same before this has any chance of ending.

Oh look here comes bird flu crossover…

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Feb 16, 2023
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Well said. Given that myocarditis is a side effect of the vaccines change of heart is sadly all too true. :(


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This is both infuriating and terribly sad news. I just saw a video of the Chantwoman trying to look concerned, reading from an idiot sheet the Narrative-of-the-5th-episode of abuse. Hopefully many of her audience are wisening up because of truth tellers like yourself, but the fact that so many more will be deprived of effective early treatment and instead fall victim to hospital protocols is tragic beyond words.

Truckloads of gratitude for all that you have done in the fight to right this terrible wrong, Phillip.

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I assume you mean Kerry Chant (I am from UK). I did a post on her. I was not impressed with her one bit.


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Most friends and relatives in Australia are juiced. Some volunteered. Others were coerced. They didn’t want to lose their jobs. One friend in particular was very big hearted and generous but lacking in the critical thinking department. All she knew was to obey te government and believe the BS. I believe she had all the boosters. In Janaury, an old cancer scare from years ago flared up. She was blasted with treatment and determined to beat. By February 9th she was in palliative care and friends were told there was small window frame time for them to say goodbye. The cervix cancer was in her lymph nodes, vagina and blood clotting was finishing her off aggressively and rapidly. She died yesterday and people are in shock. What happened? How is this possible? I dare not mention What I believe. All the people I have heard from have their own health concerns. Eight or nine months to be tested. Of course, during that time, they pass away. They average age is 48-52. Some are younger. They have all have the first two shots. Most have not taken a third. The victim who died yesterday worked for Queensland Health. That’s it. Gone in a heartbeat. Sick is the new normal. Meanwhile, doctors are still the biggest drug pushers in the world.

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I see you. This is a long, slow, sad, silent 'I told you so.'

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I am very sorry about that. Cancer is toxic poisoning. Vaccines if not just saline are poison. Most big pharma drugs are neuro-toxic and poisonous to varying degrees. Even the ones like Ivermectin, whilst useful, were never needed as there are natural things like good fresh fruit to provide anti-oxidants.

Cancer treatments are poisonous. I trusted doctors in UK went I had a diagnosis of cancer in early 2020. My mistake. I had 9 sessions of immuno-therapy before I realised what was really the matter - sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning.


Big pharma is a horrible poisonous industry and with most mainstream medics they make money anyway they can off people's suffering. Even in the NHS they are very ignorant and grossly overpaid for doing very little good.


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Hi Phillip, I am a career journalist no longer working in the mainstream (of course). I have been able to get some stories published overseas, but of course nothing in Australia. I no longer recognise my so called profession. One of them was partly based on your article. You may be encouraged to see that some journalists are still trying to be journalists. https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/us-military-was-secretly-behind-australias-covid-jab-rollout-report/.

I saw your AMPS talk and I think the unanswered question is what was the intelligence that went to the Trump administration that prompted them to treat it as an act of war under the DoD (as you know)? I don't think we will ever know its true origins; after all the culprit is never going to admit it.

Keep up the courageous work!

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I am just like you. I also left. I keep a substack now and quite happily drive buses so that I may practise my craft with integrity intact while paying the bills. Please do come to the Rogue Reporters event in Sydney on Easter Sunday, 5pm, Glenmore Hotel, The Rocks, if you are in Sydney

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I wouldn't know about intelligence but COVID 19 is the 'flu re-branded and Wuhan lab issues were a psy op.

Vaccines are a judgement on the terminally dim for believing that poisoning oneself is a Good Idea.

The whole thing has been a scam to make lots of money for big pharma etc. whilst culling the population and to introduce a one world totalitarian government.


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"If removed from Appendix D there is potential to lead to shortages." That seems to say a lot.

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So... back in September 2021, I wrote a web article about the use of veterinary formulations of ivermectin in people. I wrote it in response to a couple of different friends who'd asked me what I thought. I didn't know what I thought about it at the time, so I did a deep dive into the various veterinary formulations, particularly the pastes used in horses and the liquid used in sheep, and how they relate to the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin in people. If anyone is interested, here is the link:


... and here is how it starts:

"Please note: I am an equine veterinarian (horse doctor). I am neither licensed nor trained to treat humans, so I have taken pains in this article to avoid giving medical advice. That said, people I care about are choosing to take veterinary formulations of ivermectin for the prevention and early treatment of COVID-19. This article is written for you, in the spirit of helping to ensure that you do so with the least risk to your health."


In case the TGA continues to be hobbled (or should that be nobbled...), perhaps this article will be of some use to someone.

While we're at it, please tuck away in your brainbox that ivermectin is also effective against the Hendra virus (HeV), at least in vitro (in the lab, in cell culture). Who knows if it's effective in vivo (e.g., in an infected horse or human), because we're not allowed to treat the poor things!! Incidentally, there have been concerted efforts to mandate HeV vaccination for horses; to date, all such efforts have failed. The one and only HeV vaccine available for use in Australia is made by ... wait for it... can you guess? ... I'll bet you can! ... Zoetis, formerly known as Pfizer Animal Health.

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People who have million-dollar thoroughbreds will not give them poison. That's a fact!

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AHA may have some really good advice about dealing with the TGA as an "outsider". https://www.homeopathyoz.org/

Many years ago govt falsified results of a study into whether homeopathy works (it does) and spends a lot of money trying to destroy it ---with everything you now know, do you think they are really trying to protect us from it? nope...---that is how they got it removed from private health insurance policies, when it is actually one of the most effective forms of medicine (yes, a threat to modern Western scientific medicine). I won't engage in debates about this with other readers etc (not interested, I know from personal experience it is the most amazingly, simply, effective forms of healing and it could help many people with vaccine or injection injury) --but if you are interested in more information, I believe it is well-worth the $7 to hire and watch this documentary about what happened. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/justonedropfilm

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HI Anne, Yes I can attest to this as my mother and myself gave a presentation of our personal experiences of usage of homeopathy to the Government Committee in Canberra as our Dr is also a homeopath. It was just a smokescreen committee, they we always going to remove it from private health. I've been using homeopathy for 35yrs and it DEFINITELY WORKS!! My eldest daughter had her first antibiotic when she was 25yrs old. Used it for all the usual childhood illnesses, ear infections, bronchitis etc etc. never needed antibiotics.

Its all about the MONEY, they cant make money out of homeopathy! Just like they cant make money out of Ivermectin.

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Ivermectin is an easy issue to use to rule out incompetence, but it is only one in a looooong list, which includes such doozies as the entire vaccination schedule, shutting down vitamin distributors and decades of stopping doctors from using safer alternatives. Therefore, may i challenge you on the "once proud" claim?

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One of the main concerns of the TGA during Covid has been what they call "vaccine hesitancy". This phenomenon in their minds occurs when an ordinary not-very-intelligent person who cannot think for himself is influenced by misinformation to have second thoughts about taking the vaccine.

Originally the TGA stated it was banning Ivermectin for Covid for that reason (among others) i.e. if people though Ivermectin worked they would think the vaccine was unnecessary, therefore the best thing to do was to ban the use of it, thereby eliminating that option in the mind of the not-very-intelligent person.

The fact that the Australian people and their elected representatives have taken this ludicrous reasoning lying down speaks volumes. The TGA's contempt for the public will presumably know no bounds after this.

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Re "Originally the TGA stated it was banning Ivermectin for Covid for that reason (among others) i.e. if people though Ivermectin worked they would think the vaccine was unnecessary..."

Any sane person would say the vaccine was unnecessary. I now say and have been saying since June 2020 that no vaccine ever was necessary. We have been so grossly lied to that people do not realise we only see the tip of the iceberg.


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If they approved ivermectin they couldn't have the EUA for vaccines and they were willing to kill as many of us as possible to do so. Why? They believe mRNA and gene-based immunotherapy technology will allow them to cure cancer and win a Nobel. Just ask the Doherty Institute (brought to you by Pfizer!) https://www.doherty.edu.au/news-events/news/new-agreement-with-pfizer-to-identify-novel-targets-for-cancer-therapy

and the laureate who said (para) 'natural immunity doesn't exist' https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/top-australian-immunologist-prof-peter-doherty-claims-he-never-heard-of-natural-immunity-implies-it-is-made-up-after-using-it-himself/

They are in a demonic spiral of experts chasing the brass ring (the Nobel).

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Wonderful summary and excellent links to the TGA site. I have read most of the submissions on IVM now, TGA said there were 5 opposing, I can only find 3 published. The ludicrous NSW Poisons Information submission (they should be ashamed - it reads like they are taking the proverbial), the Pharmacy Guild (makes money from jabs, big pharma) and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (makes money from jabs). Do you know who are the other 2? Who else opposed and where are their submissions? They must have requested not to make public but i would like to FOI them and read what they said

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The Snake Oil Salesmen own BigPharma. That is where we are at.

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Dr Tess Lawrie- made an extensive review of the literature on Ivermectin early on and even wrote to the UK govt pleading with them to prescribe Ivermectin. And then of course she did that amazing interview with Dr Chris Hill ( I think that is his name) who admitted to Tess that Ivm was very effective notwithstanding his report that said it wasn't! It was clear the strings were being pulled and he was told what to write in his report - otherwise he would be out of a job and funding. Hill even admitted that if his brother had Cov 19 , he would want to prescribe Ivm!

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The virus is if anything the exosome, the body's own defense system.


Germ/viral theory is fundamentally flawed.

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Thank you for your efforts. 🙏

Millions of people are fighting this corruption. You are far from alone.

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