It's a mad lawless world! What is frightening is that in 3 years there has been no repercussions and no accountability and they are STILL pushing the jab. It's the wild wild west where the citizens have no guns and we are ducking for cover in this polycentric climate the WEF did promise us. However, in order for grass roots to establish itself, the old order needs to fall away and this is what we are witnessing in real time. Yes it will be extremely uncomfortable and we must not falter from our "do not comply" and ,like Ying and Yang, the tide will turn.

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I would say it is a mad psychopathic world

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Its a matter of sin....

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Yes it is many things.

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Do not comply...

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Funny you mention Ying and Yang... because even as a red blooded, male plus, engineer; I believe in that stuff as well. The World can of course swing one way, but that will be on a temporary basis... (MY VIEW) and then we will bring it back to so called normality.

Spot on comment, to me anyway.

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Dream on.

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Thanks; back to bed I go then.

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Thanks Bob. Having studied Acupuncture in Singapore and China, Ying and Yang is Nature by design. Birth, death, hot, cold, night, day, in, out and so it goes. In Acupuncture you have Ying and Yang Meridians which gives energy to the organs. In disease, these meridians become blocked and by stimulating the immune system via acupuncture you help to unblock these channels and restore health. Many people in the West think it is "bunkum" but when you witness dedicated acupuncture hospitals in China treating patients only with this practice and NO pharmaceuticals or surgery then the proof is in the pudding so to speak. Of course there is always a need for pharmaceuticals and surgery as long as our regulatory bodies are doing their job in making sure these products are not harmful, but as we can't count on this nowadays or should I say until Yang turns to Yin, and it will, we must NOT comply.

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The TGA and ATAGI are a disgrace, and always have been. They pretty much just copypasta the US FDA. The Australian government could save themselves a bunch of money if they just had a teenager write a Python script to scrape the FDA website - but it's not about saving money: they're a Priesthood (or a Rabbinate).

As a couple of examples:

① they permitted replacement of pseudoephedrine with phenylephrine in products like Codral and Sudafed, when the latter is KNOWN not to work when administered orally;

② they banned products containing dimethyl amylamine (DMAA) after claims of 2 deaths GLOBALLY that were "linked to" the use of products containing DMAA;


Like almost every government instrumentality, they are unfit for purpose. If their output is in a person's information landscape, then that person is not behaving epistemically.

The problem is that the leadership of the AMA uses TGA assertions on the pretence that those assertions are scientific - and threatens any non-compliant practitioners with de-licensing.

The medical 'profession' is highly unscientific: like the legal 'profession' it relies on "no ticket, no start", and depends critically on legislatively-imposed barriers to entry into the field.

The Replication Crisis was already well underway before Pfizer did it's increasingly-comical "clinical trial". Pfizer was already known to be corrupt to the point of criminality.

Anyone who trusted any combination-of-forces that included Pfizer or the government, is an idiot and should be prevented from reproducing - and should be denied any role in society-wide decision-making (they should not get to vote).

When the jabs were being foisted on the public, I coined the term #OneQuestionIQTest - indicating that any adult whose life was arranged such that they were vulnerable to coercion, should re-arrange their lives STAT.

If people didn't do that, that's on them.

So I view it as a GOOD thing that Pfizer has quadrupled the price for the latest booster: it's the PERFECT 'Darwinian Filter'.

Anyone who is stupid enough to line up for yet another booster, has had 3 years to wise up to the game and has refused to do so... I hope that people that stupid die, and/or their reproduction rate falls to zero.

The world has morons aplenty, so anything that gets them to (stochastically) euthanise themselves is a good thing. The more dead flabby-armed mask-wearing Karens, the happier I am.

Fat Karens are the main Shock Troops for the Teals; the WEF; the 'Yes' campaign; the Carbon scam - all the way down to bullshit like Drag Queen Story Hour. They're dumb, gullible, and absolutely convinced that they are 1000% correct in their mindless support of The Current Thing, because Housewife TV and "Insta" told them so.

Dead Mudbloods is actually a great outcome.

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Similar things happened during the Covid salad days in my home state. The governor and his health commissioner aka blithering idiot virtually canonized the limitless wonderments related to taking Covid vaccines. "Go get 'em, they good for ya". 3 years down the road and the gov and his new health chickie say the exact same thing. No nuances, no hard hitting realities, just this very perverted rush to perdition. I wrote both during those Covid excitement days many times, never got an answer, or threat, nothing. If they don't know by now the horrendous death and injury statistics, they are automatically considered "part of the conspiracy". Hochul in NY is case in point. Idiot or conspirator? Jacinda Ardern, visiting professor at Harvard. Most likely telling the Harvard commies how great it was for her to be the NZ dictator during those great days of dictatorship. This is our world today. I never realized there were so many traitors in this country.

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They do not even nod at "The Science" anymore. They just keep pushing the narrative with no justification.

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They acknowledge science - with a middle digit.

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I thought 'Modern Science' - And 'Policy', was RUN, by CONsendSUSS!

WAIT a Moment! Let's talk 'Co-Op 'Science' Between 'Rival CorPooRATions=

Pfizer 'TryAils'[Trials - sorry], Pfizer 'Jabbed' the CON-troll Group with their Home Brand snake oil, & gave the Placebo 'Group' THE Moderna Snake Oil - HOORAH! That's CONsendSUSS @ 'Work'!


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That is the correct push back language; they are ALL traitor's.

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Some excellent points re TGA👍and pharma malfeasance.

Unfortunately, this $#!@ show affects everyone, regardless of shot stance or status. There is no special, chosen few. No Darwinian selection process, and definitely no IQ test. This is psychological 5th gen warefare tactics, so to accuse (or even happily rejoice, as suggested) "Karens" of the world of stupidity, is ironically short sighted🤔😐🤨

These shots, infiltrate DNA.

The LNP contained spike circulates for 2+Yes and counting.

The LNP also sheds and is passed to those who have not taken the shots.

So everybody has been affected.

There are no superior peeps. We are all your HP "mudbloods".🤔😐🤨

Frankly, IMO, anyone who can't see that, is blinded by ego, which really just handicaps everyone.😉

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If you think that "mRNA shedding → transfection of purebloods" is a real thing: you been had, son.

The reason I can say that with moderate certainty is that I've spent a LOT of time around mudbloods - 6 rounds of chemo; monthly consultations with 3 different sets of clinicians; a week in hospital in August 2022 etc. . . and I've tested negative for ANY antibodies for SARS-nCOV-2.

I wasn't tested by choice: I would never voluntarily submit to being tested if I had no symptoms of illness.

If I've ever been exposed to the SARS-nCoV-2 pathogen - brought to you by Fauci Bioweapons Research Inc and the US taxpayer - it has never got hold to the extent required to generate an immune response.

I'm not surprised - like all products of the US Death Machine, it's not "fit for purpose" despite being staggeringly expensive (and immensely profitable for the producer).

SARS-nCoV-2 is the "Windows Phone" of bioweapons... it's a threat to life for diabetic octagenarians in nursing homes, but so is a day-old bread roll or a half-decent fart.

With that said...

There is a set of intentional anti-human actions by the parasite classes that I still think can be definitively ruled out.

I am absolutely certain that if they could find a way to 'infect' all of us with the active ingredient in the mudshots, they would do so IN A HEARTBEAT.

Transfected mosquitoes - sure, I bet that's in the workflow of these scumbags.

I'm also open to the idea that the 'active ingredient' in the mudshot is not what everyone currently thinks it is - or that adjuvants and the mRNA 'interact' in some way after injection.

But it's useful to keep in mind what 'they' can't do.

They're not particularly competent at LITERALLY ANYTHING: the entire shebang is run by "Beta at best" types.

There is no 'evil supervillain' to be worried about - it's midwits all the way down.

That's why they can only fool imbeciles, and for non-imbeciles they have to rely on coercion - either directly or by "scaring the missus" using propaganda on HousewifeTV, and relying on her to nag the bloke until he breaks.

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Maybe check Dr Anna Maria Mihalcea M.D. PHD, for Darkfield Microscopy on UNvaxxed Blood, for Anomolys & Constructs. Tests are showing UNnatural formations in Humans/ animal products [ Meat packs with blood - Organic & inorganic supplies]. Same 'structures are showing up in Multi vaxx products - Other than CONVID-19, such as HPV jabs, Insulin , Dental Anaesthetics.

The Catalysts for such 'ExpressIons'- Beyond my paygrade.

As for 'Beta' numpties, 'running the Show'- Perhaps 'They' have taken this into CONsideration, & Don't 'require' anyone 'higher'! Mandates / Lockdowns & Isolations, only Require Mass Thuggery, & MOB mentality - & there Seems to be, plenty of Appropriate 'CANdidates' availAble!


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Dr. McCullough has addressed the issue of shedding. What generally sheds is the mRNA replicated within the cells' ribosomes and released as exosomes into the circulation to end up getting excreted via sweat, saliva, semen, tears, nasal secretions, vaginal secretions, urine, and feces. These contain the RNA, NOT lipid nanoparticles. Someone could only shed LNPs for a short time after getting a shot because they don't circulate for very long— they preferentially attach to cells, "inject" their genetic payload, and stay there.

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"After almost 4 years of constant lies, misinformation and disinformation, drug regulators around the world..."

Actually it's more like 40 years. If you look into drugs like statins, SSRIs and PPIs you'll see that the FDA has been failing us miserably for a long time now.

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Yes. Like an abusive relationship that starts with gaslighting and then explodes into violent and frequent acts of rage.

I realize now that it’s all been a big act.

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The media is to blame because they failed their job right from the beginning. They were bought, sold and never delivered any investigative truths. The public unfortunately never stood a chance. These murderers just marched right in and took over soon as biden and his ilk hit the WH as prez and even before while vp to o'bama. The media was the middle of what was going on and what they told us - which was nothing but propaganda, lies, and disinformation. There are no journalists today - they don't exist - just robots repeating what they're told. Soon as Murdoch took over all the media - I felt something amiss to allow an unlawful monopoly yet he was allowed to do it. The plan to take over the world by our own 'governments' was a plan in the making decades ago and with no effective journalism to count on, we were doomed from the gate.

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The captured MSM is the deadliest weapon the WEF has.

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But they're rapidly running out of bullets.

And audience members xx

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In the US, the media ARE part of the state apparatus.

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Of course they are - I never said they weren't. That's the where and the why of propaganda - what would a news feed/media get out of making their own shyt up?

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Murdoch doesn't have a monopoly on the media. Look at all the opposition papers telling you that. Do you think he runs them? And the only TV he runs in Australia is sky news.

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I've no idea what he runs in other countries but I do know that several years ago, he bought up almost all the newspapers in the USA which were the main information line at the time. Since then, almost all are gone replaced NOW, by Internet 'news' if you can call it that without regurgitating.

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FDA always has and always will be the FEDERAL DEATH AGENCY!! They have never been about health but about greed and kickbacks from death and destruction!

As far as the CDC aka Center of Death Control - they work TOGETHER to enhance the overall plan of GLOBAL DEPOPULATION!! It's why Rockefeller changed our medical system to petroleum based drugs and when the cancer started - he started the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY TO COVER UP THE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION ONCE AGAIN!!! WAKE UP TO THE KILLING FIELDS - Hospitals! Why do Drs where white coats - because they are Butchers!!!

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Yep. Here is a tweet on that.


He also killed the natural cures that doctors used to treat diseases and destroyed their careers. Evil man!

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Just as our safety is our own personal responsibility, so is our health. The idea that we need a government agency to "take care of us" is insulting.

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Yes! Paraphrasing Benjamin Franklin:

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.

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Great piece and yes the TGA is incompetently corrupt at best, malicious malfeasance bordering on psychopathic at worst.

Sadly, we have always been on our own, since the Flexner Report, 100+ years ago.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Posted By Dr. Michael Yeadon September 11, 2023

Some of you may recall a population forecast by a group called Deagel for many countries that was online in 2020.

For U.K. it predicted a reduction in population of more than 70%, with falls in USA only a little behind at 68%.

The target date given was 2025.

So far, though all-causes mortality is hugely and unmistakably well above recently established trend lines, accompanied by unprecedented falls in live birth rates, extrapolating a further two years wouldn’t result in population reductions anything like as large as in the Deagel reports.

I infer that there’s a high likelihood of further assaults on the population.

I have read documents going back decades and the self appointed elites anticipated using a mixture of infectious diseases, poisonous vaccines, regional conflicts including civil and general wars, even starvation.

Please use your imagination. If you were trying to harm a population with plausible deniability, what would you do?

Some combination of these seems likely to occur.

The perpetrators are not going away unless and until enough of us say no.

You do not have to comply with unjust laws. It is often said that “When government becomes tyrannical, resistance becomes a duty”.

I have read that those who would visit tremendous evil on others are required, by their own perverted code, to warn their victims beforehand.

Best wishes


CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation exposed as Masterminds behind Deagel.com’s eerie 2025 Depopulaton Forecast & COVID Vaccine Death Data suggests they’re right on track!

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I would argue that among the many avenues to poison people currently ongoing, the most dangerous stealthily advancing one is the wireless infrastructure being deployed on a global basis to cover every inch of highly populated cities (to start off with).

If it is true that Wuhan was the first highly populous city to install & switch on their tens of thousands of small cells, resulting in who knows how much illness and death, then all other major cities may likely follow the same result.

G. Marconi, alleged inventor of radio, himself suffered multiple heart attacks when working on microwave technology during the 1930s, which eventually led to his death.

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I 100% agree; and actually just requested an audit of my town’s data collection and analysis capabilities.

San Diego has a model organization called TRUST SD that was able to convince the City to adopt an oversight ordinance. It’s not perfect but it’s s step in the right direction.

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Where on earth are all the other practicing OB/GYN doctors, in the USA who have witnessed the damages to mother and baby exposed to the covid jabs. Dr. Thorp cannot be the only one.

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In Canada they put at least one in the psych ward..

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They took the $$$$

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Exactly! Just as big cowards as the media!

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In the US, they daren't utter a peep, because that causes them to lose their license, and they aren't strongly enough morally grounded to pay that price.

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Excellent read and the linked articles and sources - These Government Agencies are a disgrace and must be defunded and shut down. Start over. Everyone is on their own to find good doctors, medicines, etc. Truly stunning to me is the information about money being paid, to incentivize hospitals, then the Dept HHS paying money to Obstetricians to follow the "script" and give shots to pregnant women telling them is was safe. Doctors got paid to follow the script, if they deviated they had to pay back. Absolutely no Moral Compass - truly horrifying. It is beyond alarming FDA just approved another untested shot for a variant long gone. And Provident Healthcare announced a few days ago they would required all employees to get the shot by Nov. 30, 2023. These peoeple have lost their minds. Arrest them all and throw them in jail - Crimes against Humanity - These should be pulled from the market and never used again. Keep up the great work.

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We could throw them in jail if wasn't obvious we have no system of justice in this country any longer. Merrick Garland has always been the choice of Democrats for AG, lucky he isn't on the Supreme Court. We are now essentially lawless. BUT, don't you go out and get pinched for jaywalking, that is a very serious crime now.

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This document shows the way that regulations of products including medicine might be going. I am terrified about this. In the long run, it looks like it will loosen regulations and give more discretion back to the businesses. The Canadian government entered this agreement in secrecy. That is the telling part of it.

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There is a document in here that shows the way that processes of products in medicine is looking in the technocratically "envisioned" future https://aim4truth.org/2023/09/16/cat-report-836/

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Yes, but not as a general unqualified recommendation .

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AHPRA is captured also.

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This little piggy went to the market

This little piggy stayed home

He had a cold and flu like illness and didn't want to roam

He took all his medicine

Then died on the floor

Leaving a widow and family behind

Destitute and poor

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See the pretty little piggies in their starched white shirts...

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Pigs can eat their own.

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Even when poisoned?

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Everything is poisonous in the appropriate dose.

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There’s a very good lecture by Dr David Healy on the history of medicine in which I think he concludes that medicine started to go wrong in about 1980. This was when doctors in hospitals started to be ruled by mangers more interested in limiting liability than helping patients.


We are on our own and I have more or less resolved not to take anything which hasn’t been on the market for at least 40 years. So simple pain relief or antibiotics is about it. Statins, SSRIs, the new weight loss pills belong in the garbage bin.

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Medicine started going wrong at least 100 years ago in the west

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How to use the captured agencies???? Is the way to bring accountability through suing their decision makers individually?

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My feeling is the people in them need to be replaced with empathic humans.

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