thank you Phil,

the evil incarnate that is Professor Kristine Macartney, with conflicts of interest totaling over $64,000,000

.. Director of the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS), a mouthpiece organisation for the vaccine industry falsely cloaked with government independence

.. and consultant at The Children's Hospital at Westmead which is currently embroiled in possibly fraudulent activities for bringing false complaints against Dr My Le Trinh resulting in her suspension

and now responsible for a seemingly fraudulent paper in the Lancet

there is nothing and no end Kristine Macartney won't go to

.. always smoke following everything she does or touches

a despicable person

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Even The Lancet has been 'got at' and cannot be trusted. The Lancet is now CORRUPT!

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Evil, most certainly. How can our public health officials say ‘safe and effective’ with data from the UK like these?

🇬🇧⚰️ Some alarming before and after data in respect to cancer in the age group 15 to 44 (link included to Ed Dowd source):


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G'day Julian, Despicable people are now carrying placards declaring; Don't associate that low life with us.

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Nothing surprises us anymore, and reading through Wilson Sy’s letter as well as the related Substack by Geoff Pain, it’s unavoidably obvious that government is completely captured, and by that I include regulators, the courts, the medical boards, in fact practically any institution worth noting in which we could once have placed our trust. So now what?

Given the enormous iniquity of this entire cabal of corrupted psychopaths with god complexes, what options are open to us plebs? Kristine Macartney isn’t going to give up her place in the pyramid scheme voluntarily, or have a come-to-Jesus moment, she won’t be sued or brought to justice for the incalculable damage she has done and will continue to do in the future, because the job she is doing is very lucrative to both her and her corporate benefactors.

Whistleblowers are ignored and censured, contrarian data is ignored and derided and anyone speaking out regardless of professional bona fides is vilified, cancelled and smeared ... what’s left for us to do here, real talk.

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The decision of opportunistic or captured public health officials to finalise deals with certain organisations may be one that comes back to haunt them. Their families, after all, may too one day be subject to forced medical interventions, held in place by digitised compliance. In the words of a Canadian psychologist: “How do you deal with psychopaths? The answer is, you don’t. You can’t reason with them, you can’t bargain with them, and you can’t appease them. If you try to deal with them in any way, they will keep using you until you are ruined. This is their nature.”

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100% agree with you, hence I’ve essentially withdrawn any consent to welcome the mainstream into my life whatsoever in any capacity

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Scrutinize their every move. Bring light to everything they do. Keep eyes open with a skeptic viewpoint.

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I hear you and of course all of that is appropriate and skepticism has pretty much become synonymous with critical thinking at this point. This is pretty much a rhetorical question, so I don’t expect an answer, but then what? Right now we face the very real possibility that the systems supposedly set up to assist human flourishing and improve living standards have morphed into edifices of greed, corruption, neglect and incompetence ... populated by the worst of us for their benefit and to the detriment of the commons. The subject paper released is but a small snapshot of the “unreality” in which we find ourselves, but when the channels that ostensibly exist to “shine a light” on the truth are themselves captured by those who promote the lie, it’s hard to imagine what tips this whole shit show back in favour of decency and humanity.

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We all just got to stop. Bring the house of cards crashing down. Default mortgages, stop production, stop the economy. They will come to the table very quickly.

It's not illegal to quit your job and default on your debt, rich people do it all the time. I get slated for this argument everytime I post it, but always by people who expect this whole shitshow to get better and go away without impacting on their precious comfortable lives. There is only one way out, and it's going to sting. History is lathered with examples.

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I couldn’t agree more. Sadly I would like to believe that there’s a more painless outcome but I likewise don’t believe that we can escape this without a significant reduction in overall human thriving.

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⚖️ Petition to oppose the WHO - from Michael O’Neill’s Heart Party (Informed Medical Options Party): https://www.facebook.com/100057374893696/posts/pfbid02E9SFnnQLgxBcuZXSCyzXHA2N9p6KFsiZmMacV7bguFghK1tfNrj3aR8CtnZ97H3cl/

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when will they stop hiding from the truth with these vacines . Try and get anyone to accept what has happened is almost impossible, regardless of eduction level

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What an appropriate photo to illustrate how folks might be blind to injury from vaccines. There’s none so blind to reality as they with their heads in the sand.

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As many medically-trained people have been saying for a couple of years now, the 'no virus' argument is the only way out of this. Otherwise they'll just keep trying on one scare tactic after another.

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A more fundamental question we might ask is:

"Do ANY vaccines protect us against anything in any way?"

Let's start with the alleged distinct illness "smallpox" supposedly eradicated by a vaccine ...

5 Huge Historical Vaccine Frauds


The Truth About Smallpox


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I certainly believe these poor people, I know of real, not rare. I even mentioned it to my doctor when we were discussing the vax. He didn’t say anything much, just “we believe they’re rare”(side effects). He may not have known the whole story at the time, but if he doesn’t know by now, all I can say is he must be stupid. I keep seeing him as I’m trying to get off pain killers from failed back surgery. Otherwise I wouldn’t see a doctor at all if I could help it.

I received a very professional pamphlet in my letterbox, last year sometime. I just can’t remember who produced it-but it’s a vax injured advocacy group. It outlines about 1/2 dozen people’s side effects, and importantly I remember the phrase “just because it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen”. Or something like that.

I’m in a small rural community, we hardly ever even get a catalogue in our letterbox, so I was impressed that someone bought and delivered the pamphlet to me. I looked on the website, and the pamphlets were not cheap.

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Ongoing absolute democidal disgrace, people should hang

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Covid & the supposed 'VACCINE' are planned stages of The New World Order's intention to depopulate the planet!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Every lie, denial, contradiction is further evidence & another nail in their coffin(s). You just have to believe.

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Congratulations. I wish I could be there!

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I am interested in Dr Sy elaborating on the deficiencies in data integrity, the selection bias, and the flawed methods of analysis.

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If you ignore the references to viruses, this is a good read.

🤔When will all these people do a deep dive down the virology rabbit hole?

I think they are scared of what they’ll find so probably never.

Maybe they will find that viruses don’t exist as we are told to believe?

Maybe they will find that the entire vaccine industry is built on sleight of hand and outright lies.

Maybe they will find out that the virus scams are not just 3 years old but over a 100 years old.

Then there is all the writing they have done that will be faulted?

That all just to hard.

Hence a lot of freedom fighters are by default, giving the fear-mongering elites free ammo to further assault the gullible masses.

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I totally agree! And yes I hope there are thousands of us that are aware of these facts. 'Never Again' will we be taken as mugs. They must suffer for underestimating the non-elite! Cheers! Mick.

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Reality is increasingly proving that the 'Experiments' (called 'vaccines') are useless and highly dangerous.

My realisation, after suspecting the incredible marketing of the Covid 19 virus, was that I suspected something suspicious was afoot.

Then came the 'miraculous' announcement of the 'Experimental jab' which seemed to be invented within a few months from the release of the VIRUS. I say 'Release' because, since 29019, I have become cynical and have come to the conclusion that Big Pharma actually create diseases, in laboratories, for the profits they can enjoy.

Then I learned that many people were suffering 'side effects' and soon discovered the MSM were, and still are, hiding these disturbing facts.

Then I found that some of these POST-VAX 'complications' were long-term, causing those who accepted the jab, more likely to catch Covid and other more serious illnesses.

Then I read that some very serious health complications were being covered up by Big Pharma, and that DEATHS were being caused by these useless but deadly injections.

Then I discovered that Big Pharma accept NO LIABILITY for any Post Vax complications or DEATHS.. Initially, they pretended any Vax complications were "EXTREMELY RARE". Reality is proving these events are EXTREMELY COMMON.

It comes to light these deadly injections are Gene Editing formulas, which can integrate humans into other technologies that mighty be used to discipline any of us who dare to question the obvious.

My conclusion is that COVID was deliberately engineered in various laboratories using Bio-weapon technology to enhance Viruses for maximum impact upon humans, in order to create a market for expensive (but ineffective) injections they pretend are 'VACCINES'.

This series of discoveries made me believe that the world is under attack from ALL those who have financial influence. The main group are members of the World Economic Forum, which is behind the New World Order or Great Reset. Their sinister motives imply they are addressing Global Warming, but in reality, it is about depopulating the planet and taking total control of humanity, so that, those that survived the injections (The Cull) will be used as SLAVES by the elites.

Never again will I trust the medical profession, the media, and Governments, because they are all part of the planned destruction of our Freedom.

You've all been surreptitiously genetically Modified and can expect, at best, a Shorter Life Expectancy!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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