Mar 18·edited Mar 18

Don't forget the book "Turtles All The Way Down"

If only I could have my time over — there is NO WAY I'd have any of my 4 children vaxed.

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The debate was excruciating to watch. Peter showed his arrogant ignorance on the subjects of Andrew Wakefield and the altered ABS all cause mortality figures. Your comments and the way he dismissed you were appalling. And on the subject of childhood vaccines, my 5 month old granddaughter got injected with the usual MMR ‘vax’ but they added the meningococcal injection one to it. The perfectly healthy child had a cardiac arrest that night and nearly died. Subsequently she was on beta blockers for 6 years. Her heart still beats too fast. 🥹. Our children are given a minimum of 53 vaccinations prior to starting school. Andrew Wakefield was right. They have no idea of what this onslaught can do to an infant, particularly as at 18 months they get 8 at once!

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Painful to watch especially the "answers" to good questions afterwards. Great that you and Claire picked up on the flawed death-predicting models and ABS statistical manipulations; I enjoyed the pointed question about medical ethics and AHPRA censorship, which was somehow unheard of by this gentleman?

Some of the other blatant "errors" in the case for the Narrative that I noted:

- there was "no treatment" possible, "nothing could be done" for "Covid patients";

- excess deaths were due to "consequences" of prior Covid infection (like "long Covid" no doubt!);

- 40% in NSW ICU were "unvaccinated" - by what definition?;

- the "most recent figures" (aka those conveniently altered by ABS statistical magic tricks) show a "decline in deaths".

It became obvious that the PsyOp memes were being recycled: "We WILL have another pandemic"; the Quarantine facilities "will be useful in future"; all the usual diatribe against "antivaxxers", "defiantly unvaccinated", "grifters, cranks, charlatans" with "intellectual poverty"; Byron Bay's low childhood vaccinations, a "middle-class affectation" for those "addicted to counter narratives"; the usual Andrew Wakefield accusations of "fabrication"; "you DO NOT PICK AND CHOOSE ABOUT VACCINES". This fellow was either a prime victim of propaganda or a clever...no I think the former, actually.

And his data? Two pictures of unfortunate victims of measles and smallpox. Our vulnerability according to him was that the States run health. Thank goodness the WHO will soon take over!! OMG, he no doubt looks forward to more "miracle" injections. Oh well.

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I can’t bring myself to watch this after reading the summary. Nothing changes. The circus goes on!

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Mr Altman, I'd do a deeper dive on the smallpox vaccine for it's effectiveness. Jenner was another fraud. There is much written and Dr Sam Bailey has a video. In a normal world, the regulators would pull these off the market, but they haven't. They give the appearance of doing their jobs by stopping other products, OTCs, that have the potential to cause harm, but don't seem to have any power over any Covid jabs, do they? All these meetings, USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Phillipines, Japan, several countries in Europe, all have declared the jabs as dangerous, not forgetting ineffective, so why has there been no action from regulators or Health Ministers, to stop them? Are we to believe they are all unaware? Who is it that controls the regulators and Health Ministers?

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Excellent information Geoff. I will highlight in another Substack due to the importance of this information.

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Thanks for the summary, i could barely take 5mins of Peter!

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Does vaccination cause ASD? The data in VAERS is consistent with recommended vaccines for children under age 2 ASD adverse events occurring at the current yearly ASD rate; genetic risk factors play a role in some cases; see: https://www.accscience.com/journal/AN/articles/online_first/1288

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I used to subscribe to Steve Kirsch, so I know a fair bit about him.(I think!) He has presented good data over the approx 3 year period I followed him. Trouble is, he’s never gotten anywhere with all this good data. He has said he makes money winning bets, mainly about covid it seems. I thought that was a bit unprofessional, as I know he is worth about $200 million, but it’s probably more by now.

He is unfortunately, what people call controlled opposition. So he seems like he’s doing all this good work that we like, but he never gets anywhere with it.

Some would say that this sullies his reputation, but it doesn’t matter what people think of him, he is probably being paid by dubious characters like George Soros and sons, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and more. He’s not losing any money.

He hardly says anything about his Silicon Valley past, present or future. Before he got on substack, he was involved in the creation of quantum dots, which in the body, can show if someone has received a vaccination or not. (The dots being in the vaccine) He also was working on CBDCs, how they can be implemented. There’s nothing to say he’s stopped this research.

Also, his story about how he became aware of how bad the covid jabs are has changed over time. You’d think he’d get that to be consistent, of all things, as this is what led him to start a substack.

He’s got 2 degrees from MIT (nothing wrong with that), and because he made a rather large donation to MIT, he has an auditorium there named after him.

He claims to have lost faith in the Democrat party-but why still live in California if you feel this way? Especially the way SAN Francisco and L.A. are at the moment.(I know it’s a large state). Kirsch is supporting RFK jr in his run for President. Kirsch announced in his substack that he was going to try and get RFKjr to run for president. I bet that involved a lot of donation.

Anyway, it’s a bit of background that some people may not know. I don’t even know if he conducts his own research! He’s quite close to Dr Robert Malone-some say there is something weird going on between Kirsch, Malone, and RFKjr.

I’ve got most of this research from OUTRAGED HUMAN substack. Also from my own observations whilst subscribing to Kirsch’s substack. I went there because he announced “We’ve got vials”(covid vax), back in 2021, when everyone wanted to know what was in them. He NEVER came through on that!

He was doing discovery about autism and vaccines, but did he really do the work? He’s a double degree electrical engineer, I may not have that quite right, but close.

Anyway, I (and a bunch of other people) think he’s controlled opposition, and not quite what he says he is. Last year he had 200,000 subscribers, now it’s a million. That’s a lot of new subscriptions! I also think he suffers from narcissism.

Question everything! Satan is the father of lies!!! Think about what that means-the father of lies-satan will stoop to any level, use whoever he wants, to get all those lies happening!!!

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Are you kidding me?!?!?!

'Jack the Insider'/'Peter', a hack with the Murdoch media was given this platform, a viperish individual who uses his column with the Murdoch media to demonise people questioning taxpayer-funded vaccination policy and practice.

Were conflicts of interest disclosed? For instance that the Murdoch media/News Corp Australia is a corporate partner with the Murdoch Children's Research Institute? https://www.mcri.edu.au/mcri/partnerships

The Murdoch Children's Research Institute was originally founded with the support of Rupert Murdoch's mother Elisabeth Murdoch https://www.mcri.edu.au/mcri/about-mcri, and now has the involvement of Lachlan Murdoch's partner Sarah Murdoch on the Board and as an Ambassador https://www.mcri.edu.au/mcri/leadership/ambassadors

The Murdoch Children's Research Institute is involved in vaccine research https://www.mcri.edu.au/research/research-areas/infection-immunity-and-global-health, including Covid-19 vaccine research with the Doherty Institute https://www.mcri.edu.au/research/research-areas/infection-immunity-and-global-health/vaccine-immunisation-research-group-virgo

Was this conflict disclosed by 'Jack the Insider'/'Peter'?

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That was like watching a car crash🤦‍♀️. Jack who was introduced as knowing everything proved he knew nothing. The debate went of course very quickly with Jack trying to give a history lesson in vaccinations rather than debating he COVID 💉 😢. John made some good points but his constant reassurance of vaccinations in general being great was off putting. Surely the focus should have been on the novel gene based medication that was still in its clinical phase when it was mandated on the public. The vaccine injured were ignored and dismissed with ‘we expect a few casualties’ ie do it for the greater good😡

The guy who inference, people who lost their jobs were ready to be sacked and then went on a personal vendetta about Hoody should hang his head in shame. Hopefully he has learned from this experience it’s better to be thought stupid than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.

This was a great opportunity to explore what is already public knowledge such as the lies and deceit by big pharma, the deaths and coverups from Pfizer’s trial and the government corruption.

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Well, I got the following:

The Playback API request failed for an unknown reason


Technical details :

Unknown catalog request error.

Session ID: 2024-03-18:ddd37a136e35629ba43403f9 Player Element ID: vjs_video_1157

Hopefully, this isn't the permanent state of affairs on this debate now?

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31

The percentage of vaccinated people is inflated. I know many people who managed to find someone who 'gave the vaccine' for them to get the vaccine record to be able to work. And I just heard someone tell of getting the first, and somehow the immunisation record put him down as having had three! If I know this many, there are surely many more. And there are other ways to get around it.

I chose not to go that route, as I wanted no part of even looking like I supported the mandate. Yes, it cost me my job as a nurse, and despite what the man from the audience suggested, I was not bad at my job in the first place! They wouldn't take me back because I stood up to them. I am now working in a different capacity as a nurse, but not fully employed as my employer has maintained its policy of 'fully vaccinated' employees until a few weeks ago.

With regard to the claims of sequelae to covid infection: until someone teases apart those who have developed chronic illnesses post infection after mRNA injections, and those who weren't injected, it is still more likely to be an adverse effect. It's incumbent on drug companies to prove safety, not for victims to prove injury!

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One thought I had about 'The Insider's' presentation (as my mind was fuddled, and a little dissuaded from my firm anti-vax position), was 'lies, damned lies, and statistics'! Some people can wave data and statistics around like weapons, and they sound knowledgable and convincing. Fortunately, I've read too many other commentaries saying the opposite, so I'm still ok. But those who already think like this man will find great encouragement from his speech. Until the truth becomes more accessible, it's a very difficult position to hold.

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Here is an interesting recent Dec '23 Australian study that shows that a much more highly compliant subgroup of the Australian population, (87% compliance for transgender vs 70% for Australians, who have recieved 3 or more doses by May 2022), were having higher rates of health consequences three months or more after the acute covid illness. (37% transgender vs 5-10% Australians).

Lots of statistics and confounding factors to dissect in this one. A job for Prof Fenton because it is too much for my limited 1st year University Statistical Brain.

Yet another coincidence perhaps?


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There never was a Covid Pandemic, all it was, was seasonal Flu, which the WHO with the co-ordination of our governments made into a Covid Pandemic which did not exist ,to scare people into vaccines which stripped their human rights from them and made them a new species with zero rights of any kind and the easier to exterminate as in full blown deliberate Genocide, with 2 billion of the 8 billion being aimed at, as already exterminated.

Fearing being revealed, our governments are now trying to create legislation to suppress what they have been doing and that which they have already achieved, by deliberate vaccine deaths, or other devious means with the same deadly results: Dr. Yeadon’s Recent Message to Support Criminal Investigations in UK


I don’t think it’s too great a claim to say that there isn’t anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments. I’m going to go directly to the charges. These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them. I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines. -Dr. Yeadon

Subject: Fw: Dr Mike Yeadon: Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication

To: Ben.Bates@met.police.uk


Cc: Mark Sexton

Dear Ben Bates,

Dear Ben Bates, I have been asked by former policeman, Mark Sexton (copied) to introduce myself to you & to indicate the fields in which I have unequivocal evidence of criminal activity.

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