For what it's worth, I couldn't care less. They're all frauds trying to scare everyone into compliance. Take my house and money. Throw me out of society, turn my family and everyone against me. Again. I do not care anymore. I walked away once and I will do it again. See what happens if you try and throw me into a Happy Kamp. I dare you. Just know, I will never, ever comply.

Who's with me?

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Walk softly and carry a machette.

A pickaxe, bow and maul, may also be useful.

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Gutsy and inspiring 🥹

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Please join me.

The messaging now is: 'resistance will be futile.' The people who go to the conferences do not live in my world. https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/why-australians-are-saying-no-to

Resistance is always possible.

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Yes, I subscribe to Dystopian Down Under-will look at this article again.

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Read the final paragraphs.

People can say what they wish, but I would never say that. Again, not my world. I will not be politely dragged off to a camp and I know many other Australians feel the same.

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Do you mean “Ultimately, if you value your way of life” etc

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No, I will die for my freedom and bodily autonomy.

They can vaccinate my corpse.

Edit for ASIO minders: defensively, of course.

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If I come across concrete documentary evidence that 'skyvaxxes' are occurring in my local area it will be taken care of. Until then, I shall proceed as normal, calmly and with situational awareness.

If others wish to be randomly be afraid of air like the masked and vaccinated they are welcome to do so, but I will not be.

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It will be a cyber attack, blamed on the "terrorists". Look for the clues, the propaganda that will be spewed out on MSM and already has. This will be an excuse to bring in ID, more tracking and collecting of data, biometrics, facial recognition etc. The Obamas being behind a movie about cyber attack also primes the massess. Films are a way to put people in fear but also make their brains ready to accept these changes they say we need.

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Predictive programming.

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I actually found out the evil Obama's movie called "Leave the world behind" is about Infersonic sound wave weapons, it is analyzed here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FDBzyTA605Db/

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No, the next crisis is infecting the vaccinated right now. The JN1 variant is the mother of the “soon to be born” immune escape variant. This will make the Black Plaque look like a Sunday picnic with your girlfriend.

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I hope your not correct but I have a feeling you are.😳

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I don’t want be right. But ALL evidence points toward this. Vaccinating during a pandemic resulting in the prevention of herd immunity and evolution of variants was a really bad idea. It is/was inevitable that a highly virulent immune escape variant would evolve.

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Dec 28, 2023
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You are assuming that everything was planned... the mass psychosis was planned. The virus was the fear tool. The vaccine was the control tool to escape from the fear they created. They let idiots vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic. It doesn't matter what anyone planned or didn't plan at this point. It is over for many vaccinated folks. They will not survive this.

Read my post here and watch the first link in the post at the bottom


Watch the latest about the JN 1 variate


Watch an explanation of the latest about the JN 1 variant


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Dec 29, 2023
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That is not recommended by this protocol that has been developed to treat this new variant. What will have to be done is dangerous and (I believe) will have little chance of saving any highly vaccinated person who is infected. We are talking about ICU after ONE week from infection onset. The problem I see is that highly vaccinated hospitals will have everyone in the facility infected quickly. This will wipe out the hospitals. Here is the protocol.https://notesfromthesocialclinic.org/in-anticipation-of-a-highly-virulent-sars-cov-2-variant-an-addendum/

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The key question is: “Do we need it?”

Just 50 years ago everything was done with paper and pencil. No electronic records, no computers, no cell phones, all banking transactions on paper and telex, all retail shops with paper and pen, literally everything. And it worked. Actually, everything was smoother and more efficient.

If we don’t need it, why contribute to furthering mass production of CO2 through the new wide-scale bureaucracy?

One new (ID) law will trigger an avalanche of regulations, requirements, reporting, training, accounting, a whole new vaporware sector will come into existence. We simply don’t need it. What we have now is enough to provide what the new proposal calls for. We don’t need it.

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Whatever it is, it won't be something we can avoid such as the next bioweapon being sprayed into the air to cover the planet as the 'elites' hide in their caves. This has already been proposed by the infamous murderer - Gates.

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Whatever the plan is, people won’t be able to live with it, requiring increasing levels of enforcement. The math in the UK is one dude with a $10 spray can vs a camera costing possibly a few thousand. It doesn’t add up. It’s like they know they’re going to get elected. Oh, and the Reserve Bank is illegitimate.

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I’m not sure, but I think the reserve bank is privately owned by the BIS, or IMF, or World Bank-anyway, all these “central banks” are privately owned, so must do what they’re told. The idea is that selected banks, probably all the banks in Australia will be “collapsed”, and none of us will own anything. We’ll lose our money in the bank, our houses and cars, even if fully paid off.

This will be the “You Will Own Nothing” part.

This is from the doco “The Taking”, which is downloadable on all the usual sites. Also the book by the same name is downloadable as a pdf. It’s not terribly long. David Roger’s Webb is the author, and he explains his book in the doco.

It seems this could happen anytime. I suggest the doco at least is well worth a look. Rather frightening.

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They probably wouldn't do another plandemic until they've put in place the new WHOcoup and misinfobill and CBDC or equivalent control system. But after that they'll be enthusiastic to keep the captive-consumers soaking up their new-and-improved transfection shots in the name of "preparedness" for another "lab-leak" or "bioweapon-created-in-a-garage". All "for-the-greater-good" of course!

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I am not sure they need another dramatic intervention at this point in time, for several reasons.

First, we have the excess deaths which I think will ramp up rather than down during the next few years but will still remain relatively invisible to mainstream. Along with potentially nasty new variants (whatever that means), "long covid", and myocarditis, we now have the turbo cancers to deal with. There is some sort of blindness in the resistance communities, that only the vaccinated (only?) are dying prematurely, but that is not the case. I am unvaxxed, I have a totally debilitating long covid and now not just one but TWO different turbo cancers, along with a bevvy of other apparently more minor issues - all new but very common in the long covid community. The reason I mention this is that nameless faceless beings like me are continuing to drop off the planet with no fanfare, and if I have been flattened, anyone can be next. Even turbo cancers take a year or two to kill people, and often more, so the excess deaths will continue, I think at an increasing and maybe exponential rate. There is no need for another "epidemic". This one still has lots of deadly mileage in it.

Second, "they" have introduced lots of initiatives under the cover of covid that might have met serious resistance if they were installed alone, but which have gained a foothold with virtually no resistance. These can be refined, pretty much invisibly.

5G is an obvious example. Its here, its expanding at a phenomenal rate, and all "they" have to do is keep it coming and do whatever they are going to do with it. It's rollout is visible if we look, but few are looking and no-one seems to be able to make a link between increased illness and 5G rollout. It's all too complicated particularly when the increased illness is all boiled in with supposed covid, long covid and vaccine injury. Even the resistance can't keep the ideas and implications separate and see each for what it is, so the "normies" have no chance.

Along with 5G we have the defunct quarantine centres, leased out for other purposes now, but squatting there menacingly for future reference. We can have no idea to what use they may be put, but they are poised and ready. It's probably good to iron out any logistical problems with them before they are used as detention centres, anyway.

Third, we have all the initiatives that were introduced before covid that are still creeping along, invisible to most.

We have the apparently defunct Indue card, the potential for launching income control, which has been maintained under a range of different un-memorable names. It is now called Enhanced Income Management - and it is bubbling along in the background in an improved version. So still there, still being tested, ready and waiting for what, a new wave of income control using digital currency?

We have the ubiquitous chem trails, long pre-dating covid, and still there, quite legally dropping all manner of highly toxic chemicals on us. They are another "hidden in plain sight" initiative, information about which is thoroughly documented and freely available on the internet under the name "geo-engineering", but to which most normies are still entirely blind. You point up to a criss crossed sky and their eyes go blank. So that assault on our health and our futures (there is no such thing as "organic" food any more) can continue and maybe be further refined with no objection from us.

And we have the continuing corruption of the entire medical fraternity that has left us almost entirely abandoned, to manage alone in the most testing time the human body has lived through. Even those of good intent are mentally corrupted by a century or more of brainwashing by the drug companies and are incapable of addressing the health issues we are now facing. And the medicos are not alone. All the successful individuals in our culture have become embroiled in a belief in a culture that makes no sense any more and they cannot - or will not - see how senseless it is. And for that they live lives of economic ease and financial and emotional reward. They get to watch the rest of us, the 40%, the rebels, fall off the bottom into the pit of "below the poverty line" and they know they don't want to join us there.

And so much more...

This has been going on for a very long time, and there is scope for lots of refinement before the next big drama. They have entrapped the entire human race into the little dramas of our daily lives, such as dealing with our own impending death and the drawn out degradation of life that precedes it, so we have little time left to worry about the big picture.

My prediction. They don't need to assault us physically any more. What they have set in motion already has lots of mileage in it.

But they do need to keep us fighting one another so that we never get chance to form "a movement". I predict ongoing military "entertainments" designed to get us and keep us arguing with one another about issues we just do not understand, such as the genocide of ethnic Russians in Ukraine and the genocide of Palestinians by Israel.

And I predict lots of weather events like droughts and fires and floods and killer thunder storms that materialise out of nowhere. Is it time for the next massive tidal wave? They don't kill many that way, at least in the west, but they keep us scared, they keep us distracted, and again they prevent us from calmly focusing on what they are doing.

2024 - the year of "more of the same".

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Having remembered the Indue Card, I decided to see what they are doing now. Sitting ready, methinks.


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First we have to deal with the current crisis. THE CO2 HOAX.

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Ask Bill Gates what the next crisis will be! He's already stated, "The next one will really get their attention"!

Is there no health risk, ailment or disease that the deadly Covid injection does not exacerbate, create or reintroduce - to those who thought their dormant health issues and diseases were 'history'?

We, the people, have decided = No WHO Amendments, No WHO TREATY, No more World Health Organisation! The WHO is finished!

We, the people, have terminated the WHO since it became Corrupted by Bill Gates' becoming the prominent 'benefactor' (= 'Influencer'), financing over 50% of the WHO's budget. Gates now 'OWNS' the WHO and their DEOPULATION policies!

Since 30th November 2023, we have decided that the WHO now ceases to exist as an influence on world health matters!

We the people have spoken.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Who accused Steve Kirsch of trying to poison the well?

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I don’t know much about Alex Antic Liberal Senator for South Australia. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s part of the young global leaders regime. If that’s the case he wouldn’t be for what’s best for his country.

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Water, internet and Marburg.

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I believe it will be CBDCs, before, but around May, I saw a prediction somewhere, just as more WHO junk is taking place.

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