Charlie comes into his GP to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Fortunately, Charlie has a GP (Dr. Goodhart) who is knowledgable about the vaccines and is prepared to do his professional duty and provide informed consent to Charlie before jabbing him. Here is how the conversation might go…….
CHARLIE: I’ve come in for one of those COVID vaccines doc.
DR. GOODHART: Well Charlie, I must do my duty and tell you what you should known about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine - this is called “informed consent”. It is usually not allowed these days because the practice of medicine has changed since COVID. The first thing I must tell you is that these so-called “vaccines” are not really vaccines because they do not prevent you from getting infected. In fact most COVID patients in hospital now have been fully vaccinated and boosted. Actually, they don’t even prevent you from transmitting the virus to others as you might have been told.
CHARLIE: If they are not really vaccines, then why do they call them vaccines?
DR. GOODHART: Good question Charlie. It is to convince you they are safe and you need it. You probably don’t know but these COVID-19 “vaccines” are really gene-based products which are normally reserved for the treatment of rare and disabling diseases for which there is no known treatment or option. Very few of these types of gene products have been approved because they carry both short term and long term risks which are unacceptable.
CHARLIE: Are you suggesting that these pharmaceutical “vaccines” approved by the US Food and Drug Administration are not safe?
DR. GOODHART: I’ve got to be frank with you Charlie. These so-called COVID-19 “Vaccines” are neither pharmaceuticals nor do they need to be approved by the US FDA. They were produced under the command and control of these US Dept of Defense and they, by law, are considered “countermeasures”. In fact, they don’t need to be manufactured to the standards of pharmaceuticals or proven to be safe and efficacious. That is why there are so many problems with them. They are not fully approved because insufficient safety and efficacy data has been provided to fully approve them. No mRNA “vaccine” has ever been approved.
CHARLIE: What are the problems?
DR. GOODHART: Well, they are associated with the highest incidence of death and serious adverse events in the history of the pharmaceutical industry. In fact, since the introduction of the COVID-19 “vaccines” the world has seen an unexpected and significant rise in the number of people dying of heart conditions, cancer and neurological conditions. In fact, healthy professional athletes in the prime of their life all over the world are dying at more than 20 times the historical rate….just dropping dead following exercise. Normal healthy people are unexpectedly just dropping dead at home or in their sleep. In addition, young kids, boys in particular, can develop inflammation of the heart following vaccination and this can be fatal.
CHARLIE: I’ve never heard anything like this on the news or in newspapers. You have got to be kidding me doc.
DR. GOODHART: No Charlie. I’m not kidding you. There is mass censorship going on in the media. They cannot mention the dangers of being vaccinated. There is a near total blackout of the facts. I could loose my license to practice medicine by telling you the truth. I cannot even tell you that in countries like Denmark, due to safety concerns they are no longer recommending these “vaccines”.
Now, how about it Charlie? If you just roll up your sleeve I can stick this unapproved, gene-based countermeasure in your arm and it is going to spread throughout your body including your brain with unknown long term safety consequences and it will not prevent you from getting COVID-19.
CHARLIE : Let me sleep on it doc…..I’ll get back to you.
The Australian Department of Health and Aged Care is clear on the subject...who knew?
From a letter dated 17 November 2022:
"Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent
procedures for other vaccinations."
Brilliant approach! How to "detox" those who have been "inoculated" against "misinformation". Love this.