The Australian Department of Health and Aged Care is clear on the subject...who knew?

From a letter dated 17 November 2022:

"Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent

procedures for other vaccinations."


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Brilliant approach! How to "detox" those who have been "inoculated" against "misinformation". Love this.

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Great dialogue Phillip - providing sufficient information for true informed consent by patients is the ethical and legal duty of all Australian medical practitioners

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We need more Dr. Goodhart's in Australia.

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AHPRA's talons are flexing uneasy over this post

circling around this post, annoyed you are not one of their 'pretty registered pawns'

.. nice work Phil

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Speaking of AHPRA...here's what they advised me in September 2021:

"Practitioners have an obligation to obtain informed consent for treatment, including

vaccination. Informed consent is a person’s voluntary decision about health care that is made

with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved. There is more

information about informed consent in each National Board’s Code of Conduct or equivalent."


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Great scenario.

To which Dr Goodhart will soon get an unsolicited email from AHPRA along the lines of:

Dear Goodhart

Notification we have received about your performance.

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) receives and manages notifications (complaints) about registered health practitioners or students on behalf of the Medical Board of Australia (the Board).

On dd mmm yyyy, Ahpra received a notification by a Confidential notifier about you under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (the National Law). A summary of the notification is enclosed below for your information.

Along the lines of this story.


With AHPRA, all the specialist medical colleges , all medical indemnity organisations and probably 80% of doctors complicit in this corrupt process, it is hard to see how any of this will happen. The lie is too great.

The process used at the BBC yesterday with stickers on office windows for those that have died or been injured by vaccines may be a way to get change started.

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