Before COVID, I thought humanity had learned something from the past, bloody 100 years. It now appears many people would rather die than look in a mirror. Thank-you for your post!

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Great to have someone honest and brave to put their hand up in this age of pathetic wimps- most pollies are either liars or in complete denial... refusing to even consider that the people and innocent children who pay their wages & luxurious conditions are dying/ suffering as a result of their actions and now demonstrable inactions... I have written hundreds of letters to pollies- they just ignore them...and allow gov depts to corruptly interpret data to portray innocence. How can they? The only way this will change is to get rid of all the corrupt pollies & P.Svts. and refer them to Nuremberg - wont be many left! Big chance for Dutto to display his character. He d win in a heartbeat! But will he?

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If the pollies you’ve written to represent your state(senate), or electorate for house of reps-both federal I mean here-they are required (I think by law) to respond to your correspondence.

I had my fed. house of reps pollie reply to my email, about all sorts of things covid, WHO and their vile IHR’s etc, I even asked his covid vax status. Took maybe 5 weeks to reply, by snail mail. His answer about WHO stuff was the expected drivel, including they can’t change Australia’s sovereignty, or make us change our law without parliamentary debate, and referred me to ABS for excess deaths, blah, blah…

I emailed him again, challenging his answers, so he sent me an email saying he’d already answered my questions, so I tried again a few weeks ago, don’t think I’ll get an answer.

I’m not giving up though. If lots of us keep at these pollies, maybe something will give. There are too many distractions (and they know it), so people get distracted. We’ve got to do our own research, or use research of others without plagiarising, and keep pushing. Else we’ll end up owning nothing and/or be dead. (Most of them lie and ignore us.) I pointed out to him that WEF/UN/WHO won’t care about him once he’s served his useful idiot purpose, not in those words, but I told him to think about it!!!!!

There is no-one coming to save us. All hands on deck!

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Agreed. I dont know why your Aust pollies reply and mine dont? I do get replies occasionally from 1 or 2 x Lib- and ON- but zero from Lab. Greens WOFTAM. What a joke? Why do we taxpayers pay them? And how dare they ignore/ interpret/ corrupt hard data so they can ignore it? All Cause Death Rate is massively up since 2020...WHY?- Distract- look over here- lets talk about the VOICE! What a wank!

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Most of the pollies are paid for and bought by the billionaires!!! They think they are safe for life, but they and their families will be left for dead like the rest of us plebs. They just don’t realise it! I’ve told my house of reps bloke this, and told him to think about it!!

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They will never talk about it because they do not have to. Killing was made legal as long as it was done under the guise of 'covid.'

They are currently retiring overseas and/or making obscene amounts of money.

Unfortunately most of the people in the freedom cafe have yet to receive the memo that the country they live in no longer exists. It's gone.

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Thanks for this. And for those who don't do video:

The Vigilant Fox ( at ) Vigilant Fox


video attached to tweet:


Hat tip: https://phillipaltman.substack.com/p/turning-a-blind-eye

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The full episode of The Highwire from which this clip is taken is


September 22, 2023



DEL BIGTREE: Turbo cancer. What does that mean?

DR. WILLIAM MAKIS: Turbo cancer, it's a recent term. It arose in the public domain and it really describes aggressive cancers that are arising in covid-vaccinated individuals.

It's showing up in young people, people in their 20s, 30s, 40s. The youngest case I reported was a 12 year-old boy who had one Moderna vaccine, four months later developed stage IV brain cancer, and then six months later he died.

And so this is something I've never seen before in my career. I've diagnosed probably 20,000 cancer patients in my career. I've never seen cancers behaving like this. And they grow very, very rapidly. And they present at a late stage.



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William Makis, MD is a radiologist, Oncologist, Cancer Researcher, Author of 100+ publications. Chief of Oncology at The Wellness Company. His Substack is http://makismd.substack.com

The full episode of The Highwire from which this clip is taken is


September 22, 2023


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It's not a disaster.... COVID was what they wanted, 70-90% compliance (depopulation now in progress). Just that we found out they were lying, is the disaster, for them!

The next disaster will be if we allow them to do it, again! VOTE NO! (to THE VOICE) to protect freedom of speech.

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Sadly, I think this thing is going to be rigged to YES. Then we will all pay with much money, changed history (already happened), and moral outrage, with more restrictions for the right to live in our country.

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Thank you Dr Altman for never giving up. What will it take you ask: It will take a directive from the US overlords. Good luck with that!

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None of those who shouldn’t be in charge care. They may be a bit upset that convid didn’t kill us all, but I’m sure they have many back up plans-this plan was set in motion a loooong time ago. Satan’s own are very patient and clever.

Now would be a good time to get on the right side of God, and our Lord Jesus, if you care to. The general populace of the world is in the very worst danger. Take care!

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🇦🇺⚰️ Thank you, Dr Altman. It’s outrageous. For Australia, in 2022, with 95 percent of the adult population double-dosed, we had 10,300 plus Omicron recorded deaths - yet we’ve known about the pre-vaccination IFRs of the more severe legacy strain of the disease since 2020: https://www.actuaries.digital/2023/04/06/covid-19-mortality-working-group-confirmation-of-20000-excess-deaths-for-2022-in-australia/

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The next series of disasters will be enabled by the WHO Pandaemic Treaty- which most western countries- cant sign quick enough- to remove ALL of our National and personal Constitutional Freedoms and Rights.... and allow WHO to be the sole source of Health truth.... Really- is that what we want?

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Excess death statistics have always done the trick for me...

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Seems with excess deaths even in England that King Chuckles III would rather suck up CO2 much as his aforenamed King Chuckles Ii sucked up Hg. Similarly both have a disdain for the commoners who are the scource of their Commonwealth.

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The British Royal family are filthy, masonic, paedophile satanists. Including the females, if that’s what they are. For any Christians who look here, Charles III may in fact the THE ANTICHRIST. Not joking. He was declared King of Israel, not long after his satanic coronation.

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Once the elite have complete totalitarian control ALL diseases will "disappear".

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